lilymae71 Member


  • If I'm lifting a heavy weight (I don't mean POWER lifting but not 5lb wts...), and I'm doing lower body ST? I can max out easily. Maybe I'm just not that fit but I'm thinking for 30 mins, I personally could easily do lower body work with weights and no problem. I saw that somebody said kettlebells and those are awesome,…
  • I think it depends on their motive and I'm not sure we can normally read peoples' minds... If they're purposefully putting you down...consider the source. Do you normally like to interact with people like that? Maybe you do! It kinda sounds like it since you're asking for comebacks. I prefer realising 'what' they are and…
  • I was a lifetimer with WW since 1985. Yeah. In 2009, I stopped going and started using VARIOUS online services and apps, some I liked better than others. I ended up with MFP and have stayed. Healthy living is a big experiment. I was told from the 1980s that whole grains and vegetarian lifestyle would best help me control…
  • I use VLC to mean very low carb but nevertheless, I won't argue your point because all I have is N=1 to go from. I don't think that I've EVER eaten very low CALORIES, ha! I've seen some people on here who eat 700 a day AND workout (not saying net cal). I don't know how they do it cos I'm a girl who eats! For about 18…
  • I work full time, it certainly depends on your goals. I'm okay with body fat in the low 20s, being a size 4 or 6. I don't get complaints. I have a few autoimmune diseases, so my goal is being functional and looking good. At best: lifting almost to failure from 30-45 minutes 3 days a week and walking about 12k steps a day…
  • I looked at 4 of your days... That's probably not the best representation of what you eat overall but that's all the time I had. Firstly, you're about a decade younger than I am so at least you have metabolism in your favour! Let me say, good on you for tracking! Good on you for taking control of your health and good on…
  • I donated, too. We live rural and there's always a huge need. The closest place to donate (not a GW or other large name, just a small church) is over 20 miles away.
  • Well said. Me, too.
  • Congratulations on meeting goal but mostly on having healthy babies!
  • If all you want is protein, GNC has one that's like 2 ingredients, based upon animal protein (which is great). I can't do the ones high in whey (or all) as I'm allergic (I can sneak a little if it's at the end of ingredients list). I prefer doing the powders that contain macrobiotics and greens (sort of meal replacement in…
  • Natural Calm (brand) Magnesium is a wonder-supplement for this. It's pricey but particularly if you're not going to use it everyday (though it would be good for all of us to take everyday, as magnesium is often low in most of us), it'll be more cost-effective. I get about 50g of fat a day (which as others have pointed out,…
  • I follow AIP (autoimmune protocol) because I have several autoimmune diseases. It's basically 'stricter than paleo' but I'm not perfect (nor should anybody try to be PERFECT, I think--very stressful). I still drink alcohol and eat some sugar but since I take no grains nor legumes -- and a bunch of other things that I've…
  • Right. I'm from a working ranch in the Ozarks. We raised or hunted/ fished everything we ate (including sugar cane, thanks) and we don't have street lights or other infrastructure apart from shoddy electric. We still heat with wood. I wasn't fat or even overweight eating TONS of real food (we didn't have fast food or even…
  • I have Celiac disease. Your best bet is whole foods, such as meat, fruits and vegetables. This is an hour long but has a lot of great info, some of which I didn't know and I have it!
    in More GF Comment by lilymae71 March 2014
  • I like this answer! I can guarantee for every deep-under-eat, there's a big over-eat waiting in the curtains. Be kind to yourself and move on.
  • Hiya, I don't usually take part on the forum here but I wanted to commend you for keeping at it. You've done a LOT of good. As a lifetimer from WW since 1985, I've heard a lot of stories, whether up or down, and I can say the first 10% that you get off makes probably the biggest difference in *health.* A lot of people…
  • I highly recommend LiveFit Revolution! They're in season 4 now. You must register to get access but from then on, you get a live-recording workout 4 times a week to "workout with the class." I like that it feels like I'm with them! Also, for people who have A LOT of fat to convert to muscle, your classmates are bigger…
  • I wore my chest strap Sportline Duo concurrently with a BodyBugg for 2 weeks and for exercise sessions, the BB told me the exact same calorie burn as the MUCH CHEAPER Sportline. BB tracks your all-day calorie burn but when you sync it, you see when it goes far more active (it's graphed) and that's the sessions I'm talking…