Can someone look at my food diary?



  • Looks like some of your food measurements are either over estimated or under, I suggest using a food scale. And you should be drinking enough water, try this simple formula Current Weight/2 = ? oz of water. Your water shouldn't be less than that.

    And also try to recalculate your goals.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks beachhouse,

    I am slowly getting there with my diet. We bought a house not too long ago and my schedule is insane. I am lucky if I make to the gym when I want.

    I was eating horribly before, fast food breakfasts, hot chocolates, eating out for lunch and having mutliple helpings at dinner and ice cream or brownies most nights.

    I eat alot of prepacked not just to start the change and i know its not ideal. I plan to revamp my diet meal by meal soon.

    I know this is a lifestyle change and I know if I make two drastic of changes I will rebel. (sad but true).

    I am also trying to focus on being more active.

    How do you weigh everything and not let food take over your life?

    I know what you mean about "too many changes and you will rebel"
    I do the same thing. Always.

    • If you don't like drinking calories and you don't like fruits, maybe smoothies are not a good choice for you. There's nothing wrong with that.

    • Personally, I don't plan on weighing my food forever. But I found out that one of my biggest problems is portion control. And since I stated tracking my food I realized that what I previously though was 1 serving/ 1 portion, was actually 2 or 3 servings!!! So I was grossly underestimating my caloric consumption.
    I think that once I begin to understand portions, being able to exercise self-control *and* I have reached my goal weigh, I will be able to eat without weighing everything.
    To me it is not that much of a bother. When I cook, I have to measure the ingredients anyway. So now, I just measure 1 more time (in the scale, this time) before it goes in my plate.
    Sure, it is a bit of PITA, but if it can give me results, I'll do it.

    • As far as not time to make it to the gym, I totally understand. I have two little kids at home that will NOT stay at my gym's daycare soooooo... quick workout videos are my best friends:
    Less than 30 minutes and I am panting:

    • Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred
    • JM Shred it with Weights
    • Lotte Berke Method
    • Cable on Demand (free!) videos
    • C25K program (free) 20-30 minute walk/jog around the neighborhood.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks Soy!!

    I am trying to not rely on processed foods but the portioned out meals feel safer some days than weighing and going it alone.

    I have an addictive personality and I know obsessing over weighing everything may be a rabbit hole I am scared to go down :(.

    If weighing your food can be a trigger for ED or other issues and you still would like to lose weight, I would *seriously* consider the advice of a nutritionist or other professional to help you achieve your goals safely. No other way around it.
    Take care of your health first.
  • I don't think that 2lbs a week is unreasonable at your weight. I started at 246 and for the first several months I averaged 2lbs a week. After I dropped out of the 200s I averaged 1.5lbs a week. I try to stay at 1500 calories most days but allow myself to go as high as 1750 if I have worked out beyond my norm.

    I am at a point now where I am elated to lose 1lb a week but am happy if it is only .5lbs.

    I eat fairly healthy and still have my indulgences so I don't think a bagel and cream cheese is so bad. I just finished a peanut butter and banana sandwich for is within my calorie goals and provides me with protein...fat...fiber...potassium...and some micronutrients.

    My advice...just keep working on making some took me several weeks to find what would work for me.

    Good luck...

    Thanks Annie.....

    I feel like its one of the hardest things that most people will ever do and alot of people dont understand it.

    I am going to start eating cleaner one meal at time.

    The struggle is real
  • Thanks Soy!!

    I am trying to not rely on processed foods but the portioned out meals feel safer some days than weighing and going it alone.

    I have an addictive personality and I know obsessing over weighing everything may be a rabbit hole I am scared to go down :(.

    If weighing your food can be a trigger for ED or other issues and you still would like to lose weight, I would *seriously* consider the advice of a nutritionist or other professional to help you achieve your goals safely. No other way around it.
    Take care of your health first.

    I go to the gym and do one hour classes instead of 30 minutes a day. does that make a difference? I am going to add in walking on days I cant go to the gym.

    For me it may not be ED, but when I hyperfocus on something my life then revolves around it and then other parts of my life suffer. Does that make sense?
  • I try to drink 80-100 oz of water a day I just dont log it in. I also try to get it all in while at work. Once I go home the kids are my focus and I may not drink all evening. I do drink an unsweetened ice tea with dinner as a treat.
  • lilymae71
    lilymae71 Posts: 23 Member
    I looked at 4 of your days... That's probably not the best representation of what you eat overall but that's all the time I had. Firstly, you're about a decade younger than I am so at least you have metabolism in your favour!

    Let me say, good on you for tracking! Good on you for taking control of your health and good on you for being a busy mum!

    If I compare myself to you (not knowing your measurements/ body metrics), all I have is age, so I can only say I eat WAY MORE than you do but I eat whole foods. I'm Celiac, so it's 'easy' as I *cannot* eat anything prepared by somebody else! The downside is I'm an excellent cook and tend to far overeat (hence eating way more than you do). I do not eat grains, as a rule, not just the wheat and barley associated with Celiac but I try to avoid them all. If I take rice or corn, it's a treat food. I am NOT low carb! I just do not do well eating grains. I also see a lot of dairy.

    Especially as a cancer survivor, I think it'd be great for you to look into the dairy connection. This isn't some hippie stuff. This is biochemistry. Dairy is a growth thing (I'm obviously not a doctor) and that's why body builders who don't want to use steroids walk around swigging dairy. So, it a) is not good at all for people with neurological disease, inflammatory diseases or some types of cancer and b) it makes you bulk up.

    I know the ads say 'those who eat our yoghurt lose X % more than other dieters.' I'm just saying that a study and there are other studies which show the opposite. Maybe those yoghurt eaters weren't eating fast food instead, right? So, you have to kind of read a whole lot of scientific stuff and then TRY it. If it works for you, COOL. If it doesn't, well now you know, right?

    Anyway, what I see is a lot of grains and a lot of dairy (compared to me). I eat at least 18C of dark leafy vegetables (various sorts) a week in addition to some other veg. I eat little fruit. I'm not perfect but I'd rather eat veg than fruit due to nutrient content. Since I have several autoimmune diseases, I have to really focus on nutrient-dense foods. I still eat sugar and empty calorie stuff--again, not perfect! But focusing on adding things that are nutrient-dense will better serve your body functions and will curb hunger.

    I hope sharing my stuff helps. I don't know what's right for you but I can say I think you're great for working it!
  • Tiny_Zg
    Tiny_Zg Posts: 15 Member
    Big numbers of sodium are burning my eyes :noway:
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Big numbers of sodium are burning my eyes :noway:

    While it may mask loss with water, excess sodium shouldn't hinder fat loss as long as they're in a calorie deficit.
  • Tiny I asked for suggestions not sarcasm. I am not in the frame of mind to indulge childish behavior
  • Thank you all for the constructive criticism. Compared to what I was eating a month ago I have come a long way. So a month from now I expect to be even further along.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I don't think that 2lbs a week is unreasonable at your weight. I started at 246 and for the first several months I averaged 2lbs a week. After I dropped out of the 200s I averaged 1.5lbs a week. I try to stay at 1500 calories most days but allow myself to go as high as 1750 if I have worked out beyond my norm.

    I am at a point now where I am elated to lose 1lb a week but am happy if it is only .5lbs.

    I eat fairly healthy and still have my indulgences so I don't think a bagel and cream cheese is so bad. I just finished a peanut butter and banana sandwich for is within my calorie goals and provides me with protein...fat...fiber...potassium...and some micronutrients.

    My advice...just keep working on making some took me several weeks to find what would work for me.

    Good luck...

    Thanks Annie.....

    I feel like its one of the hardest things that most people will ever do and alot of people dont understand it.

    I am going to start eating cleaner one meal at time.

    The struggle is real

    It can be a struggle at times...if we allow it to become one. I find at times that I become obsessed with the process instead of enjoying the journey. When that happens...I have to take a step back and refocus. Recently I found myself so caught up in tracking those macro/micro things that I wasn't enjoying what was happening to my body and in my life. So...I am taking a break from those temporarily and just trying to stay in my calorie goals.

    For me...this has been a "good" point in my life and one that was much needed for various reasons. Besides from learning about food...nutrients...exercise...I have learned much more about myself...the good and the bad. I think that is what has allowed to be more successful this time in losing weight...knowing who I am and what I am capable of.

    Try to enjoy the journey...the weight will come off...

    Keep getting up every morning and starting kind to yourself...most of for yourself all of the things that you deserve...even if that is a bagel with cream cheese!!! (Just not too many of them...LOL)
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    After reading through this I thought of one other strategy you might play around with.

    As others have mentioned, the most likely candidate here is that you might be underestimating some calories and thus eating more than your diary may indicate. So to get things moving in the right direction you need to eat less.

    You could play around with intermittent fasting and skip a meal every once in a while. For example, you could consider skipping breakfast every other day but eat normally for your other meals and snacks. From what I see in your diary this would save you a few hundred calories every time you do it. Basically giving you a some 1200 calorie days and some 1500 calorie days.

    Anyway, just another strategy that hadn't been mentioned before.

    Good luck!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Are you being honest? With yourself? Come on now, tell the truth
  • Yes I am.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    I have my diary set for 2 lbs a week, and I have about 60lbs to lose, give or take, the thing is, I knew when I set it at 2lbs a week that I should not expect every week to be exactly the same. That is unrealistic, and if you expect that you will only get frustrated when the scale is not showing you what you want to see. I am sure you know your body is a complex machine, and you should not expect every week to be exactly the same. That being said, wouldn't you rather it take you 2 years and you get to your goal and have changed your life in a way that you are able to maintain your weight loss long term rather than dropping in in months and going back to old habits and gaining the weight back, yet again. I understand the want to have the lbs. drop quickly, it's a hard road, but it's so worth the effort. Be patient, start weighing your food, not guesstimating, and keep moving forward, and you will get there. It's not a race, it's a journey and it takes time and patience.