Can someone look at my food diary?

I am having a bit of difficulty. I should be losing the two pounds a week and I am not. Today the scale was a pound heavier and I am hoping that is due to water gain or the fact that I am still sore from my weight lifting saturday. I have a TON of weight to lose and don't want to be doing something wrong. I use the body media fit and will on some days eat back some of my exercise calories. Currently I weigh 256.


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You have a lot of vague entries. Three ribs, two cups of strawberries, etc. Food like that should be weighed, or you risk underestimating calories.
  • Stadtkatze91
    Stadtkatze91 Posts: 23 Member
    Additionally to what has been said about getting a scale, which is absolutely true, i just want to share my experience: I started off with 235 and also wanted to lose 2 pounds a week, but it didn't work in the beginning. I just got frustrated with the 1500kcal a day. So i decided to change my goal to 1 pound a week and got 1790kcal a day, which then worked fine! I just think with your current weight the calorie goal is to low to lose any weight, so i would settle for 1 pound a week and i think it will work better for you.
  • I don't know ANYONE who can put just a tablespoon of cream cheese on a bagel! It's very easy to underestimate stuff like that. A tablespoon of cream cheese is like a dollar's worth of quarters stacked. Is that really all you're using? Measure measure measure :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Your logging isn't accurate. 3 Ribs for example how big are they? How much do they weigh? You need to weigh everything. If it's not a liquid weigh it that is the only way to be accurate. Also make sure you use accurate entries. Any recipes enter your own don't use the ones on the database. Once you have your logging accurate you will then know how much you are actually eating so will then have a baseline to work from.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I should be losing the two pounds a week and I am not. Today the scale was a pound heavier and I am hoping that is due to water gain or the fact that I am still sore from my weight lifting saturday. I have a TON of weight to lose and don't want to be doing something wrong. I use the body media fit and will on some days eat back some of my exercise calories. Currently I weigh 256.
    According to your ticker, you have 81 lbs. to go. The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works. At your size, a healthy loss is more like 1 lb. per week.

    Weight loss is not linear. Weigh yourself once a week. Take photos & measurements, too.

    As for your diary, learn to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Buy a digital scale, and weigh everything you eat—including packaged food, and especially nuts. Right now you're guesstimating.

    Read this:
  • I do measure the cream cheese and its just tad so my bagel this isnt too dry. :)

    As far as the strawberries I do a guesstimate since I dont eat alot of fruit.

    Sometimes I do not have the ability to measure but I am doing my best to be accurate.

    I wish I could settle for one pound a week but I dont want it to take 2+ year to get all of this weight off. I lost weight before and lost 70 pounds in about 10 months. I was in a car accident and gained it all back. Not that I am cleared on exercise and I am done feeling sorry for myself (overeating), I want to get the weight off in a fast and safe way.

    I am trying my best to focus on the fact that I am eating better and exercising at least 3x a week. I would like the scale to cooperate. Is it possible I am not eating enough on days I do not net 1200?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Measuring is terribly inaccurate. If you want to lose weight, weigh your food.

    Please rethink your weekly weight-loss goal. At your size, you cannot lose 2 lbs. per week in a healthy way. And you need to learn healthy habits if you want to keep the weight off this time.

    Read the Sexypants link:
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I think I am going to get a lot of crap for my answer, but here it goes:

    I think you have solid advice on the entries above. If you are not making the progress that you'd like, then you *must* make changes or you are going to continue to not make progress: measure and weigh everything. I'm not saying to carry the scale with you to your birthday dinner at a restaurant. But other than that, make it a point to weight.
    Those ribs you ate? Were they just boiled plain? Did you add barbecue sauce? salt? (account for everything. Barbecue sauce is not calorie free)

    Also, I think you are consuming way to much processed food.

    Now, I'm not into the whole "grow your own, harvest and only eat from the earth" approach; but I think you will be making better progress if you introduced more fiber and nutrient rich foods instead of frozen dinners (you can cook ahead and freeze and take the meals to work, if that's the problem) Also, try to limit things like Popeye's and stuff like that. Even if it says it is lean chicken, you have no way of knowing exactly what amounts of sodium and fillers they are adding to them in the factories.

    I am not saying stop living and NEVER go out. But if what you are currently doing is not giving you great results and you are committed to changing, then you must try an alternate approach....see if that gives you better results.

    Another thing, (please don't hate me) but a bagel and cream cheese is not exactly part of a fantastic breakfast. If you love it, have it every once in a while. But I think you would benefit from having something else like oatmeal and a veggie frittata, hard boiled eggs and apples. Substitute the packaged cereal for steal cut oats and berries.

    If you DON'T want to settle for a pound a week, then make hard changes to your diet. Simple as that.

    The food you consume is the fuel for your workout, for your day, for your approach to the day.
    Make those calories worth it.
    Eat lean protein with every meal, whole grains, fresh veggies. If you don't eat a lot of fruit, you may find it easier to down smoothies (and you can add some veggies like spinach and celery and still have them taste really good)

    I agree with the poster that said to be particularly diligent with logging and weighing nuts they are PACKED with calories and fat. (Coincidentally, my doctor recommended that eat nuts/trail mix/cheese throughout the day when I was pregnant and had problems GAINING weight, so beware they will pack on the pounds if you eat them a lot)

    Best of luck in your journey.
  • Hi Editorgrl,

    I did read that post when I started. He said 1% is feasible for most people and that would be 2.5 pounds a week for me. I would want to lose 2 pounds a week until I get into the 100's and then decrease to 1lb a week. Am I not understanding his post. I thought as long as you eat more than 1200 calories a week as a woman than it is a healthy weight loss?
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I think I am going to get a lot of crap for my answer, but here it goes:

    I think you have solid advice on the entries above. If you are not making the progress that you'd like, then you *must* make changes or you are going to continue to not make progress: measure and weigh everything. I'm not saying to carry the scale with you to your birthday dinner at a restaurant. But other than that, make it a point to weight.
    Those ribs you ate? Were they just boiled plain? Did you add barbecue sauce? salt? (account for everything. Barbecue sauce is not calorie free)

    Also, I think you are consuming way to much processed food.

    Now, I'm not into the whole "grow your own, harvest and only eat from the earth" approach; but I think you will be making better progress if you introduced more fiber and nutrient rich foods instead of frozen dinners (you can cook ahead and freeze and take the meals to work, if that's the problem) Also, try to limit things like Popeye's and stuff like that. Even if it says it is lean chicken, you have no way of knowing exactly what amounts of sodium and fillers they are adding to them in the factories.

    I am not saying stop living and NEVER go out. But if what you are currently doing is not giving you great results and you are committed to changing, then you must try an alternate approach....see if that gives you better results.

    Another thing, (please don't hate me) but a bagel and cream cheese is not exactly part of a fantastic breakfast. If you love it, have it every once in a while. But I think you would benefit from having something else like oatmeal and a veggie frittata, hard boiled eggs and apples. Substitute the packaged cereal for steal cut oats and berries.

    If you DON'T want to settle for a pound a week, then make hard changes to your diet. Simple as that.

    The food you consume is the fuel for your workout, for your day, for your approach to the day.
    Make those calories worth it.
    Eat lean protein with every meal, whole grains, fresh veggies. If you don't eat a lot of fruit, you may find it easier to down smoothies (and you can add some veggies like spinach and celery and still have them taste really good)

    I agree with the poster that said to be particularly diligent with logging and weighing nuts they are PACKED with calories and fat. (Coincidentally, my doctor recommended that eat nuts/trail mix/cheese throughout the day when I was pregnant and had problems GAINING weight, so beware they will pack on the pounds if you eat them a lot)

    Best of luck in your journey.

    P.S: I Found a really nice food scale on Amazon for about $13. The brand is Cuissential. HTH
  • Thanks beachhouse,

    I am slowly getting there with my diet. We bought a house not too long ago and my schedule is insane. I am lucky if I make to the gym when I want.

    I was eating horribly before, fast food breakfasts, hot chocolates, eating out for lunch and having mutliple helpings at dinner and ice cream or brownies most nights.

    I eat alot of prepacked not just to start the change and i know its not ideal. I plan to revamp my diet meal by meal soon.

    I know this is a lifestyle change and I know if I make two drastic of changes I will rebel. (sad but true).

    I am also trying to focus on being more active.

    How do you weigh everything and not let food take over your life?
  • I will check out the food scales on Amazon.

    About the smoothies, i dont like the taste of fruit or drinking calories. Any other way to go about that?
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    How do you weigh everything and not let food take over your life?

    You need to weigh stuff for recipes when you cook anyway....
    Just leave a set of scales out, it isn't going to take over your life.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    I do measure the cream cheese and its just tad so my bagel this isnt too dry. :)

    As far as the strawberries I do a guesstimate since I dont eat alot of fruit.

    Sometimes I do not have the ability to measure but I am doing my best to be accurate.

    I wish I could settle for one pound a week but I dont want it to take 2+ year to get all of this weight off. I lost weight before and lost 70 pounds in about 10 months. I was in a car accident and gained it all back. Not that I am cleared on exercise and I am done feeling sorry for myself (overeating), I want to get the weight off in a fast and safe way.

    I am trying my best to focus on the fact that I am eating better and exercising at least 3x a week. I would like the scale to cooperate. Is it possible I am not eating enough on days I do not net 1200?

    I think if you maybe start with the 1lb a week and start seeing a difference you can always change your goal to 2lbs. When you don't see the scale move it can be VERY frustrating and then you might sabotage yourself, speaking from personal experience. You'll get there!
  • How do I log when I do not cook? Some days I am not the one cooking so I try to do the best I can.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    How do you weigh everything and not let food take over your life?

    I have found once you start weighing things, it does get easier and you start to recognize what a "real" serving looks like.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    Ask questions! My boyfriend does most of the cooking I ask him and use the recipe builder to figure out the calories!
  • Thanks Soy!!

    I am trying to not rely on processed foods but the portioned out meals feel safer some days than weighing and going it alone.

    I have an addictive personality and I know obsessing over weighing everything may be a rabbit hole I am scared to go down :(.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I don't think that 2lbs a week is unreasonable at your weight. I started at 246 and for the first several months I averaged 2lbs a week. After I dropped out of the 200s I averaged 1.5lbs a week. I try to stay at 1500 calories most days but allow myself to go as high as 1750 if I have worked out beyond my norm.

    I am at a point now where I am elated to lose 1lb a week but am happy if it is only .5lbs.

    I eat fairly healthy and still have my indulgences so I don't think a bagel and cream cheese is so bad. I just finished a peanut butter and banana sandwich for is within my calorie goals and provides me with protein...fat...fiber...potassium...and some micronutrients.

    My advice...just keep working on making some took me several weeks to find what would work for me.

    Good luck...