Starvation mode is a myth!



  • lilymae71
    lilymae71 Posts: 23 Member
    I use VLC to mean very low carb but nevertheless, I won't argue your point because all I have is N=1 to go from.

    I don't think that I've EVER eaten very low CALORIES, ha! I've seen some people on here who eat 700 a day AND workout (not saying net cal). I don't know how they do it cos I'm a girl who eats!

    For about 18 months in my mid-20s, I couldn't shift some weight that I'd have preferred not having, though I was eating nothing above 1400 calories a day -- tracking religiously -- and I worked out the norm for back then: running 3mi/ 3x/wk and ST twice a week with girlie weights (you know what I mean, it was the early 90s).

    I was NOT told that I was in starvation mode but I basically said, 'I'm tired of feeling restricted' and began eating more. I am SURE that they were UNhealthy choices. Knowing myself, it was probably pizza. I went from 122 to 112 doing the same workouts, the only difference was I'd upped my calorie intake to 1800-2000 a day.

    ::shrugs:: This lasted years and I never dropped down to where I'm SUPPOSED to eat again (nothing over 1400) -- unless I'm trying to lean out but even then, I eat more than what 'they' say I should.

    I think there's something going on with leaning when we fuel their workouts.

    I also think when most people say they've plateaued, they're not tracking their intake and expenditure correctly, 100% of the time. But I *was* tracking and I dunno. What they say to do was definitely not 'my' zone!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    People don't stay away from the starvation mode because it makes them not lose fat. People stay away because it is unhealthy to deprive your body of essential fruits, veggies, vitamins, and minerals. Your body will feed on muscle first. That's why you continue to lose. That's why starving people are weak but a lot don't die on very little calories. The body knows how to survive. If starvation mode weren't existent, doctors would put all overweight patients on 500 calorie diets. Some of what you say is true: you will lose SOME fat and your metabolism from one week of VLCD won't be harmed much, but there is such a thing as starvation mode.

    Edit to say: this is why people who suffer from anorexia have bodies that look unhealthy. They are "skinny fat people". All fat and no muscle due to starvation mode

  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    MFP right away had me at 1200 cal per day. i have mostly stuck to that and have been losing like im supposed to. i weigh and measure everything i can. there are days that i go over (a few times alot) and most days i am under. i exercise and eat almost all of my calories back. i have read so many posts that say not to go that low and heres all these bad reasons why. well every week i am down just like im supposed to be and i dont feel tired or weak or starving. i averaged out my calorie intake from day 1 until now and i average 1500 cal a day without counting my exercise. ive tried going by my tdee and all this other scientific stuff. But what works for me is if im losing im gonna keep doing what im doing if i stop or gain well i adjust as needed.

    im not thin this is my second time on mfp and this time im going all the way. the difference is this time i figured out how to make it work for me.

    thank you for this post OP. it was needed!! :smile:
  • addictedpeach
    addictedpeach Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I have been really frustrated when I feel like I have lost but the scale isn't budging. This is usually when I give up.

    I guess I will keep going and see what results I do get :)
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have a guy at work who loves to remind me every day that he is on a low carb (10 carbs or less a day) diet. He also loves to tell me that my continuous cardio will stop be from burning calories. IE being on an ARC machine for 30 minutes means after 10 my body will no longer burn calories.
    1st, why the HECK would anyone do 10g or less of carbs a day? I'm a ketogenic diabetic who rarely does less than 40, and in-order to do HIIT or strength-training often have up to 75 ...

    2nd ... regarding the stoppage of burning calories from continuous exercise ...

  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    If starvation mode didn't exist, how did Hurley stay so fat on the island on LOST?! :tongue:
  • onlylosing
    onlylosing Posts: 2
    TL;DR but i thought id put my 2 cents worth in anyway

    okay so we should all know that we get our energy from food (i mean, calories are literally just units of energy). we need food to live an all that. but as far as i know from experience (and health class), starvation mode appears to just be a plateau from the lack of vitamins that encourage the metabolic cells to do their work. without these, we can't turn fat (or protein or carbs) into useful forms of energy. and we all know that these metabolic cells go for the carbs first, then the fat and then the protein.

    once again, starvation mode is just a lack of vitamins.
    Sorry, but I'm going to have to call BS. You can get in all the micro nutrients you need on a low caloric intake. What vitamins are you referring to specifically? How much of said vitamin do you need to encourage the metabolic cells? And what are the metabolic cells? I've taken a lot of bio courses and I haven't a clue of what you are talking about.

    Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9 all contribute to the process of metabolism. (:
    It really depends how low calorie we are talking about, here. I was thinking like less than 600 and also, once again, it really matters on what kind of food you are eating. I guess I was kind of basing this off of my diet, but most people here probably eat really well haha.
  • pamgbrl
    pamgbrl Posts: 4
    thank you so much for sharing - i am just beginnging my journey and i really enjoyed reading your post!
  • oxsarahhxo
    oxsarahhxo Posts: 51
    OP i literally love you
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Anecdotally, I tend to agree. I've been on 1,200 calories a day for three months, and I feel better than I ever have. I have energy to spare and I'm sleeping great. I'm eating more protein, lifting weights, and seeing a decrease in fat while muscle is on the increase. I have about 15 more pounds to go, I'm losing a steady amount each week, and I have not plateaued a bit.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I have a guy at work who loves to remind me every day that he is on a low carb (10 carbs or less a day) diet. He also loves to tell me that my continuous cardio will stop be from burning calories. IE being on an ARC machine for 30 minutes means after 10 my body will no longer burn calories.
    1st, why the HECK would anyone do 10g or less of carbs a day? I'm a ketogenic diabetic who rarely does less than 40, and in-order to do HIIT or strength-training often have up to 75 ...

    2nd ... regarding the stoppage of burning calories from continuous exercise ...


    I tend to try to ignore his little statements like that. He can be quite the pain in the *kitten*.
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    If starvation mode didn't exist, how did Hurley stay so fat on the island on LOST?! :tongue:

    why do you think people kept "disappearing"?
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    If starvation mode didn't exist, how did Hurley stay so fat on the island on LOST?! :tongue:

    why do you think people kept "disappearing"?

  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    So if starvation mode really doesn't exist why do so many people stop losing weight after periods of eating low levels of calories? There are many answers. My belief is a lot of people suck at counting calories. Many people measure solid foods in things like cups and tablespoons.

    QFT Right on ! :drinker:
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Great post, OP!

    To those who don't agree, watch Naked and Afraid on Discovery Channel.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    starvation mode isn't easy to get into
    but you can really harm your health if you consistently undereat

  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Interesting commentary and post.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have a guy at work who loves to remind me every day that he is on a low carb (10 carbs or less a day) diet. He also loves to tell me that my continuous cardio will stop be from burning calories. IE being on an ARC machine for 30 minutes means after 10 my body will no longer burn calories.

    Well damn, then what we should do is have people get on a ARC machine for 30 min everyday and then after 10 minutes they can turn a crank on a generator. Since they are no longer burning calories turning that crank requires no energy and yet produces energy. Free sustainable energy for all. Glad we solved that problem, I was beginning to think perpetual motion was bunk.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    starvation mode isn't easy to get into
    but you can really harm your health if you consistently undereat

    While I agree that eating very low levels of calories for very long periods of time can have negative longterm consequences, a mythical mode where fat loss stops and the body fuels itself on unicorn tears and good intentions simply doesn't exist! If you don't eat for long enough, it will kill you, but you'll lose weight until it does.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    a mythical mode where fat loss stops and the body fuels itself on unicorn tears and good intentions simply doesn't exist!

    :laugh: :drinker: