Marylovell Member


  • What a great statistic about FB members and the idea of them all getting MFP accounts instead!
  • Cowboys from Hell - Pantera
  • Toby Keith - "I ain't as Good as I Once Was" :-)
  • Thank you for sharing these. You are an inspiration for sure!
  • I looked for Youtube videos, and I like Denise Austin, so I have a few of her books. I follow the routines in her books, though I haven't "advanced" much. A good set of weights, 1,5, 10lbs and bands will be all you need if you are motivated to work out in your own space.
  • Lexapro worked for me for anxiety, without bad side effects, other than 10lbs weight gain in one month! I don't recommend Wellbutrin for anxiety. (One poster mentioned this.) All other drugs I tried had bad side effects that left me feeling worse or just as bad as living with my mood problems. Do try some of the other…
  • You might not be eating enough during the day to keep your hunger back. There's more than one cause to that type of craving, and it might also be different at different times of the month, (hormones-period). For ME, (and I'm OLD), I have to eat a lot of fiber. You can find books with good recipes. I also have to allow…
  • Oh! And when I lived in Florida, everyone had INsurance. (I had formerly worked at an InSURance company when I was first out of school.) I still fight with my husband about this.
  • Nods. I love this! My friends in Louisiana looked at me like I had three heads the first time I asked if we were going to "make a run to the Packie" :)
  • Marking everything on MFP helps me, because I see the calories. I've changed my sweet habit by cutting it down to very very very small portions, and trying to actively savor everything. I also buy very expensive sweets, like fancy chocolates, instead of say, M&Ms. Then I want to make them last longer. Try to make small…
  • In order to keep your body running efficiently, you need to take in "normal" calories throughout the day.( I regularly go over my calorie counts.) Tomorrow is a new day. It's about balance, as far as I'm concerned. Eat a modest dinner. Enjoy the celebration that you had with your daughter. I think that dining with those…
  • I read a book, a memoir about a woman who lost half her weight over the course of three years. She talked about hitting plateaus. While she wouldn't speak directly in the book about what she did, she just kept moving with her plan until she started making forward progress again. Jennette Fulda is her name if you want to…
  • Keep up the positive enthusiasm. You look fabulous!
  • Drink plenty of water and just do the walking late in the day, closer to sundown, or early in the morning before it gets to the hottest. Walking is great exercise, so it counts.
  • I think all these can have a place in your diet. For people who like to snack, need the "oral' fix, or the crunching, celery is waay better than carrots, which are higher in sugar. Plus, in my own reading about healthy diet, I keep hearing over and over how much fiber we need and how Americans, at least, don't usually get…
  • Just to offer sympathy, "been there, done that, get the T-shirt too frequently." Can't seem to kill the belly no matter what my overall weight or fitness level. I don't have a good answer for this, but want to tell you you're not alone about it. I hope some people have better advice about it!
  • I liked the way I could post my own recipes better on WW online, but couldn't afford it. I LOVE this place. There is lots of support from the community. I have been able to stick with this better than I did with WW. You're in the right place here, hands down.
  • In the last year, (before coming to this site), I lost 18lbs by shrinking portions (but eating more often) and following a plan where I ate the "healthy" fats. I also walked for exercise religiously every day. This helped with appetite. I also agree with the other member who said to lower your weekly weight loss goal. I've…
  • I like your idea. I had mine private and realized that you can't have much of a community if you keep things private. I was embarrassed that I don't always make the best food choices. Also, I don't log everything to the "T" every single day, but I have been getting more consistent. Thanks for putting this out.