Cymbalta Help

I have been taking anxiety medication for quite some time and have recently started taking Cymbalta, about 4-5 months now. I have made several posts about breakfast, blood sugars and being shakey. I have tried many different things and I have decided to switch to a different medication as I am thinking that is causing my problems I have been dealing with in the morning, I seem to get agitated easily, foggy headed, blurry vision, lack of concentration to name the major problems. I know this is a fitness site but these issues also relate to diet/finess. I am wondering if anybody has ever dealt with Cymbalta in this manner???? Does anybody have any ideas? I will be seing the doctor on friday but that can seem like a very long time when having these problems.


  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    What time of day do you take your medication?
  • I was on Cymbalta and hated it. Same type of symptoms. I went off it and switched to Zoloft. Much better!!
  • I've been on Cymbalta for a couple of years and never had those problems. One of my good friends is a rep for Cymbalta though and I can ask her. If you look to change meds, talk to your Dr. about Wellbutrin. I don't know if its anxiety or just depression. I took Paxil for anxiety for a while as well. Hope any of this helps you. I know what you are going through.
  • twest78
    twest78 Posts: 8 Member
    I had a lot of trouble with Cymbalta, but it was the only med that ever controlled my panic attacks enough to allow me to function. I was on it for about 5 years and went off it about 8 months ago. I had a lot of side effects from it that never went away until I was off it completely. If you've been on it for 4-5 months and are still feeling that way, you might want to try something else. Chances are if you are still having bothersome side effects from it, you'll continue to have them. I know many mine lasted the entire 5 years I was on it.
  • kcnjason
    kcnjason Posts: 35 Member
    I know that Cymbalta works for many people but that is the only other thing I can relate my symptoms to. I do take it about the same time every day. I always take it every morning between 8 and 10am but not right on the hour every time. It seems that we have tried everything and I still have the feelings. I only deal with them in the morning, after lunch I feel pretty good, although lately I have felt a little out of the loop all day. It's frusterating.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I was on Cymbalta two different times to treat my then depression. My first round with it didn't have side effects, but also didn't help the depression.

    My second try with it caused severe insomnia and other side effects. I worked with my doctor to come off of it properly (never ever stop this type of medication cold turkey), and the side effects went away.

    Medications like Cymbalta can have a wide range of effects on people. You really don't know until you take it if you'll respond well, or poorly, to it. Very frustrating, but if Cymbalta doesn't work for you, try a different one. You'll find one that works. I went through 3 different ones, personally.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Went on cymbalta for a week for my generalised anxiety disorder & found the same problems. Was so sick to start with, then I just felt really faint. I couldn't work out as a result, and I felt even more anxious than normal. So I stopped taking them, didn't want to get adjusted to them and then try and get off it (I read the withdrawals are difficult)
  • Marylovell
    Marylovell Posts: 19 Member
    Lexapro worked for me for anxiety, without bad side effects, other than 10lbs weight gain in one month! I don't recommend Wellbutrin for anxiety. (One poster mentioned this.) All other drugs I tried had bad side effects that left me feeling worse or just as bad as living with my mood problems. Do try some of the other anti-anxiety drugs. Your personal biochemistry will be different from everyone else, so nobody can say what will help. There are several different ones. I, personally, never got enough of a benefit from any of them to warrant staying on them. I do mediTAtion and mindfulness stuff now, to help with anxiety. Also, did lots of talk therapy and physiological quieting practice. (There is a CD you can buy for that.) I hope that you will be able to get something that will be a good balance for you.