You're over your calorie limit after lunch - what do YOU do?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When I find I'm over calories I either go work them off or make smart decisions the rest of the day and get back to it the next day without fretting
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well workout so that you can have a modest dinner. . .. or at least lower the amount that you went over and then know that tomorrow is a new day. . . This is not something you are planning to do everyday. . So it happens. . . just move forward. . .
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Wow... I would take notes for next time, and I would eat as healthily as possible and barely enough to fill me up
  • You said your daughter is home from college for a few days. Just take it as a celebratory lunch that is perfectly okay. Special occasions are no biggie!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Here is what I would do:

    I would eat a normal dinner like you had probably already planned, and then do my best to make sure my net calories for the week were still at or under my goal by the end of the week. If your carton of eggs has a broken one, no sense in breaking the rest of them intentionally too. And I probably wouldn't workout unless I had already planned on doing so today.
  • Try to remember that it is only one day and not let it get you down, but if you are really worried about it then add in some exercise, eat a super healthy modest dinner and drink plenty of fluids. Remember tomorrow is a fresh start.
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
    if you are hungry then eat. everyday will not be a perfect day. heck it might trick ur body and make you lose weight. one day at a time. dont beat urself up. drink lots of water and enjoy ur daughter being home.
  • Marylovell
    Marylovell Posts: 19 Member
    In order to keep your body running efficiently, you need to take in "normal" calories throughout the day.( I regularly go over my calorie counts.) Tomorrow is a new day. It's about balance, as far as I'm concerned. Eat a modest dinner. Enjoy the celebration that you had with your daughter. I think that dining with those you love SHOULD be a pleasure, not something to feel bad about. I don't believe in following calories so closely as to deliberately starve.
  • missionmanshane
    missionmanshane Posts: 21 Member

    Spot on.

    But I have one small thing to add.

    This happens to me sometimes. Normally it's late at night and I'm starved (in the fat American sense of the word--not the actual meaning!). I'll make the call: Go over X number of calories so I can make it through this craving without binging. Normally it's like 100-300 calories over. Then I just go ahead and record the calories, then see how much over I am, then do a quick add calories of that amount to the next day. Meaning that if I go over by 184 calories, then I go to tomorrow's record and do a quick add of 184 calories to my breakfast. Essentially, I borrow from tomorrow's calories to pay for today's.

    In no way do I suggest doing this with a large number of calories or you'll get into binging and starving, but this method keeps me under the limit over a 48 hour period, even if one 24 hour period is over.

    After posting this the first time, I noticed that lclarkjr gave a similar suggestion. He was first, so this method will be known as "Clark's Calorie Counting" and NOT "Missionman's Method." :-)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    It's one day. Don't sweat it. Just eat a light dinner, and maybe a light breakfast... but don't starve yourself.

    Repeat after me: It's just one day.
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    i'd try to have a very healthy dinner, enough so i'm not waking hungry in the night though... probably a big salad with a bit of fish, shrimp, crab or very lean meat....
    Then id be sure i take the time for a good walk ...
    And then i'd just live with it... like many said it's just one day!

    trying to loose weight is not a punishement...
    We only have 1 life to live! Enjoy !
    i'm sure you'll do better tomorow ;)
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Yes, I would eat a modest dinner and realize that it's good to induldge sometimes. This will ultimately not hurt your efforts.