I can't quit sweets - ideas??



  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    have you tried Nature Valley granola thins? They only have 80 calories and always fix my sweet tooth! You can get them with chocolate or peanut butter, they're really good you should give'em a try!
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    I am a major carb addict, whether it is chocolate chip cookies or spaghetti and meatballs, I have the hardest time resisting. And I do have to resist. Just a small portion of these foods just kicks off more cravings. About 3 weeks ago my Dr put me on a low carb diet and since quitting refined carbs (white flour/sugar) I feel much more in control and the longer you go without it, the less severe the cravings are. joymeg1--I have also noticed a big difference since quitting diet soda! that stuff is junk!
  • Marylovell
    Marylovell Posts: 19 Member
    Marking everything on MFP helps me, because I see the calories. I've changed my sweet habit by cutting it down to very very very small portions, and trying to actively savor everything. I also buy very expensive sweets, like fancy chocolates, instead of say, M&Ms. Then I want to make them last longer. Try to make small changes. I think everyone has a different method. Some people go cold turkey. This just didn't work for me. It was a deny and purge cycle. I believe that sweet cravings are very real and very hard to challenge with will power because they have an addictive component. (This is JUST MY OPINION.) Keep it in the front of your mind, so that you can take pause everytime you make a decision to eat a sweet. Do so consciously. That has worked for me to cut my sweet waaaay down. Good luck with this. I totally get the struggle.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Why quit? Life is too short, enjoy it! Just work them into your plan.
  • joymeg1
    joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
    My sweet tooth has been way more controllable since I cut out the diet soda. Eight weeks and counting. Know I just want a small morsel of good dark chocolate about once a week.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why quit? Life is too short, enjoy it! Just work them into your plan.

    I agree with this. But when you have major sweet cravings, you have to get them under control before you can start working them back in.
  • Loverj79
    Loverj79 Posts: 65 Member
    i find it hard to quit the sweets too! and it really dont help that i have a five year old. she dont eat a lot of sweets but sense i stop buying the treats that i like i find my self looking at her stuff. and its stuff that i dont like so that kind of helps cause even if i try and eat it i end up spitting it out cause i dont like it and its too sweet. ex. kids fruit snacks(like the gummy ones) gross!! hahaha. but i eat alot of fruit.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    LIke a few other posters, one bite opens the floodgates for me - it's actually easier to do without. Once the sugar's out your system, I swear, you DO crave it less, and I'd go as far as to say not at all, though realistically, it's a wee craving that you can ignore. It's hard the first few days but after that, it's a cinch!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i find it hard to quit the sweets too! and it really dont help that i have a five year old. she dont eat a lot of sweets but sense i stop buying the treats that i like i find my self looking at her stuff. and its stuff that i dont like so that kind of helps cause even if i try and eat it i end up spitting it out cause i dont like it and its too sweet. ex. kids fruit snacks(like the gummy ones) gross!! hahaha. but i eat alot of fruit.

    She doesn't need that stuff regularly, either. My mother never kept sweets around the house when I was little, and when I got a treat, it was limited. You daughter eats those things because you buy them and feed them to her. I think if you stopped doing that, she wouldn't miss it and you wouldn't have the temptation.

    Start teaching her healthy eating habits now so she doesn't have to join us all here later! :-)
  • I have a sweet tooth as well what I do I look for low calorie sweet snack like the skinny cow new candies that are to die for! I also get the 100 calorie snacks, sugarfree jello or freeze pops, when all else fails I grab some good old fruit!!!
  • kandy221
    kandy221 Posts: 79
    I find some yogurts will satisfy my sweet tooth, also there are good, low calorie options in the frozen treats section of food stores. I can not give up my jelly bellies, or sweedish fish, but I cut back and it's true that the less sugar you have, your body seems to adjust and the cravings are less. I have to do sweets in moderation, and incorporate it into my calorie intake, but making it a VERY small part.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Of course you can quit sweets. Unless someone is physically forcing you to eat them, you can quit. If you are being physically forced, then call the cops.
  • amewha
    amewha Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes I can get rid of a sweets craving by very slowly eating a hard candy. A jolly rancher for example can last me for 20 minutes and by that time the craving is normally completely gone, (and for only 50 Kcal)
  • I have to agree with "cold turkey". Initially I did that and it worked so well. Then skinny cow popped in my life and screwed me over.:sad: . I now am back to eating too much sweets. Even skinny cow. I cant seem to control my intake. So, I need to go cold turkey again and get off of all sweets.:noway:

    **Its back to carrot sticks for me**
  • kamula
    kamula Posts: 49 Member
    have a coke zero. it really helps me or sugar free gum
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    I buy the little 100 cal snacks and eat those or cin. applesauce or yogurt. I still eat regular sweets (cake) about once a month or so. I refuse to quit eating sweets...I love them too much. I have lost 26 pounds keeping sweets in my diet!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I was the same way at first, and then, I woke up one morning and threw it all away. I put it in the trash, all my sweets, and my coke. I haven't had that crap in my house since, and frankly, I don't miss it. I do have days that I want a candy bar, and I have one. But soda, I can only drink a couple of swallows and I want to vomit.

    I think if you want it bad enough you can achieve it. It's mosly mind over matter.
  • steelcaat
    steelcaat Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I just joined this today and I have lost 25lbs since february, but I have a long way to go!! I buy protein bars called "Protein 32" and the bootcamp I joined recommends 1/2 a bar for women and a full bar for men. They are wayyyyy yummie and come in fudge brownie, peanut crunch and cookies and cream. They also recommend eating every 3 to 4 hours - after 3 hours and not longer than 4 hours to keep the metabolism stoked. I buy the bars at Popeyes and they are Biox Xtreme Protein 32 bars. One bar has 310 Calories, 7g fat, 0 cholesterol, 230mg sodium, 29 carbs, 10g fibre, og sugar and 32g protein. I love them and I find half of a bar to be a filling satisfying SWEET snack. I crave sweet too so I get french dressing and the raspberry viniagrette for the sweet factor. Good Luck <3
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Well, I don't have candy around and I don't have cupcakes around for this reason. I'm definitely a sweetie. To curb my sweet tooth I've made ff pudding pops using sf pudding and ff milk, they take some time to eat so that helps me. I eat fruit. I have a caramel corn rice cake (plain or with 1 tbsp peanut butter). If I just can't kick it I have 1/2 cup of light vanilla ice cream (last night I cut up 4 cherries and grated 1/2 a square of Ghiradelli chocolate on top for a light version of cherry garcia), but not until bed time which give me something to look forward to all day. The rest is mind over matter, it takes patients and practice to learn self control.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    I have the same problem. Try and work it in and then wind up binging on it. I followed the Mayo Clinic diet at one time and had no refined sugar for 2 weeks. I went into a candy store with some friends....one which was old fashioned and made their own candy on site...so strong smell of chocolate etc. I had no cravings and could have easily walked out with nothing. Instead I said "I deserve a piece". Had one piece which was fine....but had to fight the desire to go through McDonald's drive through for a frappe the rest of the day and really wanted more. But I didn't on that day...so can be done. ...but I am thinking of trying no refined sugar again for a while to purge the cravings again.