weight watchers vs myfitnesspal?



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    ive done weight watchers in the past and lost loads of weight but couldnt maintain on it and ended up putting it all back on, and then i got pregnant so had to start from sracth. I was initially going to join ww online but then discovered mfp and havent looked back. ive been using mfp since jan and managed to lose the last of my 20lbs and keep it off since april. so for me, it was money well saved! i refuse to pay someone to weigh me!

    plus ive learnt so much of food and exercise than i did with weight watchers! im sooo much more active than i used to be!
  • Marylovell
    Marylovell Posts: 19 Member
    I liked the way I could post my own recipes better on WW online, but couldn't afford it. I LOVE this place. There is lots of support from the community. I have been able to stick with this better than I did with WW. You're in the right place here, hands down.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I liked WW when I was on it, but ultimately, it wasn't worth the money, since I had learned everything I could from it, and I needed something different.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Also, my biggest pet peeve with the online portion of WW was how horrible the forums looked, and how terrible their tech support was at fixing problems.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    When I did WW, i found there were too many 0 point food thats I would binge on that still had calories... Since there were no points, you could eat them all day, however since MFP tracks calories, I know better then to pig out since I have to log every single one of them. I also found that there was not as much support from people (I tried both meetings and internet). That could have been my experience/meeting but from what I've heard, it's hard to get good support from them. Also, it's brutal figuring out/guessing what the points value is in somethign that you didn't cook. At first on WW, I lost weight rather quickly but in a year and a half on WW I gained 5 lbs (compared to my original weight) - while it's not a lot, it's also not what is supposed to happen on a diet plan. I know for me, I also gained 10lbs once I quit because I had no idea what calories were in foods. However, I do still kind of keep track of points (once you have the knowledge, you might as well use it!) because it does keep me more accountable to staying within my carb limit...

    Oh and ya, I was sick of spending money on it when it wasn't working... Unfortunatly it took me almost a year and a half to find MFP after leaving WW, but now I wouldn't look back
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost weight on WW a couple of times, but haven't been a member in about 6 years. Personally I like this site better. I found with WW I could still eat like crap as long as I stayed within my points. I didn't find there was a lot of focus on nutrition- just drink water and stay within your points. At one point I was below my goal weigt and below the lowest weight for my height range and they congratulated me! I found that a little weird and stopped going after that.

    I am trying MFP, logging my food, I read the"Eat Clean Recharged" book and subcribe to Eat Clean Magazine. I am not eating 100% Clean but I have learned more about nutrition and am gradually trying to be healthier.
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm another one who did WW online about 6 years ago and easily lost 22 lbs, which I've gained back. I joined it again early this year and now found PP gimmicky and irritating. Somehow, this time around I found this constant conversion of nutritional values into points, too labor intensive, time consuming and unnecessary. I know it's about carbs/fats/fiber/protein......so, why not just let me log that? Why convert into points? I did find the new PP system fairly easy to understand, but thought it was just tedious. Every food has caloric value, so how can some of it have 0 points? You HAVE to account for all fruit and veggies - regardless of how healthy it is for you. It seems like the new system is designed to keep members stay (and pay!) forever. And why would I pay $17 per month for what I can have for free elsewhere? I prefer to know how many straight calories I put in my mouth each and every day. So, here I am.
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    I did WW about 8 yrs ago and lost 21.5lbs in 3months and got down to 9st.4lbs and I was v.happy with that.
    I have put back on 8lbs over those last 8years ( which I don't think is too bad) but never the less and have decided to go back on WW as it worked for me once before.
    I joined MFP as it was free and I had never tried calorie counting before. I only lost 2lb in 3weeks on MFP and I must admit I got confused with the whole eating my excersise points back etc.
    So although I am still on here for the weightloss motivation and support etc I am now following the WW pro points system. What is frustrating is that on the new pro points nearly all veg & fruit are zero points and I am not convinced that their idea of snacking on these and not use up your points allowance is going to work either. I prefered the old points system. I have signed up online only and can cancel at anytime so no pressure. They have a similar principal though and that is 'activity points' and you gain them after excersise so I guess eating back the calories on MFP is not as bonkers as I first thought.
    All I want at the end of the day is to lose weight and continue to be fit and healthy (I am always very active so that is no major change for me).

    Good luck on your journey everyone!

    Add me if you want a buddy

  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I did WW for about 10 months back in 2008 and lost about half a stone, I then started it again last year on the new propoints scheme and, when I was really strict, it worked ok but now I am working out a lot more and gaining muscle I find it too innaccurate as a lot of the points are 'fudged' a little from the real nutritional values.

    That said, the good thing about MFP is that you can do both at the same time for a while to see which you find the more helpful. It's a bit of effort noting everything down twice but it will give you a perfect comparison of your own individual situation.

    I have now given up on WW as MFP fits me better with more accurate tracking of excercise and measurements and better reporting