weight watchers vs myfitnesspal?



  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    You have to PAY to go to weigh watchers? Seriously? I had no clue they charge you to go. They charge you what anyone with a computer can get here for free. What exactly do they do for you that you have to pay 15 bucks a month? I know they make you publically weigh yourself, which I think is odd. Sounds like someone is getting rich. Then they charge you to eat their food products. A friend used to go and she tried to explain the points to me, it sounded foolish. Geez, you don't even have to pay to go to AA meetings. Who'd a thunk.
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    When was on WW someone pointed this site into my direction. I had limited success on WW but MFP is much better. every day i get to interact with a lot of my online friends here, get the support i need and it's more better in regards to logging of my information and connecting w/ others. I have saved money and gotten more inspiration by staying here, plus I've gotten through my plateau that was holding me back when I was on WW. I"m more active, so I'd say MFP is better for me (at this point).
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I was never a paying member of Weight Watcher but I do have a points calculator. When I first started MFP I used to calculate my points at the end of the day. So glad my sister turned me on to MFP...its been the BEST experience. I love the support you get on here and the endless food database. Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • denverdeb1
    denverdeb1 Posts: 34 Member
    I quit WW after one week on MFP I like it so much better. I don't know why but I just do. I guess I like calorie counting more than points, just makes more sense and easier to track.
  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    Oddly enough I don't pay for WW but I lost ALOT of weight doing it last year. SOOOO I track my food here and my workouts but I also have a weight watchers "binder" I printed out the worksheets that look just like the page on the site and track my food there to It's weird because I actually end up eating more on WW they recomended here and seem to lose more weight when I pay attention so really no reason to pay for it just do it yourself. I stay here for the friends and community and I love the forums. But in reality you won't continue to count your points so this is great for when you meet the goal your looking for. Also I don't like the new plan for WW at all I do it old school flex plan.
  • mickeybernhardt
    mickeybernhardt Posts: 1 Member
    I think either will work if you stick to it. I like MFP better, not only because it's free but because everything counts that you put in your mouth. I think the calorie counter food diary is just as user friendly as WW's if not a little more. Tonight I made a recipe, calculated the total calories and then divided by 4 to get the portion calories. I like that.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    You have to PAY to go to weigh watchers? Seriously? I had no clue they charge you to go. They charge you what anyone with a computer can get here for free. What exactly do they do for you that you have to pay 15 bucks a month? I know they make you publically weigh yourself, which I think is odd. Sounds like someone is getting rich. Then they charge you to eat their food products. A friend used to go and she tried to explain the points to me, it sounded foolish. Geez, you don't even have to pay to go to AA meetings. Who'd a thunk.

    they charge for the diet program, the nutrition counseling and the support as well as the supplies to track. there are no public weigh ins...sure you are in a room with other people but they print your weight out on a little sticker slap it in a book and no one else sees it unless you want them to...its not like all the rumors.

    also i have never paid for a single one of their food products. they dont push them on you or tell you you need them..they are just there if you want them.

    the points system is the same as anything else..it factors in fat fiber protein and carbs....its not really anything crazy. there is no need to knock a program you dont seem to know too much about. :\
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    I use MFP and WW, I enjoy the support of WW meetings, getting weighed in and just the program itself. For these who say WW don't work I would have to disagree, maybe it didn't work for you or maybe you did not do it right.. Everyone is different and different diets and lifestyles effect people differently, I've been a member of WW for almost 3 months now and lost almost 40 lbs. So I know it works!!! Most people that don't like WW are people that came across it online and failed to do it correctly, if you attend meetings weekly and follow the point system correctly you will lose weight.

    Of course they charge you, they have to pay the people teaching the meetings, the people weighing you in, everyday rent and bills to run a business. Than we have the paperwork they give out and the trackers......
  • wantthistowork
    I never did the meetings, I just joined the online program, which seems somewhat similar to this. I meant to compare the online versions of both to determine if it was worth the extra $$. If I was going to meetings it would be different----but I didn't do that part of WW. Thanks though!
  • Gardner45
    Gardner45 Posts: 2
    Just joined this site about an hr ago and love the idea of tracking it all on line but i'm have trouble finding some easy foods like
    apricots......then did a search and foundit but can't add to lunch
    Having just stopped smoking 5 months ago and gained 60 pounds AND NOT EATING any different but not exercising due to mobility issues now..................i just need some help here

    i've done WW 6 times with success but new to CA and don't want to do meetings AND and to find simple way to track and look up calories.

    this looks like a good site for my needs but i might need some help
    does this site notify you by email if someone posts on this thread
    Judy in CA
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    I never did the meetings, I just joined the online program, which seems somewhat similar to this. I meant to compare the online versions of both to determine if it was worth the extra $$. If I was going to meetings it would be different----but I didn't do that part of WW. Thanks though!

    well then id stick with mfp..theres no point in paying for a tracker for a program/system you dont use lol
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    I loved the old Weight Watchers. It was easy made sense and I lost 35 lbs and have kept it off for two years. The new Points Plus or whatever not so much.

    I agree. I lost 125 lbs on the old Weight Watchers program. They converted to the Points Plus program, and I gained 30 lbs. On MFP, I have lost almost 10lbs in a month. Save your money.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    the points system is the same as anything else..it factors in fat fiber protein and carbs....its not really anything crazy. there is no need to knock a program you dont seem to know too much about. :\

    Except for the fact they charge you money for knowledge and encouragement that is FREE to anyone!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    WW IS A waste of money when this site is free. Did WW for a long while
    no motivation or inspiration there at all. 40 min meeting where the leader
    just says what there told to no real interaction with others, this site is much better.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    MFP is free. You have to hold yourself accountable no matter which one you choose.
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    I did both, and when I tracked my food, lost weight on both. With this site, however, I can find almost anything I eat (food for my regular lifestyle) and I can find the calories. I don't have to carry anything around with me except my phone. Because of that, I find this easier. I also never really got any support out of the meetings. But I get a ton from my husband who is doing this with me cause it is "less girly" that WW. I also use a heart rate monitor for my exercise and that is a HUGE help. Calories in, calories out.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Loved WW's...did it numerous times over the last 25 years :) The new program was not working for me so I tried both for a while and loved MFP so much that I quit WW in Feb and will never go back. MFP is IT for me!!! I used some of the extra money I've saved to buy a BodyMedia Fit....a great investment. Between that and MFP, I have learned more about my body and metabolism in the last 4 months than I have in all my 49 years :)
  • electromg
    electromg Posts: 70 Member
    I tried weight watchers diet plan without meetings maybe 7 years ago? Granted, I had PCOS that caused me to gain and hold onto a ton of weight--but I only lost 10 pounds on weight watchers, and that was it. I thought the points idea made a lot of sense at first, but as time went on, I felt numbers could be easily rounded down continuously, meaning you were actually eating more calories for the points. Only thinking "22 points" was too simplistic for me. I like being able to see the break down to remind me to eat more protein or fiber.
  • jid314
    jid314 Posts: 71
    My mom lost aroudn 40lbs on WW, but since I am only calorie counting, I love being able to look at the calories on an item and decide yay or nay. I simply look and say "I've used 700 calories today...I have 800 remaining...and I still need to eat dinner. Do I really want to use 200 calories on ____________ right now, at 4pm?"

    Even with my moms success, she still can't look at something and know how many points will be assigned to an item. She has to whip out the WW calculator and start punching in numbers. I feel like I have more control with MFP.
  • shaedreams
    shaedreams Posts: 23 Member
    I've been on WW since March and wasn't losing squat. Then, 2 weeks ago I started Body by Vi and I kid you not, it's been the ONLY thing that works for me with minimal exercise! I lost 6lbs my first week! Second week I lost .02 lbs but 2.5 inches and I'm half way through my 3rd week and I've lost another 3lbs so far and in three weeks a total of almost 8 inches! I buy my shakes on ebay because you can get a months supply for $99 and no shipping. I eat a shake for breakfast with whatever fruit I love, 1/2 cup raspberries, strawberries, cherries, mango, etc. I then add 1/2 cup skim milk, ice and blend. It's filling and SO good. I eat a handful of almonds at 10am (around 11 pieces). Then I eat a normal lunch but healthy and I have tried to stay away from wheat and gluten products as much as possible which really helps. Wheat and yeast cause belly fat and bloating. At 2pm I have another snack consisting of some Popcorners butter flavored all natural & gluten free crisps, 100% corn and gluten free tortilla's & salsa, blue diamond nut & rice chips, or a couple of clementine cuties for example. For dinner I eat a lean fish, usually halibut, salmon, or mahi mahi grilled with steamed broccoli or cauliflower or greenbeans. I have another shake at 7pm and mix fruit in it or 1tbs of sugar free, fat free pudding and ice. I eat around 1200-1300 calories per day.

    Try Body By Vi and minimize your wheat/gluten & sugar intake, I promise you wont be disappointed!