"Are you Pregnant?" ~ "Nope, just fat, thanks"



  • Ver2
    Ver2 Posts: 37
    Wait, wouldn't he ask you if you were pregnant even if you didn't look it anyway? I think it's part of their job to do that by default!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    My mom's a pharmacist and she's never heard of a pharmacist doing that. The doctor wrote you the prescription, he would have known if you were pregnant or not, that's pretty much common sense. So enjoy the fact that he was probably not the brightest crayon ;) Congrats on you amazing weightloss, don't let things like this get you down.
  • Dcgfeller
    Dcgfeller Posts: 83
    My mom's a pharmacist and she's never heard of a pharmacist doing that. The doctor wrote you the prescription, he would have known if you were pregnant or not, that's pretty much common sense. So enjoy the fact that he was probably not the brightest crayon ;) Congrats on you amazing weightloss, don't let things like this get you down.

    If you have a refillable prescrition they can be good for quite a while...a lot can change from a doc visit to a prescription fill 6 months later.

    Unless the guy said it in an obviously condescending manner, he was just doing his job. Kudos to OP for not getting pissed about it and taking it as a point of motivation.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    My mom's a pharmacist and she's never heard of a pharmacist doing that. The doctor wrote you the prescription, he would have known if you were pregnant or not, that's pretty much common sense. So enjoy the fact that he was probably not the brightest crayon ;) Congrats on you amazing weightloss, don't let things like this get you down.

    yes but it is very conscientious of that pharmacist to double check, doctors can miss things (not necessarily being pregnant, but the drugs contraindications). like i mention in my first reply on this thread, my son is on two different strengths of prozac. Its on the persciption that way , written by the doctor that way. Every time at drop off and pick up the pharmacy tech or pharmacist will question it. I don't get mad at the added 3 seconds, because to me that means they are pay attention and looking out for their customers
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Oh, me me me me!!! Yep right here lady! The cashier at Walgreens asked me if I was expecting my second baby.... I was like "W....T....F...." in my mind but just said "No, just fat". Sad day really, I felt like sally the whale.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    My mom's a pharmacist and she's never heard of a pharmacist doing that. The doctor wrote you the prescription, he would have known if you were pregnant or not, that's pretty much common sense. So enjoy the fact that he was probably not the brightest crayon ;) Congrats on you amazing weightloss, don't let things like this get you down.

    yes but it is very conscientious of that pharmacist to double check, doctors can miss things (not necessarily being pregnant, but the drugs contraindications). like i mention in my first reply on this thread, my son is on two different strengths of prozac. Its on the persciption that way , written by the doctor that way. Every time at drop off and pick up the pharmacy tech or pharmacist will question it. I don't get mad at the added 3 seconds, because to me that means they are pay attention and looking out for their customers

    I agree with you. I have been asked that before, even when I was only 100 pounds. It always makes me feel bad inside at first, but they are just double checking. There are women who don't physically (or if anything, just a small bump) show they are pregnant until a few months in. Please don't feel offended, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

    Just think, if you were pregnant at the time, taking those drugs could have potentially harmed your baby for life or even killed it!
  • Someone asked me when the baby was due and I said, "She's four years old, thanks"
    People are stupid - at least the guy had a reason but man, low blow...
  • This happens to me ALL the time. Within just the last month, 3 times. First I bought a mini-van, and the sweet old lady I bought it from says "I see you're expecting, you're gonna need all this room huh?" Second time, standing in line a the grocery store and the cashier says "awww, when are you due?" Third time, me and my youngest daughter were standing in line at the checkout in Walgreens and they had hot pickles in the single packages on clearance, LOL, and I said "Kendrah, you wanna hot pickle?" and the woman in front of me turned around laughing, staring at my belly and said "No, but you do!"

    First of all, when I was pregnant I DID NOT want pickles ok! Second, I've been ruined by my 4 children, especially the twins I had a year ago! ( I just blame them, ha ha ha)

    People are really *kitten*, but I have ALWAYS carried a lot of weight in my belly. I am built like my Dad, we even have the same *kitten*. It's not attractive, LOL. I think I've learned that insulting myself when people say or ask about me being pregnant usually shuts them up and makes them feel stupider than I do. But, the whole situation leaves me feeling like ****. It sucks, but that's why we're here....keep on pushin on.
  • Marylovell
    Marylovell Posts: 19 Member
    Just to offer sympathy, "been there, done that, get the T-shirt too frequently." Can't seem to kill the belly no matter what my overall weight or fitness level. I don't have a good answer for this, but want to tell you you're not alone about it. I hope some people have better advice about it!