dmsl977 Member


  • Good morning and happy August! I've been negligent in posting this month. One a positive note, I've somewhat broken my plateau and lost about a pound and a half. The last 5 to 10 pounds are the WORST. I'm hoping to do better work out wise for the rest of the month. It has just been so miserably hot that it makes it a…
  • I completed my zumba class last night and that deserves a gold star as the AC was broken in the classroom. I was a sweaty mess when it was over. The gym is supposedly awaiting a repair person. Today is supposed to be a walk around the lake. I may have to wait a little later in the evening so the temps can drop a bit. It…
  • Is anyone else struggling with this heat? I was supposed to go to the gym after work yesterday and just couldn't drag myself back out of the house. I'm signed up for a zumba class tonight, and I'm hoping to do some weights to make up for last night. @Antiopelle I feel you on the cookies. My husband brought home a box of…
  • I have started adding in more protein for muscle development moreso than satiety. I love me some carbs though. I have the worst sweet tooth ever. I usually have a string cheese on the commute to work, a protein shake mid morning (I love the Fairlife chocolate ones. So good.) and a lower calorie protein bar in the afternoon…
  • Thank you for the welcome! You are quite correct. Once you get off track, it seems so much harder to get back on. But this week is off to a great start. Hubby and I hit the gym for resistance training last night, and I'm scheduled for zumba at 6:30 this evening. The food seems to be easier to keep on target when I work out.
  • I don't know my LBM. I'll check out the thread. Thanks!
  • I struggle with this as well. My body is disproportionate: I'm 5'5.5", but my legs are incredibly long (I wear a 36" length pant.) I've only achieved a 22 BMI once in my adult life and I looked sick. Too thin and bony. My current goal is 150 (currently down 30 pounds to 163.) This is barely within normal BMI range. I will…
  • It took a full 20 pounds before I had comments, and then it was like 3 in one day. I'm down 30 now with another 10-15 to go.
  • Good morning! I am new to this forum. I have about 10-12 more pounds to lose and they are definitely the toughest. I had a ridiculously crazy couple of months and got off my routine. I fell off the workout wagon, and I've had a heck of a time climbing back on. But today is a new day. My goals: *get back to the gym 3x per…
  • Now that my gym is on it's summer schedule (i.e. cutting a couple of my usual classes), I would like to add in couch to 5K this month, 3 days a week.
  • dmsl977
  • I can officially say as of this morning, I have hit mini-goal #1. Now on to the next 5 pounds!
  • If we said we wanted to continue on the challenge, but have not seen an invitation, what should we do?
  • Add me please.
  • Thank you! I appreciate that!
  • My first mini-goal is getting into the "overweight" category rather than "obese" on my BMI. I'm 5 pounds away from that. (I despise that chart.) Then I will be just over 30 pounds away from the "normal" category. A little more long term goal is to not be the 'chubby girl' on a bachelorette trip to Vegas that I'm going on…
  • Awesome job! I started off January kind of rocky, but I'm getting more consistent and hope to start to see the scale drop. I have a goal of 40 pounds gone by September (girls trip to Vegas.) I'm going to send you a friend request.
  • Good morning! I am on day 7 of a 10 day work stretch. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that it's Monday. Since it's technically a federal holiday, it feels like I'm working a Sunday. I had to come in extremely early today so no real exercise yet today. The best part of coming in so early is getting off work super…
  • Good morning all! I hope everyone's Thursdays are being kind. I am having a good day thus far. Still soda free! I'm looking forward to getting a dance workout in after work today. I've been focusing on my water intake so far this week and only getting a minimal amount of exercise in. Upping my activity levels is my next…
  • Hi everyone! Thanks for the positivity. I am feeling better overall. I believe I was just struggling with some Oklahoma allergies. This wind really is something else. I'm still soda free! I've been leaning heavily on my Cirkul water bottle and Crystal Lite. Though the way my work day is going, maybe it should be vodka.…
  • Good afternoon all. I woke up a bit under the weather today. As I'm working on Saturday, I gave myself grace to take today off. I'm trying to up my natural vitamin C. On a positive, I'm still soda free for the new year. That's huge for me.
  • Good morning, all! It is a foggy morning in Oklahoma. I am up on this holiday Monday taking care of animals (my German Shepherds and my son's German and Aussie Shepherds) and I have laundry going. I'm easing into the day with a sugar free latte. I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.
  • When the gym I signed up for opens up in late January, I will be attending group fitness classes like zumba, HIIT, and yoga. In the mean time and on other days, I plan on walking more. I live in a lovely area next to a lake and a golf course with designated walking trails. I just need to USE them. My goal is a minimum of…
  • Good morning! I am taking an easy day today to recoup from this week. Well as easy as my 2 German Shepherds, plus my son's German and Aussie Shepherds that I'm puppysitting, will allow. Lol @tslose I too am looking forward to 2023. The last couple have been good professionally, but tough in so many other ways. I'm ready to…
  • Good morning all! I'm having a rough morning thus far, but I'm trying to count the positives this week instead of dwelling on the negatives. I signed up for the new Crunch fitness that will be opening soon in my area (I miss zumba classes badly), I ordered some new workout clothes, ryka dance shoes, and hiking boots…
  • I don't 'diet' per se because I tend to obsess. I plan on moderate portions and reducing excess sugars, especially my horrible soda habit. I've found the more I work out, the better I tend to eat.
  • Just now seeing this off the introduction link. I'd like to join a team please. I truly need some accountability.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Deanna. I *think* I signed up in the right place. How many 5% Challenges have you done? This is my first one. What do you like to do for fun? Reading, singing, makeup What major city do you live in or near? State? Oklahoma City, OK What are you health/fitness goals for this season? I need to get back into…