mlaccs Member


  • I am finding that several fozen bananas a day help. I like them as replacement for ice cream and such and make sure they are super ripe before freezing. Does wonders to help the pain you describe.
    in Calf pain Comment by mlaccs October 2015
  • MFP +MapMyWalk + FitBit for the win
  • My scales hate me. I can float 1-2 pounds in 5 minutes with the key activity in the middle being brushing my teeth. BUT the overall trend is down and I only record once a week or longer. The scales may cheat me out of a couple of pounds or give me something I have not earned yet but there is no mistaking the 20-25 pound…
  • This may be one of the most bizarre posts of the month. To answer the question (that so many ignored in an attempt to make this about power or sex) ...... GO out with the team. Skipping sometimes is OK. Skipping all the times WILL impact your being part of the team and as such your career. When out be clear that you are…
  • Log it as "hiding" is the very worse thng and if it bothers you then go for a walk or run or swim or or or ..... Problem solved.
  • Ben, I have been where you are. The fitness stuff you are taking is great. But what the others are saying is very true. I eat NOTHING that I do not log. I do that because I cannot trust myself and I have a great way of having "just a little more" where a "little" turns into thousands of extra calories a week. When I count…
  • I am sure you know this but for me the night stuff is helped by NOT having foods around that are triggers or bad for me. If there is ice cream in the fridge then it MUST be consumed to save the planet. If there is no ice cream in the fridge then I am not likely to go out and buy some.
  • That seemed to be a waste of time. Looks like the answer is to use some Vinegar, Lemon and Water. None of the sauces seem to be worth the trade and any recipe I saw looks to be in the hundreds of calories. I am looking foeard to the great stir fry and Pineapples for Desert. :smile:
  • Yes @North44 the challenge is the sauces. They have something like a dozen combos and I am certain that I could end up with a bad mixture that exceeded the calories of the meal itself. Off to Google to find a couple possible combos and will report back with what I find.
  • Actually a single day in a year will not matter. A Single day in the next 8 would be a disaster. I need to lose significant weight for a weigh-in by next Sunday morning or it is a massive problem. After that I am back to some balance. So yes, a spread of 200-400 calories is meaningful. What I am looking for are ideas…
  • All makes sense. I kinda KNOW that water is not the answer. it DOES stop hunger and seems to be good so that is kind of enough.
  • I really am drinking a LOT of water. I am on a very bad crash diet and need to dump 10 pound in ten days for a scale weigh-in then expect most of it to come back and I get to better eating. Again, it is all about a required Scale weigh in and the motivation is there. last 7 days I have increased workouts and am on about…
  • @Alatariel75 this is a simple google search. All kinds of fun stuff including variables on water temp. I know it ALL has to be true since it is on the Internet and Al Gore would never be responsible for an untrue statement. :smiley:
  • I don't think I like SLLRunner anymore. :(
  • Less eating out = savings. Healthier food = costs more. Seems like some kind of even balance. The "it costs more to eat well" argument falls apart when we spend $5 for fast food and could buy a lot of fruit and veggies with water for the same money and have a healthier lunch. But I like making excuses and lying to myself.
  • I think the key is to focus on recording EVERYTHING. If you have a bad day be honest. If you have realistic goals you will find some days you can be over and others under and it will balance. If you are always over or always under then your target goals may be the problem. And if you find you can never go off-diet then…
  • Seems that if you eat less and exercise more you will lose weight faster. My guess is that since this is not a sustainable (by me) lifestyle change that those losses will not be permanent but if you can maintain after the loss then maybe it helps.
  • Do not over think this. If you eat it record it. For THAT day. If you are over or under in a given day\week\month then that is what it is. Work on that challenge. But once your start fudging the numbers you will not stop. You will get to the end of the day\week\month and be over-under and decide to "carry over" and before…
  • Know what I need to do but have no Discipline. Rather than log 1/2 my food i skip it all and have managed to "find" the 30 pounds I lost last year. Just realized I need to drop 20 pounds in 20 days or I will be banned from a backpack event I have been looking forward to all year. This is just like High School Wrestling…
  • Same issue. Even worse in my job there are lots of time when food is brought in. Lots of very very tasty stuff that lives on my waistline. Saying no has been a very tough battle. But I slowly winning the fight as long as I stay on target with big picture goals.