emtastic929 Member


  • I am such a cereal addict! I totally get this! I just recently restored my cereal privileges. LOL I am proud of myself today because I had a meeting with a health coach through this work program I'm participating in and she was very impressed with my cardio files (uploaded from my hrm to a website for the program). Also,…
  • I would say dividing by 10 is probably pretty accurate. I use a HRM when I do Just Dance 2 and dividing 3000 by 10 sounds pretty accurate for what I burn when I play the game.
  • Hey there! I'm getting married in May this year. I definitely understand the desire to look my best in the dress! I just recently got past my own mini hurdle, a weight I haven't been below in over 2 years. I'd be happy to support and help you in any way I can. :)
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song - Can you tell I have a 2-year-old daughter? LOL
  • You never told me the phone part, Chrissy! HAHAHAHA Oh Iain. So mine is actually funny but at the time, I didn't think so. So my boyfriend and I had been together a few years and we had a 1 year-old daughter (at the time). Anyway, my dad kept sorta making these comments about me getting married whenever I was around my…
  • I like Healthy Choice Steamers personally, though Lean Cuisines are good too. As for the sodium content, I have one of those meals almost every work day and my sodium is still way under the limit for the day. I just wouldn't suggest eating them for every meal in one day - then the sodium might be a problem. But as far as…
  • peaceful honest outspoken loyal
  • I record pretty much everything, except if I add a pinch of table salt to something (unless I know I've had high sodium things that day). I do log my vitamins because I want to see how good/bad I do on nutrients when combining my food and my vitamin. Oh wait, forgot to say I don't log gum. Because I chew it for a long…
  • The Just Dance games are awesome! We have the Just Dance 2 as well. My 2 year-old tells me the order I need to do the songs. LOL. She's fond of (and I will use her wording here) "Iko iko unday", "Body Movin", "Wake me up", "Missa Jump Jump" and "Ah Vegas". LOL! She has me do those every time and she dances alongside me.…
  • Haha. TAwesome. Anyway, I say it's your day - do what you want. Do what makes you and your fiance happy. Also, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! When is the big day? I'm getting married May 5th this year. It's coming quick! :)
  • First of all, bravo to you for 9 lbs lost! Secondly, I think what you're doing is great! If you force yourself to eat things you hate and cut out all of the things you love completely, you'll never stick to it. You want to be good most of the time, rather than great for a short period of time and then have a huge relapse…
  • Hi! We just became friends, and I'd be happy to help support you. You are so right about it being easy to say "I have time..." But I stand here as an example of someone who did that and now I am running out of time. EEK! I have about 20 lbs till my goal, but I'd like to at least be down 10 more lbs by my wedding. I am…
  • I'm getting married May 5th of this year - my first alterations appt is on March 18th. It's fast approaching. I'm doing this for a lot of other reasons as well, but my short-term goal is to look my absolute best possible by my fitting and then my wedding day! :) Feel free to add me. I could use all the support I can get.
  • Try cutting out the diet sodas for a week and see what happens. They do have quite a bit of sodium, and can make you retain water if you are drinking a lot of them and not drinking enough water. Also, keep at it. I'm in the same boat. I've been getting pretty frustrated this week. But everyone who suggested pulling out…
  • Short-term? I'm getting married in less than 4 months and I want to look as best as possible by then. I don't want to be a fat bride with skinny bridesmaids. :o/ More long-term? I want to set a good example for my daughter. I want her to see her mom working hard, exercising, and eating right. I want her to develop good…
  • Amazing! I love that you and your boyfriend are doing it together! My fiance and I are doing this together too! :) Congrats and you look great!
  • You look great!! Congrats! :)
  • I am very fortunate that my work is trying to encourage healthy living. They pay for employees to join this program called Nuvita (www.nuvita.com). It's a diet and exercise program where you're put on teams and you have weekly meetings (while at work) with a coach. There are nutrition and fitness lessons and they also give…
  • Hello there! Congrats on your engagement! I totally feel ya. I want to look my absolute best in my wedding dress. My deadline is approaching rapidly though - I'm getting married May 5th of this year. YIKES. Not much time left, but would love to lose as much weight as possible and tone up decently by the date of my…