Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I had a former co-worker turned "stalker" who wouldn't stop texting me, emailing me, or calling me. He told me he purposely got himself fired from his job so he could date me because our work had a "no-dating" policy between co-workers. (oh, and he was a pathological liar...apparently he has billions of dollars in secret riches squirrled away in the Caymen Islands that he can't get to right now lol) Finally after a few months of ignoring him, he e-mails me a picture of the engagement ring that he just bought me and wants my address so he can send it to me. UM NO!!! Changed number, email, and jobs!

    Should have gotten a PO Box, taken the ring and run! :o)

    I wasn't entirely convinced that A. it was real and B. it wasn't stolen
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    We had been together over a year and we have a son together and took him to the dr. for a check up and while we got in the car he pulled the ring outta his pocket(no box or anything) and practically threw it at me and said "here, will you marry me?". I said yes because I was 18 and dumb at the time and we had a child together, but needless to say we AREN'T together now and there are sooooo many reasons why(Id be here all day if I hadda name them all).
  • mozpic
    mozpic Posts: 4
    Well my proposell was a hushed whisper,was well gutted always dreamt of a huge audience....Awwww but that's us girlie girls.....If I'm ever daft enough marry again it'll have 2 be a new yrs eve job
  • EmilyLStuart
    My ex just walked up to me while I was cleaning off tables at a family reunion. He handed me the ring right there and didn't even say anything to me. My arms were full of dirty styrofoam plates smeared with left-over Aunt Ruth's green been casserole and beet salad. Yeah I was pissed. I snapped at him....not right here..ugh! I went and chunked the plates in the garbage and made him take me to the stairwell so we could at least have some semblance of privacy. Big freakin fail. Almost as bad as the "honeymoon". ugh
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    There's something in the glove box if you want it.
    Yes! That is how my nephew proposed. They divorsed. HUMMMMMMMMMMMM, wonder why?
  • AliR105
    AliR105 Posts: 30 Member
    aww thats actually quite sweet :smile: what was ur reaction when he said that? xx
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    My poor fiancee couldn't catch a break after three plans fell through he set out the box the ring box came in on his printer and waited for me to notice it. I didn't so he pointed it out to me, and asked. I couldn't get the ring out of the box. But i did tackle him when i said yes.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I was in a crappy two year relationship and had been trying to end it for months. The night before he proposed we got in a HUGE fight and I asked him to leave the house. I also told him the relationship was over. The next day I was leaving work. He was parked next to my car in the parking garage and when he saw me coming he got out and asked me to talk to him. I said “Heck No” and that’s when he got down on one knee with the ring and popped the question. Of course I said no and that relationship is thankfully over! It makes me sad that the only proposal story I have is in a parking garage and I said no…are you freaking kidding me! :laugh:
  • emtastic929
    emtastic929 Posts: 20 Member
    but who answers their phone mid-proposal?! my husband of 3 years, that's who :)

    You never told me the phone part, Chrissy! HAHAHAHA Oh Iain.

    So mine is actually funny but at the time, I didn't think so. So my boyfriend and I had been together a few years and we had a 1 year-old daughter (at the time). Anyway, my dad kept sorta making these comments about me getting married whenever I was around my parents by myself. He was teasing, but it was kind of getting to me. So I brought it up with boyfriend, just telling him my dad had been teasing me. He blew it off. No surprise. But I was starting to get hurt about it because about 2 or 3 months into our relationship, he was already talking about wanting to marry me. I was wondering what changed. He used to text me "will you marry me?" at random moments. I would always reply with "not from a text message proposal" or something along those lines. Anyway, fast forward a few days from that initial conversation about my dad, and I take my daughter with me over to my parents' house and my dad makes yet another joke about marriage. So I tell him, "Dad, I don't know. I'm not worried about it." So after I leave to head home, I get a text message from my boyfriend asking for my dad's phone number. I got a bit suspicious, but gave it to him. Then I got home and asked him why he needed my dad's number and he said it was to ask him what mechanic he used to take his car to (the car that my parents had given my boyfriend). So I felt a wave of disappointment. Anyway so I again told him about my father making a comment (which at this point must've been funny to him because he had already called my dad to ask his permission). He starts making comments about how if we get married it might change things and why mess with the way things are. And stuff about how he wouldn't know what type of ring to get or what size and I'd probably be upset if he got the wrong size. He actually said it was a lot of work and not worth it. I got so upset I started crying and told him to leave me alone. He was like "Babe? Why are you so upset?" I just kept saying "Leave me alone. Don't talk to me." I just felt so foolish for crying about it. Well anyway, he gets up off the couch, and all of a sudden is kneeling in front of me, but I'm refusing to look at him. He says "Babe? Please talk to me. Please look at me." I still refuse. Then he says "Babe? Will you marry me?" and I look down at him and he has a damn ring and the first words out of my mouth were "I f*cking hate you, you jerk!" haha then I said "yes, of course!" Turns out he had been planning to propose on Mother's Day, but I had gotten so upset that he thought I was going to break up with him before that (it was 2 days away). This was May 5th last year and we're getting married May 5th this year. :)

    And now, I wouldn't change the proposal for anything in the world. :)
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    but who answers their phone mid-proposal?! my husband of 3 years, that's who :)

    You never told me the phone part, Chrissy! HAHAHAHA Oh Iain.

    So mine is actually funny but at the time, I didn't think so. So my boyfriend and I had been together a few years and we had a 1 year-old daughter (at the time). Anyway, my dad kept sorta making these comments about me getting married whenever I was around my parents by myself. He was teasing, but it was kind of getting to me. So I brought it up with boyfriend, just telling him my dad had been teasing me. He blew it off. No surprise. But I was starting to get hurt about it because about 2 or 3 months into our relationship, he was already talking about wanting to marry me. I was wondering what changed. He used to text me "will you marry me?" at random moments. I would always reply with "not from a text message proposal" or something along those lines. Anyway, fast forward a few days from that initial conversation about my dad, and I take my daughter with me over to my parents' house and my dad makes yet another joke about marriage. So I tell him, "Dad, I don't know. I'm not worried about it." So after I leave to head home, I get a text message from my boyfriend asking for my dad's phone number. I got a bit suspicious, but gave it to him. Then I got home and asked him why he needed my dad's number and he said it was to ask him what mechanic he used to take his car to (the car that my parents had given my boyfriend). So I felt a wave of disappointment. Anyway so I again told him about my father making a comment (which at this point must've been funny to him because he had already called my dad to ask his permission). He starts making comments about how if we get married it might change things and why mess with the way things are. And stuff about how he wouldn't know what type of ring to get or what size and I'd probably be upset if he got the wrong size. He actually said it was a lot of work and not worth it. I got so upset I started crying and told him to leave me alone. He was like "Babe? Why are you so upset?" I just kept saying "Leave me alone. Don't talk to me." I just felt so foolish for crying about it. Well anyway, he gets up off the couch, and all of a sudden is kneeling in front of me, but I'm refusing to look at him. He says "Babe? Please talk to me. Please look at me." I still refuse. Then he says "Babe? Will you marry me?" and I look down at him and he has a damn ring and the first words out of my mouth were "I f*cking hate you, you jerk!" haha then I said "yes, of course!" Turns out he had been planning to propose on Mother's Day, but I had gotten so upset that he thought I was going to break up with him before that (it was 2 days away). This was May 5th last year and we're getting married May 5th this year. :)

    And now, I wouldn't change the proposal for anything in the world. :)

    Awww, I think it's great that he ditched is plan to comfort you!!! What a sweet story!
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    but who answers their phone mid-proposal?! my husband of 3 years, that's who :)

    You never told me the phone part, Chrissy! HAHAHAHA Oh Iain.

    Then he says "Babe? Will you marry me?" and I look down at him and he has a damn ring and the first words out of my mouth were "I f*cking hate you, you jerk!" haha then I said "yes, of course!" Turns out he had been planning to propose on Mother's Day, but I had gotten so upset that he thought I was going to break up with him before that (it was 2 days away). This was May 5th last year and we're getting married May 5th this year. :)

    And now, I wouldn't change the proposal for anything in the world. :)

    I love the f*ckin hate you, you jerk part! hahahahaha classic :) we're getting sooooo close Emer!!! can't wait!
  • geistmadl
    First husband proposed to me (without a ring) in a car while we were driving to a cut-rate steak house. Second asked me to be engaged to him in a castle garden and proposed to me 2x at another castle on the knee in front of dozens of people. He freakin' rocks. :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    first husband, we had been on a break for a year and he wanted to get back together, and I said if we get back together we need to get married and he agreed, pretty lame. What was funny is all our friends said "I thought you two weren't together", 16 years married, 10 years divorced.

    Second husband, rang me to say he'd take me out to dinner and to leave the children at home, I said no that would mean I'd have to cook something for them separately. he seemed annoyed, but we all trouped off together. Well about 9.30 that night, all the other patrons had gone, and I said 'can we go now', was looking around at the children and then looked back, and he was on his knees. It was pretty special, since we had met at that same restaurant. We were married 4 years before he died.

    Now I never want to get married again because twice is enough, my new guy is super-romantic, and keeps rubbing my ring finger, but I'm going to be strong.

  • JersryGirl31
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th
  • JersryGirl31
    My son and his wife dated 11 yrs before he asked. She was so patient. He knew she was the one, but wasn't ready. He made up for it with a beautiful ring and a lovely proposal during the finale of Independence Day fireworks
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    My husband let it slip while he was drunk he was planning on proposing to me. He ordered the ring online when the box came he tossed it at me and said "happy birthday" (happened to be like 3 weeks before my bday)
  • NicolioRussell
    Valentine's Day, 2010

    Me: "My friends make fun of me because I was practicing writing my name as Mrs. Russell....like I'm 12 again"
    Chris: "Do you want to be Mrs. Russell?"
    Me: "Are you asking me to marry you?"
    Chris: "Yes."
    Me: "Okay. Can I tell my parents?"
    Chris: "Yes."
    **2 days later**
    Chris: "So... I thought about it....and I don't think I'm ready for this..."
    Me: ".....what? My parents are throwing us an engagement party when we go visit in two weeks..."
    Chris: "I'm sorry."
    **2 weeks later**
    Me: *crying, laying in bed at my parent's house* "I don't feel right. They're throwing this party, and you've changed your mind. I'm not going to lie to my family. This totally sucks. It's supposed to be a fun experience."
    Chris: "I know. I changed my mind. When we were looking at churches with your mom....it hit me. I do want to marry you."
    Me: *SLAP*

    Didn't have a ring yet.....he had just asked me to move in with him at dinner on V-day....I didn't get a ring until April....

    But we were married on October 15, 2011. So all is well. :-)
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Well, I proposed to the hubby, ring and all, but here's the story when he finally got around to getting my bridal set.

    We went to the movies with my BF and her man. When we came out and got into my car, the ring box was sitting on the top of my steering column open with my engagement ring. How. Romantic. He's sitting in the passenger seat and he asks me if I want to get married. I had told him that I wanted something romantic and preferably involving my friends. My husband has never been really good with taking extremely obvious hints. Oh, and it was also less then 2 weeks before the wedding that I actually got my engagement ring...... :grumble:
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    Holy crow! I came here to tell everyone to stop whining because mine hasn't even asked! But it has only been 4 years.

    You win. Hands down.