Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    my proposal was romantic and perfect-my marriage, not so much. So maybe a crappy proposal will bring you years of happiness???
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    There was no proposal, really. There was no asking at all. We had been dating about a week and he kept saying how he just knew in his heart that he was gonna marry the next girl he dated (meaning me). He had it all planned out, we were gonna get married as soon as he graduated from high school and live in a double-wide trailer out in batsh!t nowhere and I was gonna be a high school art teacher and he was gonna be a Journalism teacher. He had even picked out names our future children. Needless to say, we only dated a month.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm sure all of your husbands are grateful to have such kind, appreciative wives.

    Lol. Agreed. No man is perfect and this isn't a romantic comedy. Some men just aren't creative or romantic, but if they married you that should say that they love you.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    well this is going to sound odd but its time for a guy to comment on this topic.

    I had decided to ask Andi to marry me. I went to the store and bought the ring (getting a store credit card to do it). I knew that i was only going to have a short amount of time after doing this, as we lived together and she was going to be suspicious when the bills started arriving. On the way home from the store i stopped and asked her parents, they both said it was about time (in a round about way). I even told her brother and some friends that i was going to do it but wasn't sure when.

    fast forward a few days, She had to work a double shift that day and i said you know what, tomorrow is the day. I had an idea of what i wanted to do. So i sat down and I wrote out 25 good things i liked about her. Such as Your Beautiful. and 25 special memories I have of us together. I then took an index card and wrote a memory on one side and a good thing on the other. Then it was off to the store to buy stuff for breakfast in bed the next morning and to find some boxes. I wanted little gift boxes to put the cards in. After hours of shopping i finally found what i wanted, went home and started putting all the boxes together. the last box was a card that said favorite memory #25 OUR ENGAGEMENT, the other side said WILL YOU MARRY ME? I spent all day working on these things. i finally got done with everything for the next day an hour or so before she would get home from work. i hid everything. boxes in my cars trunk, ring in my underwear drawer, other card in one of our cabinets. I had this whole plan.

    She comes home from work and is in a bad mood because none of the house work was done. dishes laundry etc. She decides shes going to clean out our closet at midnight. the same closet i hid the ring in. i helped her. The whole time trying to get her to go to bed. she finally gave up cleaning up the closet and moved to the kitchen where she was going to find the card i had stashed away. She was very upset with me that i had an entire day to clean and didn't do any of it. At this time I started to get upset because i had spent the whole day getting everything just right. I even told her in the midst of our fight, oh your so going to eat those words....

    She wasn't dropping this and going to bed so i told her i would show her what i did all day and to give me a minute. i went and got everything set up with candles and all on our dining room table and then told her, no i didn't want it this way and to just go to sleep and she would see it in the morning.

    Morning came, i slipped out of bed and made breakfast and took it to her. i said when you are ready to come out to the table and she can see what i did. she cried and cried and cried with every box she opened and said i'm sorry a million times that she was such a b*tch to me. I kept telling her to keep going. She opened the last box and saw the Our Engagement and had an odd look on her face. as she turned the card over i was down on one knee with the ring box open saying will you marry me?

    She said yes and we will be getting married may 18th 2013.

    So ladies cut your men some slack. They try hard, sometimes its just not as easy.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    chunkiedunker, that is such a cute story!! Thanks for making this less of a manbashing thread haha.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    "Got you a ring today. Wanna see it??" Yep, that was it. (first hubby, next one was much better.........live and learn) :)
  • rana_bear
    Lol this thread is good for a laugh. Hopefully i wont have to add a bad proposal story. I nagged him a while ago coz we've bought a house together, talked about getting married and always get the 'so when are you guys getting married' question. I've told him a couple of poorly planned proposals (guy just throwing the ring box @ the girl) and warned him that if doesn't make any effort then i'll say no until he does lol. Anyway a couple of months ago he started asking questions, what ring size, style i like, if i wanted to choose one myself, etc. I didn't want to choose it myself but was glad he asked what style i liked. I have joked that if it doesn't happen before leap day, then i'll have to ask.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    My complicated ex Video Called me on Skype one day and said "I want to get engaged." I didn't say anything, just laughed, then he said it again and I just looked at him. Finally I said, "I love you with all my heart, but don't you think we should wait?"

    That broke his heart. He got offline and didn't talk to me for a whole day. When he did talk to me it was all self-doubt and he starting saying things like he's worthless and how I didn't want to be with him. He took my WAIT as a HELL NO.

    I mean we've only been dating about 3 months at the most, really I think it was closer to 2 months when he said that. He still brings it up when I talk to him, IF I talk to him. Are all men so heart broken when you say "wait"?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    standing in the kitchen and i get "so should i get on my knee or what"... as he gives me my ring.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Are all men so heart broken when you say "wait"?

    I doubt it, but then I have never felt the desire to be engaged to a woman after only knowing her for 2 to 3 months. My wife and I were together for a couple of years or so before getting married. :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Note that he's only seen me probably twice in those 2 months, we live 635 miles from each other (give or take)
  • healthylife83
    Well my proposell was a hushed whisper,was well gutted always dreamt of a huge audience....Awwww but that's us girlie girls.....If I'm ever daft enough marry again it'll have 2 be a new yrs eve job

    I didn't understand any of this sentence... :huh:
    I spose maybe another language.......daft
    She apparently wanted a bigger deal ( that was gutted, like a fish) made out of it, but instead it was a quiet thing. Not that hard!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    My propoasal was pathetic. My boyfriend looked at me and said "well, what do you think should we get married?" No ring, no knee, no kiss, no nothing. Looking back I should have said "No Way" but I was young and thought I was in love. :brokenheart:

    OMG...I think I married his twin brother. He said "I guess we should get married huh?" while he was driving his car. No ring, didn't ask my dad, nothing. He hasn't improved over the years either...
  • mtperry9
    mtperry9 Posts: 49 Member
    I was 19 and worked as a gas station attendant while going to college part time. My girlfriend at the time was pregnant and we were trying to decide how to best start this 'family' of ours. Her parents we pressuring her to have me make a decision, (Army, Air Force, or labor job). I was not necessarily sharing my thoughts on what I was thinking and this frustrated her (and her family). She came to the gas station and started to lay into me about my lack of movement and decision making. We argued right there in the parking lot and here was the dialogue.

    HER: "Marry me or get out of my life!!!"
    ME: "Fine!"
    HER: "Fine !! We'll do it this Friday!! " (It was a Tuesday when this was going on)
    ME: "Fine !!! "

    There was a marriage proposal.

    We did in fact get married that Friday. And we are celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary this February 10th.
  • ruggedBear
    After having dinner, we were getting in the car when my husband disappeared on the driver's side. I was waiting for him to unlock the car so I could get in. I have NO patience, so I went around to the driver side asking what the hell was taking him so long to unlock the car and found him kneeling on the pavement, right there in the parking lot! Now I can be a dunce sometimes and I had no idea what he was doing so I just said, well - are you going to unlock the car or what?

    He held out the ring and asked "Would you marry me?" My response: "No!" (We had just moved in together two months prior and had agreed that we would see how things were going in a year or so and see if this relationship was as good as we thought it was). I never want to see that expression on his face ever again - I quickly recovered and said "Yes"!

    He totally blindsided me and I was so nervous I almost threw up on his shoes! I found out after that he was so scared about carrying the ring around all day that he just wanted to get it over with so he wouldn't lose it, hence the completely unromantic proposal!

    Celebrating our 15th anniversary this year - maybe we should go have some Lamb Vindaloo at that restaurant!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Ah some of these are funny and I dont think of this as a man bashing thread. You all love your men, even if you love laughing about them too!

    I had been hinting to my bf last year I wanted to get married and he just went along with it, saying yes, one day etc... I thought he wanted the same thing. Then we had a fight a few months back where he came out and said he didnt want or need it - and asked me to tell him why I wanted it. I couldnt put it into words - other than 'Im a girl and I just know...!".

    So I dropped it, vowing never to bring it up again and deciding that he was right - its just a stupid piece of paper....

    Anyway - a month or two later - while overseas on holidays (I think!) he starts talking about when he asks my dad... I was careful at first - but now I keep asking when he's going to ask me.... His answer at first was 'after Ive asked your dad'... But now he's narrowed it down to sometime between March and October (this year!). Were heading interstate for my little sisters wedding this weekend - and its the first chance he's had to ask my dad - so I figure one down.... just the asking me to go!!

    I dont mind how he does it. I know him - and it'll be lovely. Special for me, romantic - probably not, but I dont mind. I just want to be married to this guy for the rest of my life.... I'll keep you posted haha!!
  • mtperry9
    mtperry9 Posts: 49 Member
    i have a friend who just got proposed to.... the guy did it in the same spot and same way that he proposed to his ex wife.....

    Uhm, ouch
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    Am I the only one who feels that you gals seem REALLY *****Y.

    'Oh my god, my proposal sucked, I should have known I'd end up divorcing that loser'

    I find a lot of these stories really cute, and funny. Sweet in those imperfect moment kinda ways that are fun to tell your kids. O.o
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Am I the only one who feels that you gals seem REALLY *****Y.

    'Oh my god, my proposal sucked, I should have known I'd end up divorcing that loser'

    I find a lot of these stories really cute, and funny. Sweet in those imperfect moment kinda ways that are fun to tell your kids. O.o

    They're cute when the marriage lasts, but when it ends in divorce after 3 months? It seems less romantic.
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    They're cute when the marriage lasts, but when it ends in divorce after 3 months? It seems less romantic.

    If your marriage doesn't last three months I'm thinking the proposal wasn't the problem.

    Then again it's easy to get me on a rant about marriage.