

  • I was a carb junkie myself and thought it would be impossible to reduce my wheat intake. But, I find the less I eat it, the less I crave it. Eating eggs for breakfast without toast took a little getting used too - but now its my norm. I do 'treat' myself with the odd bowl of cereal or toast - but ALWAYS rye toast. My…
  • I too have struggled loosing weight with PCOS until the last two months. The only thing I've changed is reducing my wheat intake. I know everywhere you turn, everyone's telling you about healthy whole grains, but I read 'The Wheat Belly' book and it made me wonder. So, I've reduced - not eliminated - my wheat intake and…
  • Rinse them, put them in a bowl and add 2 tbsp of oil, a pinch of salt and a pinch of Cyaenne spice (or more if you like spice.). Put them on a cookie sheet and roast them in the oven at 400 for about 45 minutes. Shaking them up about three times during them cooking. Cool and enjoy!
  • 1. 2.5 years (But, we changed our plans half way through) 2. 6500 - our goal was 5000 3. 48! 4. Black lanterns and fruit bowls that held the granny smith apples that were our center pieces 5. Jul 28 - Summer 6. 4 pm on a Saturday 7. At this point, there isn't anything that comes to mind that I would change. We had a very…
  • I do it. I found that it did tone up my muscles a bit. It also helped me sleep. There are tons of other benefits to it besides weight loss. I still do alot of walking and work outs beyond the T Zone as well.
  • I'm no 'pro' but my trainer always tells me not to lift weights back to back days. She says yours muscles need a day to recover and repair.
  • I find I always have water weight afterI have a couple alcohol drinks. Give it a few days and check again. I bet you'll find your down! Don't be discouraged!
  • I am also sitting at work - drinking a glass of milk as my mid morning snack. If I could have anything right now it would be some fluffy pancakes with fresh maple syrup, side order of bacon. With a big chocolate milk to wash it all down with. :) Happy healthy snacking ladies!
    in UGH!! Comment by trimblt July 2011
  • I am also sitting at work - drinking a glass of milk as my mid morning snack. If I could have anything right now it would be some fluffy pancakes with fresh maple syrup, side order of bacon. With a big chocolate milk to wash it all down with. :) Happy healthy snacking ladies!
    in UGH!! Comment by trimblt July 2011
  • Your not eating nearly enough! And your fats are really high. Plus you need to be eating more carbs if your working out like that. Perhaps your tainer can give you some nutrition advice or perhaps there is someone at your gym that offers nutritional counseling that could get you on track with a propery - well rounded -…
  • My favorite evening snack is a glass of milk and a scoop of chocolate protein powder. Its just like a glass of chocolate milk - but with lots of protein. And who can't use a little bit of extra protein in their diet?? I normally have this around 8 and head to bed about 10.
  • WAY to GO! You do look stunning!!! Keep it up ;)
  • Thirty pounds since January!! Thats awesome. Don't rob yourself of that achievement. Way to Go! I myself am a slow loser when it comes to weight loss. I often get discouraged- just like you seem to be right now- when my friends and 'support' system steam past me with half the effort that I'm putting in to it. Often I…