Losing Momentum

Okay... So I've been at this since Jan 25th, 2011 and have lost over 30 pounds with a very long way to go. I keep looking at everyone else's weight loss, the inspirational emails from you about other successes, etc. and can't help but compare myself to them. I've lost weight in the past and neared the 30 pound mark, hit a plateau, lost momentum and quit. Granted, after those 30 pounds, I was about 20 pounds less than I am now.

I'm tired of trying to figure out what to make every night for dinner, is my kid going to eat it, or is he going to need me to make his own meal. I have to balance my day just right to be able to get to the gym, come home and cook, handle bath-time, have quiet time, get the kid to bed, clean the house up, laundry, etc. I really want to just say 'forget it'! To top it all off, we are getting into the busy season here at work and I'm going to have to start logging in at home a couple hours each day in order to put overtime in AND go to the gym.

My mother is on the program as well, had less weight to lose and consistently loses more than me (she's so close to her goal). A friend on the program has a wedding and has decided to take "time off". I try to motivate her and explain why she's being told she can do it, but she doesn't want to hear it. She just "isn't going to worry about it this week/end". With that attitude, she still steadily gains/loses to essentially maintain her weight. After all my hard work, why am I not blowing past her??

I know I need to stick with this for my own good, but I look at how far I have to go and how much longer (at this pace) it could take me and I just don't know if I have it in me. I'm still not happy with my body and, again, know I need to keep at it. Any advice to "re-light" the fire under my rear??


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    First, if you open your food diary, we can see what you are eating and offer a few suggestions based upon your diet.
    Second, don't compare yourself to anyone else. Your body chemistry is different, so don't worry about what your mom or friend is doing. Just focus on you. Focus on your achievement.
    Make time everyday to workout- make it a priority. Figure out stuff to do at home (30 Day Shred) that is minimal time committment, but will still have you working towards your goal.
    Third, hungry kids eat. I have two. I would never make a separate meal for them (unless the chili I made turned out extra spicy). They eat what we eat. I do, however, make sure there is a side dish that they love, so there is something on the plate to make them happy. Don't make extra work for yourself if you don't have to.
  • LesmillsJunkie
    I wish I had some amazing advice to share, or ideas. I don't, but I understand. I work so hard, watch what I eat and always bounce up and down between the same weight. Last year I lost 12 pounds, and gained it back, now it is a fight to lose it all again, plus the other 12 I want to lose. All I have been able to do to keep me going is keep the image of what I want to look like in the front of my mind all the time. Chin up, you CAN do this!
  • jennyk82
    jennyk82 Posts: 10
    BUMP.. I am right there with you. I did do a month of the I dont care and then found that I was eating everything that I had deprived myself from while on the diet and gained 8 pounds! I hate how it takes me three months to lose 8 lbs and only one month to put it on...UGH yep fustrated with you. At least you have continued even though you are having those feelings of giving up. Good luck and I am going to check the progress of this thread to hopefully gain some insight from the advise that you recieve.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    You lost twenty pounds in ten weeks???? That is amazing! Ask yourself how happy you'd be to wake up 30 pounds heavier... Then decide if you want to give up. It's a long hard journey for all of us. You can do this.
  • rayleetat
    rayleetat Posts: 1
    Hello, I have been in the same boat you are in....many many times. I have been doing this since September 26th 2010 but just joined MFP this week I have lost a total of 55LBS to date but they have been a hard 55LBS!! That being said I feel your pain and frustration but believe me giving up is not worth it, is it really worth giving up all your hard work to this point.What I have done in the past is....change my work out, get an at home video, make up your own work out, find a new work out that you LOVE!! I have discovered I love interval training! Buy yourself a new workout shirt, discover a new special healthy meal, make up a new play list, get a buddy and you be their motivator, knowing that someone else is looking to you for focus and motivation is an amazing motivator for yourself!! I have been at the same weight since February and I am extremely frustrated but I have a wonderful group of ladies that support and encourage me!!

    Just realize how hard you have worked and know that you have it in yourself to work that much harder. The hardest part is putting your sneakers on!!!

    Best of luck......you got this you ROCK!!!!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    As far as the cooking goes, I found an awesome website, skinnytaste.com. They have regular meals, made with less fat. Sometimes I find these healthy recipes that call for 15 ingredients I have never even heard of. So check out that site for dinner ideas. I too struggle with dinner ideas because I have a picky eater. So I know the feeling. And after a long day you don't feel like fighting sometimes. Hang in there. 33 pounds is an amazing loss. I also agree with the above post. Try the 30 day shred. It is only 20 minutes and gives amazing results if you stick with it. You will save a ton of time (and money). You got this!!!!!
  • trimblt
    trimblt Posts: 14
    Thirty pounds since January!! Thats awesome. Don't rob yourself of that achievement. Way to Go!

    I myself am a slow loser when it comes to weight loss. I often get discouraged- just like you seem to be right now- when my friends and 'support' system steam past me with half the effort that I'm putting in to it. Often I wonder - 'Why do I bother?' But then I look around society - at all the people that I don't want to turn into as I get older. People who have given up. People who don't bother anymore. And it scares me into thinking - if I just give up, and I going to keep on this path until I've become one of those people. There is so much more to life!

    Some people can put a little effort into it - and get a ton of rewards. It sounds like you and I are the people that need to put a ton of effort in - to get a little result. But a little down - is still better then a little up. And stay realistic with your goals. I find I get less discouraged if I take things a little at a time. I'm down 30 pounds since I start to 'better myself' And I have about 40 to go. I've been working at it for over a year. But I keep in mind - I'm thirty pounds lighter now then I was a year ago. Thats nothing to shrug at.

    I'm no nutritionist. I'm no personal trainer - so I can't give you advice in those terms. All I am is someone who knows what your going through. Who has fallen off the wagon a few times - but has managed to crawl back on. It certainly is a lifestyle change - and it isn't an easy one. But its one that is very rewarding when you get to where you want to be.

    Good luck. :)
  • AmyLShanks
    AmyLShanks Posts: 3 Member
    Let me ask you this: If you stop now – in 6 months time, how will you feel? Will you still be glad you stopped? Will you be wondering, ‘what if I had kept on track, how much less would I weigh now?’ Will you feel good about yourself? Will it be worth it? If your answers to these questions are: “Yes, I’m glad I stopped, I’m happy how much I weigh and what I look like and I never look back or ask what if,” then stop.
    But I seriously doubt that’s how you’ll feel.

    So instead – imagine yourself 6 months from now, the you who kept going. How does that woman feel?

    You know, no one said it was going to be easy. I hate deciding what to make for supper every night too, so I came up with a solution (with a little help from Dr. Oz).

    Don’t try to make so many different things. Plan your weekday meals – Monday to Friday. Make them simple like spaghetti or try some Campbell soup recipes – they are fast, easy, inexpensive and kids like them. Plan a night of thin crust pizza (get pizza pockets for your kid).

    Now, make the same thing every week! Don’t try and think about meals all the time – you are going to go bonkers! Mix it up some on the weekends when you have more time.

    Once you start to automate your meals, meal time becomes easy.

    When I first read this tip, I thought I would get bored eating the same thing all the time. Then I remembered, we used to eat take out all the time (Wendy’s, McDonald’s etc) which is the same thing over and over, and I didn’t get bored of that.

    My weeks are basically the same now. I have a few meals my family likes that we stick to. For example, every Monday night is canned soup and sandwiches since we know we have to run kids to their activities.

    Grocery time is so much easier. I know what I’m going to buy each week. I know what’s for supper every night. I know how many calories I eat for supper each night of the week.

    Planning your meals should not be yet another item mom’s need to think about.
    Try this for three weeks. Make your list of 5 easy yet healthy meals. For the next 3 weeks have the same thing on Monday through Friday.

    One last thing…..I know you have heard this before, but I’m going to repeat it. Everybody is different. Everybody have different things going on in their body. Some people have higher metabolisms – some people have hormones that work for them not against them, some people are naturally thin. You have to stop comparing yourself to anyone else who is losing weight.

    Here is what you need to do: GET RID OF YOUR SCALE! Don’t worry about what that nasty little machine is telling is. You can’t control what your body does, you can only control what you do to your body! Your body might not lose weight this week – you can’t control that. You can control what you eat and how much activity you get. So don’t weigh yourself so often. Weigh yourself monthly. You know you can lose the weight, you’ve already lost 30lbs! WOW! So don’t worry how fast or how often it is coming off. It will come off – just do what you can.

    Hope this was helpful…..

    Add me as a friend, we’ll stay in touch!
  • pittielover23
    Seems like you are feeling overwhelmed, and I know too well how that goes! Some suggestions to help:
    -Do a workout video at home. I loev the 30 Day Shred: 20min is a great workout and it is fast, so it does not kill my whole day. That saves ime going to the gym and it is something different, changing routine on occassion can help kick start you again.

    -Make a couple meals on Sunday and freeze them for the week (make enough for 2 meals of each thing). There are some great recipies on here : www.skinnytaste.com. That way you do not have to worry about doing anything but heating up food in the evenings.

    -Plan everything ahead. I meal plan for my whole week, so I never have to stress about what I have on hand to make.

    You can totally do this!
  • Wish2BSkinny
    You lost twenty pounds in ten weeks???? That is amazing! Ask yourself how happy you'd be to wake up 30 pounds heavier... Then decide if you want to give up. It's a long hard journey for all of us. You can do this.

    :laugh: No, I started in January. I didn't join MFP until later. I just recorded my original start weight so I didn't get even more discouraged looking like I hadn't come as far as I had. :smile:
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel... I am feeling down about myself today too. I do like the suggestion of eating the same meals week after week. We kind of do anyway and if no one likes it they can help :laugh:

    I am very afraid of failing at this and eventhough I am lower than when I first started and with the exception of CONSTANTLY fluctuating between 2-3 pounds, I could realistically be even bigger if I hadn't started trying to begin with. It is SOOOO much easier to put weight on!

    It is hard and it makes me want to :sad: but hang in there with me...we can get there:smile:

    And thank you to everyone with your suggestions!
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    You lost twenty pounds in ten weeks???? That is amazing! Ask yourself how happy you'd be to wake up 30 pounds heavier... Then decide if you want to give up. It's a long hard journey for all of us. You can do this.

    :laugh: No, I started in January. I didn't join MFP until later. I just recorded my original start weight so I didn't get even more discouraged looking like I hadn't come as far as I had. :smile:
    HONEY. HONEY! I have been at this for months on end and have lost a grand total of (drum roll) 4 lbs. My body composition is changing and my clothes are finally beginning to loosen their stranglehold on my waist, but it's finally happening. Your body doesn't want to give up that fat and it will hoard it tenaciously. You have to fight hard. The stuff you see in magazines and on Biggest Loser is bunkus. That's not real life. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! You go out there and get what's yours! A healthy body! Do it for yourself. Do it for your kids. Just do it. We are here to cheer you on.
  • Wish2BSkinny
    Wow! You all are such an awesome support system! You were all a major reality check for me. Great ideas for planning meals for the week as well as reinforcement to keep going. My weigh-in this week was back on track. I've reassessed my approach to this and am going to focus on each day, one at a time.

    You all are fantastic! :flowerforyou: