tross0924 Member


  • I ran 5x5 for about a year before I moved on to 5/3/1 for another 2 years or so. I kinda fell off the grid after I hit my last set of goals and I stopped working out as often and testing at all. As a normal consequence of that, I got fatter and weaker. I couldn't hit these today, but hopefully they will help with your…
  • In theory if you're too fat to do that many pulls ups then you shouldn't be bulking, but as the guy above me said that doesn't account for the thin and weak. Or the fat and strong. I can do double digit pull ups, but I need to be cutting, not bulking. Body fat % is a much better determination.
  • Just to play devil's advocate here . . . everything is toxin in the right dosage. I believe part of the point is that by removing, refining, and concentrating it you close in on the toxic dosage. You're still not close enough to do actual harm, but you are closer.
  • So the physical part is there. Those high carbs do cause a spike in blood sugar, causing a spike in insulin, causing a crash in blood sugar, causing hunger. (Simplified but mostly true) The choice to eat a donut, or jelly beans, or taffy, or candy, when hungry is a result of a psychological issue. There isn't a…
  • Why are we arguing about weather its a physical or psychological addiction? Are psychological addictions not "real" addictions? Are people who are psychological addicted only addicted because they lack the will power to quit and are therefore weak willed morons that blame sugar for everything? It can be an addiction for…
  • Look up "intermittent fasting" Lots of people do it that way.
  • 4 years ago, I started at 357 and dropped to 192. In the interim I gained back up to 290. I now sit at just below 270. For me the problem was execution. I knew what I had to do to lose the weight, I knew what I had to eat to lose the weight, but I just couldn't seem to find it within me to do those things. I kept telling…
  • Well if you take the average burn of 3300 and eat 2300 then your down 1000 calories a day which is 2 lbs a week.
  • That depends. Do you find that you able to stick to your diet easier eating smaller more frequent meals? Then yes it is necessary for you. Do you find that eating a huge dinner leaves you feeling more satisfied than the tiny "meals"? Then no, it's not necessary for you.
  • The compound lifts hit all your major muscle groups at once. I'd definitely look into a program that incorporates Deadlifts, Squats, Bench, and Military Press to maximize your time. If what your looking for is a list of muscles that you can hit . . . Calves Hamstrings Quads Glutes Lower back Upper back Abs Obliques Chest…
  • I'm confused. What's level 16? That can't be incline percentage. I think you're drastically over estimating your calorie burn. If I (a 260 lbs man with significantly more lean muscle mass than you) were to jog at 4.3 mph for an hour I wouldn't expect to see more than 500 calories burned. Add to that 30 minutes of lifting…
  • Small joints and big muscles are what you're shooting for. Am I the only one thinking troll?
  • My warm up is a few reps of whatever lifting I plan on doing at a light (50% or so of 1RM) weight. Then 60%, then 70%, and away we go.
  • You're right. To survive you don't need much protein. 55 g is plenty to live on, but you didn't ask "how do I survive" you asked how to cut body fat and work on your abs; for that you need to listen to the advice you've been given.
  • Maybe it's just me, but apparently my muscles are dumb mother fers. I've done bench, military press, squats, and deadlifts with very sparadic assistance exercises for 4 years. I've hit plateaus (where I couldn't increase all my lifts the next week) of maybe a month. Other than that, those 4 exercises have gotten me bigger…
  • You're amazing my beautiful principessa! Thank you for going through all that with/for me! I love you more!!!
  • Actually . . . It'd be a 4 year update. (almost) I dropped down to as low as 195 and was in great shape, but I kinda freaked out about being under 200 lbs. I'm a big guy. I liked being a big guy. I liked being strong and being seen as strong too. It was totally a mental issue on my part and so I decided to bulk. I started…
  • Yay!!! That's awesome and you totally rock!!
  • Over head presses are a pain to increase. You've got 2 options really. Instead of jumping the weight to 27.5 kg increase the reps at 25 until you can do 8-10 and then jump the weight up to 27.5 and settle for 2 or 3 reps. then working on increasing those reps. Or get smaller increment plates. Go from 25 kg to 26 kg. Going…
  • Not nearly as hard as doing an actual pull up repetitiously?
  • Bumping to read later
  • I find that making sure I get a lot of protein the day of and the next day helps the most with DOMS. Stretching is ehhh for me. Doesn't help, but doesn't hurt either. The foam roller just hurts though :-P
  • 2 sticks of butter in a glass, glass in the microwave for 40 seconds. Drink your calories. Do this about 12 times a day and you should be good to go!
  • Changed for clarification :-)
  • Pfffft! Whatever!