Reducing body fat & building abs?

I'd like to know a good routine to reduce overall body fat & build abs, I've started doing Strong lifts again today. I've recently stopped my vegan diet since I was terribly weak & almost fainted while hiking in a park and I'm 21!

Please I need some advice.

About 5.4, weigh - 112 (Home scale is not accurate)


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    At your current weight I'd recommend focusing on either doing a recomposition or on bulking, as you're already quite small. Even if you have a higher than desired body fat, it will probably be a much better idea to add some bulk to your frame first and then work on dropping your body fat.

    I like this calculator for estimating caloric needs:

    For a recomp you'd eat your maintenance calories while lifting weights, making sure to get in enough protein. IN a bulk you'd eat 5-10% above your maintenance (or add in 200 or so calories, possibly more but more cals = more fat gained) while lifting and eating enough protein. 90-100g is likely enough for your current frame, and then you can set your fat and carbs as you'd like, although .30-.50g per total weight it often rec'd for fat and then the rest is given to carbs.

    Whether you want to do a recomp or bulk first, I'd recommend that you eat at your estimated maintenance first for a month or so just to see if the calculations are accurate for you, that way you have a good baseline. Then go ahead and recomp or bulk. If you bulk, increase the calories as needed, just listen to how your body is responding to the food and training.
  • KaleDOG
    KaleDOG Posts: 37
    sorry but I think 90-100g of protein is ludicrous, you only need around 55g per day!
    I do not want to gain fat just to work harder to lose it later, it makes me depressed just thinking about it...
  • blaccoffee
    blaccoffee Posts: 26 Member
    sorry but I think 90-100g of protein is ludicrous, you only need around 55g per day!
    I do not want to gain fat just to work harder to lose it later, it makes me depressed just thinking about it...

    Just because it sounds crazy doesn't mean it isn't true.
    ^I suggest reading this.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    .8-1 gram of protein per pound of lean bodyweight at least. You need to build muscle. I would say bulk but the above advice about eating at maintenence for a bit is likely a good idea since you seem hesitant about this.
  • DanielAdams3
    I eat between 215 and 300g of protein a day do a lot of lifting and strength training Im dropping the weight quick and maintain all my muscle if you don't eat protein u will loose muscle and just be skinny my biceps are nearly 17 inches and Im loosing weight and retaining all my muscle I have in a calorie deficit u need protein look at my diary if u need some help add me
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    sorry but I think 90-100g of protein is ludicrous, you only need around 55g per day!
    I do not want to gain fat just to work harder to lose it later, it makes me depressed just thinking about it...

    You're right. To survive you don't need much protein. 55 g is plenty to live on, but you didn't ask "how do I survive" you asked how to cut body fat and work on your abs; for that you need to listen to the advice you've been given.
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    Are you trying to B.S. people OP? when I run your stats of 5'4" and 112 lbs (assumable - since you say your scale is off) I only come up with a BMI of 19.2. That means you are on the low end of healthy almost underweight. I doubt you have much body fat %. Sounds like you need the protein and a lifting program.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Sounds like you just want to build some muscle. Pick your poison, be it straight weights (dumbells & barbells), weight-derivatives (kettlebells, etc), or bodyweight exercises. Whichever you choose, opt for compound exercises, and focus on good form. Don't overtrain, and commit to regular training. Eat either enough to maintain your weight, or eat in a slight to moderate surplus, and ensure you are getting enough protein. 55g should be enough for normal bodily functions, but remember you need that, plus some more for the muscle you hope to be building, as well as to maintain that increased musculature.

    As for abs, that requires two things; a little muscle there, and a low enough body fat % to reveal it. I'm not sure what your exact body fat % is, but I imagine its probably low enough to begin to reveal anything that is there, so you just need to work on building up some musculature to reveal. Compound exercises will work your abs as well as a myriad of main and related minor muscle groups, so I would not waste your effort on dedicated ab exercises, with the exception perhaps of some leg raises if you're doing a bodyweight programme.

    Good luck, and remember its diet and exercise that will get you there, so make sure both are working towards your goals, instead of against them :)
  • KaleDOG
    KaleDOG Posts: 37
    I'm trying strong lifts but I can only manage dumbbells right now 10lbs-15lb, I'll need a better protein shake then, mine only has 17g per scoop.

    Okay i'll take your advice on the protein problem, I'll need lots of egg whites, a better protein shake and more meat & legumes to get to 90-100g every day.

    I'm stubborn, sorry.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Eat carbs - gain fat. Eat protein and fat - gain muscle. I eat over 100 grams of protein a day and have never been healthier. I'm 72 years old. The body has no requirement for carbs of any kind. If you don't eat sufficient fat and prote8in, you will die. Thank you, I'll eat plenty of protein.
  • KaleDOG
    KaleDOG Posts: 37
    I went to the store to buy lots of food, stuff like liquid egg whites, turkey bacon etc just to increase my protein intake, I'm learning okay never had this much advice at one time! :-)