Great Mornig EVERYONE!!! IT'S FRIDAY!!! :#
OK SO HERE IS MY DILEMMA!!! I am the same weight from my last weigh in which was about 1.5 to 2 months ago. Y'all can look back at my eating/exercise diary and some of you know I BURNS the calories in my workouts!!! 1,000 calories or more burned in each workout. Rarely did I ever eat over my allotted calories and I am yet at 260lbs. I am 6ft tall and I weigh 260lbs. I was trying to lose 12lbs before my birthday and I had lost 6 but that was over 3 weeks ago.

Now when I do workout at the gym, I do an hour on the treadmill, level 16 mph between 4.2 increasing to 4.4. After that, I lift weights for 30 minutes.
Now I have noticed a change in my clothes so I guess I am losing inches but to be burning all those calories and no weight, pounds, have come off always leaves me confused :s


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Your diary isn't open.

    How much do you eat? Do you use a food scale? How do you determine your burns from exercise? There's something wrong with the equation if you aren't losing.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    hmmmm ... one of two things ...

    Review your food diary & look for any of the usual culprits (high in sugar & carb items).

    If the eating is fine then perhaps you've hit a plateau?

    When I hit my plateau for about 2-3 mths where I saw NO weight change it was recommended to increase the intensity of the cardio. Within the week the scale started to move again.

    But honestly if your clothes are fitting better or even loose you know you're making progress so although I deeply understand being a bit bummed about the lack of results on the scale, you'll just have to change your perspective & definition of progress (from the scale to measuring).

    Also, if you are lifting the weight may be stalled because you're building muscles. I'd suggest use another form to chart your progress like measuring instead of weighing.

    Good luck!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    It's highly unlikely you're burning 1000 calories with what you have listed there.

    Eat less than your body burns...boom, weight loss.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I think your "burns" are over-estimated.....1000 calories per workout? Are those estimates from MFP exercise database?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You are making this up. I burn around 3,500-4,000 calories per week and have to eat significant amounts of food to maintain my weight, as intended - large pasta dishes, rice, meat, chicken, milk, chocolate, flapjacks, carb bars, cakes, pizza, bread......... these are regularly part of my diet, so you must be consuming similar amounts... or back to what I said, you are just making things up a bit.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Now when I do workout at the gym, I do an hour on the treadmill, level 16 mph between 4.2 increasing to 4.4. After that, I lift weights for 30 minutes.

    I'm confused. What's level 16? That can't be incline percentage.

    I think you're drastically over estimating your calorie burn. If I (a 260 lbs man with significantly more lean muscle mass than you) were to jog at 4.3 mph for an hour I wouldn't expect to see more than 500 calories burned. Add to that 30 minutes of lifting and maybe 650 calories total for the session. You should be even less than that.