tulips_and_tea Member


  • I've done that at home at times I couldn't get to the gym for whatever reason. It does help get steps and increase the heart rate, but it also works your legs differently than the treadmill, I've noticed. I also do it while watching TV in the evenings sometimes.
  • Very interesting fact about canned tuna. Thanks for sharing! I usually buy the store brand, so now I'm going to go home and check the labels! I'll keep track of the numbers for a few months and compare whenever I buy more. I too would be impressed if the labels were updated to reflect the changing nutritional information.
  • Since it's currently summer where I am and HOT, my lunch prep on the weekend involves a head of leaf lettuce, a container of grape tomatoes, a small brick of either feta or blue cheese and a varying source of protein, sometimes tuna or chicken, but this week it was Hurst's Hambeens 15 bean soup. I soak the beans for a few…
  • I just wanted to say thank you for mentioning this! I listened to it on Friday on the treadmill and it was great! Will be listening again today on the elliptical. Saturday and Sunday mornings I walk outside and only listen to the beautiful sounds of nature.
  • I have no idea of knowing, obviously. Just making a comment. Not my place to say either way.
  • I'm sorry you're dealing with depression and that things are difficult for you right now. I hope things improve soon! In the meantime, I'd kind of think through this backwards: what foods do you really like and enjoy right now? What's the easiest for you? Then try to plan grocery shopping around those items, substituting…
  • Good, I'm glad he was helpful as a doctor! I also don't think it's "pointless" that you lost 20 lbs. Overall, I'm sure your health has improved and you are now active, so that's great!
  • Per the bold, does that mean you brought it up then? Not accusing or judging, I just wanted to add that maybe people HAVE noticed your weight loss, but 1) commenting on body weight of another person is taboo and generally bad manners, and 2) sometimes people lose weight due to illness and so it's not mentioned unless you…
  • Grief is a very difficult and personal thing, so let yourself feel it and work through it. In the meantime, don't add any other issues. If eating something will only provide a brief moment of happiness and then a wave of regret afterwards, is it really worth it? Stop and think first. It may help. I also agree that walking…
  • My vote is "Other" because I enjoy all those things (deep tissue massages, manis, pedis, etc.), but I prefer to do them separately, spread out over time. Some of that is due to cost, but mainly because I'd much rather do each separately (yes, even manis and pedis are done on a different schedule because that works better…
  • Haha! I took this to mean as a flavor comparison. Vodka has no flavor, so anything you mix it with will be the flavor. Same with tofu: no real flavor alone, so it needs marinades, spices, mixed with other food, etc. I could be wrong, however, since I'm not the person who posted that.
  • Agreed! Congrats on the new baby and enjoy! No need to beat yourself up. Babies pick up on our emotions. Be grateful for what your body just accomplished and treat it that way. Good idea to up your calories a bit to make sure you keep up with your milk production. Are you still eating the foods you enjoy? No need to make…
  • What about fennel? That's all I can think of right off the bat as far as adding more flavor. Otherwise, I like to roast zucchini, squash, mushrooms, etc. Not exactly flavorful! But still good.
  • Other. Definitely walking / hiking out in nature.
  • No, but I'm not sure that's enough time for your feet to heal, either. If you just mean taking it easy while on vacation, then sure. That won't affect your overall health and fitness level.
  • I agree with the other posters. As hard as it is, you do need to let your feet heal. If not, you'll never be able to resume high-impact activity. While not cardio, last year after a bad case of gout in my right foot that lasted over a week and I was unable to even get a shoe on, I found some really challenging pilates…
  • Guess I'm in the minority with the OP. I can only eat a few raw baby carrots before I feel full. Roasted or grilled carrots seasoned properly with a bit of good quality oil? Yes! But I also agree with doing less oven and stove top cooking in the summer and eating more cold and raw foods, such as salads.
  • True, personal accountability is required in order for this app or website to be helpful. Honesty is the key. Whether you count or log calories or not, your body reacts to input and output accordingly.
  • The bold is me too, for sure. I don't to low carb for weight loss. I do it to feel better. However, the "all or nothing" mindset can cause trouble, so for example, when you had a burger and chips, maybe get rid of the bun and have a few chips. Or, have half the bun and no chips. Or a combination of whatever works for you.…
  • Great comments from our experienced posters. Remember, the mind is a powerful thing. Losing weight at age 50 is no different than losing weight at 45. Get rid of that "age 50" mental roadblock first and foremost.
  • Maybe take a closer look at what happens when you hit the 50 pounds lost mark. Why do you decide to stop? Is it a "decision" or is it subconsciously returning to prior habits? Or, something else? No need to answer publicly. Just an idea that may help you get past that point and continue on.
  • Unfortunately, I've run into this issue frequently with plant-based "meat". Reading and comparing labels is key.
  • I agree with @mtaratoot. However, if that's not an option or you don't want to go to a gym, spend time on YouTube watching HOW certain exercises are done, the proper form, their names, planning a routine, etc. You have to learn the moves first and how to properly execute them before utilizing them.
  • New battery for the key fob for my car. Replacement filter for the dishwasher. Garage door maintenance. Easy fixes, but does everything have to malfunction at once?! (No need to answer that, Universe.)
  • Good suggestions so far. Also, stop and ask yourself, "How will I feel after I eat the cookies?" Sometimes it might be worth it, but other times not. But thinking about the consequences beforehand can help. No sense eating a cookie if you're going to beat yourself up afterwards. If you'll enjoy the cookie and move on, then…
  • I take Vitamin C and Vitamin D and I notice they help me with my energy level, particularly during the dark, cold winter months. So, increased activity could be a positive effect of vitamins. Also, I take them with a large glass of water before eating my lunch, so the water intake could cause me to eat less than I would…
  • In that case, I'd say the easiest thing for you to do is simply eat smaller portions of everything you currently eat. Consistently. You know how much of whatever food you serve yourself. Start by giving yourself 2/3 of that portion. Maybe cut to half of some higher calorie foods. Really, all you need to do is eat less than…
  • The other posters have pretty much covered everything already, but which toe hurts? Do you have properly fitting shoes made for walking?
  • I, too, didn't realize I liked sweet potatoes until I was an adult and cooked them myself. There's a bag of mixed frozen vegetables I like to buy and it contains chopped onion, red, green, and orange bell peppers, corn, and black beans. I cook that in a pan with a bit of oil and spices while my sweet potatoes are baking.…
  • I can relate, as we're similar. The best thing I did was start lifting 7 years ago. At the time, I was doing way too much cardio and no weights. Learning to lift was a life changer! And it doesn't have to be difficult, complicated, or time consuming. Start with body weight exercises and planks. It will make a huge…