

  • I don't check out other boards because I only got into them after my surgery. Before though I too thought this was easier because of how fast people lost weight. Boy was I wrong. I do sometimes wonder if I could have just done this routine without the surgery, but that may be because I am not at the regular foods stage yet…
    in How sad Comment by shoerack45 June 2014
  • Best at your appointment - it's exciting! I have no more questions for you but I remember my first appointment and how happy I as to get started.
  • I watched Dr. Matthew Weiner videos on YouTube. I find his take on what he calls "myths" very interesting on the post-op diet. Now, he's not my doctor so I don't follow him, but the range out there is amazing. He thinks coffee and carbonation is fine and encourages nuts and soft veggies pretty early. It does make me think…
    in Coffee Comment by shoerack45 May 2014
  • My surgeon was a bit different. It may be insurance related too. shrug. My BMI would not have qualified me for anything alone, but I had other issues related to weight. He felt the band (nope) or sleeve for me only. It was an easy choice between those two - the sleeve. Plus, both (sleeve and gastric) run the risk of…
  • I should add, the 64 ounces of liquids was very important to them. When I explained my struggle with protein, they did get comfort from the liquids, supplements and walking.
  • I will say my doc only asked for 60 and after my one month they lower it. Different surgeon of course, but just another tale
  • Congrats! Is two days the norm with your surgeon?
  • Similarly, I only brought chapstick and my cell phone. I didn't miss anything so that was all I needed. Up until I walked out the door I thought I would bring a book. Glad I didn't, I wouldn't have opened the thing. I was either in surgery, sleep, walking, groggy and then gone (only overnight stay).
  • Wow on the exercise clearance. I am 9 days post and will see the doc today. I would love to be cleared to do more than walk. We shall see!
    in help Comment by shoerack45 May 2014
  • I heard the straw caution, but only for the first month. I never heard the gum caution..... Today I felt hunger and I started to flip out b/c it seems nobody is ever hungry. Sometimes I have to step away from all of my board reading or I'll develop an eating disorder. I am being sarcastic but also a little serious. I never…
  • My surgeon tells us ladies to wait 18 months. No actual experience, but that was their strongly worded suggestions in writing.
  • This reminds me! I'm heading back to work and I'm only bringing items for lunch that I have tried b/c you never know. Smashed white fish from our list of okays made me so sick and I would have never seen that coming.
  • I was sleeved on the 19th. I do still experience sleeve discomfort but it's usually in the AM. I think I may be turning on that side in my sleep and it doesn't like that. :) It is exciting. Up until I was in the operating room, I was waiting for a ball to drop. It's nice to be on this side and I look forward to reading…
  • Sorry to read about this. You were in the hospital a really long time for today's standards (insurers get folks out quick!). I hope the balloon does the job. May I ask your symptoms and did you find yourself at the ER? I just wondered if your surgeon recognized this from something you said or you experienced severe pain,…
  • Howdy!
  • Walking only until my 4 to 6 weeks check-up for the surgeon's advice then. Not counting the day of surgery, I am 5 days out. I can still feel an ache in my stomach so I wouldn't feel too comfortable doing more than my walks at this stage. I don't want to mess up anything. I do walk a lot throughout the day. I'm going back…
  • Congrats! Oddly enough, I hadn't thought that far. It took a lot to get here. I think after my first week check in, I'll set one. :smile:
  • It's interesting to see the variation. While I doubt one would suggest varying one's own diet based on the boards, it is nice that people share. Frankly, I'm wondering if my doc is a nut. That's not a nutritionalist by the way. Ha! I seem to be the only one who couldn't leave the hospital on Day 2 without puree. Hehe. Nah,…
  • My doctor didn't let us leave the hospital the next day until we had pureed food. It really varies quite a bit!
  • This makes me feel normal. I started wondering how everyone was spectacular two days out - my stomach hurts. It's not pain, but it's a serious ache. Like others said, getting up and down is a mess and standing up straight. I go for my walks, which helps.
  • Having same issue; appreciate the post. Since my doctor does start us on mushy foods by Day 2/Day 3, I have a few more options than the drinks. I gagged with the drinks; it just was not happening.
  • Good luck! Popsicles are really helping me!
  • Hello, I had my surgery yesterday. I must say, my stomach hurts more than I expected it to. It is just one day out and I would never deter anyone, but I was surprised by the pain.
  • Thanks, I really appreciate hearing about other people's experiences. It's funny, since I'll be knocked out, I'm only nervous about the awake parts!
  • Congrats. It is exciting to really get started.
  • Welcome! I am new too. I found this board late in the process, as my surgery is on Monday. I am glad I found this board.
  • Mine is on Monday! I look forward to sharing this experience.
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