KimDis Member


  • I completely agree - go to a proper running store. They have machines that will take your stride & a solid knowledge base regarding shoes at a variety of price levels. I did that at about the same time in doing c25k as you are now. It was worth every penny.
  • I travel quite a bit for work by plane & car - lots of rest stops have healthier options. Look for things like fresh fruit, low cal string cheese, & even salads. Don't forget your water! It's easier than you think to get behind when you're traveling. I agree with the person who said plan ahead. I use the app all the time…
  • This is an easy one :) Disney doesn't give discounts for booking air with your package & the discounts you get with travel sites (like Expedia) are not better than you'd get on your own. SO book your air separately. Air: Wait on the airfare or if there's an amazing sale book with Southwest (or any airline in your area that…
  • I would google kettlebells calories burned and you can pull up some great articles. Estimates are around 20cal/min (and if you've ever done one of these workouts you know why, lol) but I tend to lowball my estimate since I don't use a very heavy weight. Hope this helps.
    in Kettlebells Comment by KimDis June 2011
  • My best friend took this for her migraines a few years ago. She DEFinitely experienced the "mental fog" lol. It made work harder and our last trip to Europe interesting since I was the only one who could focus on anything...
    in Topomax Comment by KimDis May 2011
  • Super sad that I recognized the design/colors from last year's F&W Festival but I did, lol. Great job. I may ask you more about caloric cycling as I move further along.
  • You look amazing... and you look younger too, lol. Good health does great things :) Random: Was one of your before pics from a Food & Wine Festival? The background looks famliar.
  • Almost forgot - the reason I haven't added my mio enhanced water is cuz my JCraig consultant said that I should only count true water with nothing added for my intake. I decided why not, couldn't hurt. I also realized that the last time I lost weight I took vitamins that stimulated my liver to give up the fat my body was…
  • See here's the thing: my clothes aren't fitting any differently either. So I don't think I'm losing inches. And I get the whole muscle vs fat loss thing... but I have 50lbs to lose. I'm not gonna weigh what I do now, have that be muscle gain, and fit into a size 10... I've been adding lemon to my water but will try adding…
  • I've been there. I know what to do. I even know how to do it. I just... don't. I can't tell you what's gonna finally do it for you and push you over the hump, but I can share what's working for me & hope something resonates with you. 1st I'd say get started (which you're doing now so YAY). Getting on the board for any loss…
  • What you're describing is called a vasovagal response & it happens. Sounds like "the stick" (venipuncture) is what triggers it. But it can be triggered by seeing another donor have a response and sometimes it even happens to people who are regular blood donors. I work in the industry & would love to tell you that you lose…
  • i've read her book. It makes a lot of sense. I'm going to use her principles for my life after loss (i.e. maintenance).
  • My Mom used it to help her walk when she couldn't walk outdoors (weather, time of year, travel). She walks 4-5miles/day and she's lost 40lbs & kept it off!
  • Awesome!! Isn't it great to be excited about clothes shopping!
  • I've read a bit about caloric cycling - thanks for making it a bit easier to understand. Wondering if this also may explain why we sometimes lose more on the weeks we've had a not so good day or two. I'd always cringe in front of the scale for a weigh-in and then go "huh?" when I lost as much if not more...
  • I hope you won't take this as criticism, just sharing more options. I'm probably more conscious than ever of the sodium in fast food. And yes I've always known it was salty but now I have a different context. I was surprised to see how high this is. Subway just announced they're going to be cutting back on sodium in their…
  • Congrats & welcome! I'm new here myself. There seem to be groups that start up all the time on the boards. Also would be happy to "friend" you. Nothing better than having as much support as you can get :)
  • My mother lost 40 lbs in about 4 months by moving from a vegetarian to a vegan diet and walking 2-3 miles twice a a day (total of 4-5 miles daily). While she has stayed within 5 pounds of this weight for over a year now, if the scale goes up even a that much we can always trace it to changes in her activity (too busy, bed…
  • Did well - had a hotdog & half the bun along with my Jenny snack. Drank water & 8oz of MIller Lite. Would've gotten a salad but it was pretty crowded in our section & I didn't feel like climbing over everyone. Yay for dealing with real life :)
  • Thanks for all the responses. I've saved my snack, an extra dairy & fruit so that I can have options. Plus I looked on their website & have a better idea of how I can fill up on safe things like salad.