coachfeliciad Member


  • 65 pounds is awesome girl!! I'll send you a friend request. Always love meeting new people!
  • Hey girl. Life happens. You lose weight, you gain weight, you dominate life, you get knocked ten steps back. Everyone goes through this--whether they want to admit it or not--but the key is digging down deep and remembering why you want to make these changes. And NEVER focus on results. Focus on the change. Take it 1 pound…
  • 20 pounds in 5 months is amazing girl! That means it was a steady weight loss of at least 1 pound a week and 1-2 a week is the healthy way to do it. Lose too much too quick and it sets you up for health problems and a higher chance of gaining it back. My biggest suggestion: remember your WHY. remember why YOU started. Was…
  • It absolutely aids in weight loss. It cleans out your body, it suppresses your appetite, it aids digestion and it helps to keep your body from retaining water. I drink at least a gallon a day. I carry my jug around with me everywhere I go...tacky looking maybe lol but it keeps me on track.
  • You look phenomenal!! Keep it up girl! :)
  • Hey girl. While I agree with cutting down on whole eggs some definitely don't cut them out completely. There's so many nutrients and so much protein packed into those yolks. Why not try to just split the difference? Half of your eggs be white and half be whole? And I 100% agree with a slow cooker lol I love mine. I'm…
  • Same here guys! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey girl! Feel free to add me :)
  • Absolutely girl! Love making new friends
  • I would say lightly active. Active, as far as your job goes, would be related to a more mobile type of work like waitress, mailman, etc. So I would start off with lightly and give that a try for about 3 weeks and see where you're at then. Hope this helps! - Felicia
  • First your weight sounds good for your height. Your belly (abs) is hidden under layers of fat (not saying you are) which will have to peel off one by one. This takes time and work. Abs are made in the kitchen. Nutrition is 80%. In order for your abs to start showing you have to be within an ideal body fat range which for…
  • Know this all to well. It took time for me to fully commit. I had to take an approach. I focused on my "why". Why do I want to lose weight? Why do I need to? Why I can't give up. This helped. Try writing these out and answering them and then posting it all over so you can always see it. Hope this helps!! And talking also…
  • I've been a vegetarian for 16 yrs (vegan for 1). Great sources are lentils, beans/legumes, quinoa, tofu, seitan, tempeh, soy beans, nuts, seeds, raw almond butter and peanut butter (PB2 rocks). Also cottage cheese, soy milk, yogurt (silk makes a great vegan dairy free yogurt). You can make your own burgers out of the…
  • Definitely don't need to go over your calories by more than 10% like you mentioned but if you're hitting your limit that early before bed then you might need to rethink the way you've got your calories spread out over the day. I like to do this and I recommend this to all my teammates: start off the day with the biggest…
  • Everyone's body is different. What one 5'3 woman looks like at 110 may be different than what you would look like. My mom is 5'3 and she looked super skinny when she was 130 so I can imagine what she would have looked like even 20# lighter. I think around 130-150 is great for a 5'3 woman. I'm 5'1 and my goal is about…
  • Actually if you're currently losing weight based on the amount you're eating now I say stick to it. 1# a week is great and healthy so you're on the right track. And the amount you're eating at each meal sounds great. You're eating your biggest meals early in the day and tapering off as you get closer to the end. That's…
  • Very inspiring. To be honest, I lost my faith 6 yrs ago after my little brother died in a car wreck but I have been trying to find it again ever since. When you're on such a personal journey of self-improvement you find that you connect with just about every inspirational quote you come across but this one really hit home.…
  • Congrats on reaching your goal and good job for setting a new one. This will help to keep you focused. Now that you have reached your goal you need to eat to maintain; not lose. So, if you're still eating at a deficit your body is basically saying "woman I'm where you wanted me to be now reward me for that with more food"…
  • How many calories a day are you eating? Are you eating enough? Are you eating at a good deficit? Also I saw where you said you haven't changed your active status from sedentary. If you're doing that much cardio/exercise you are no longer sedentary. You're at least active. This will have an impact on your day to day. You…
  • Instead of one day a week I would just do a solid fast for 3 days to 1 week. The main benefit behind a fast is to clean out your system. Did you know most people, especially those that are overweight, can have on average about 20 lbs of toxic sludge built up in their intestines? If you start off with a solid fast then…
  • Simply put they're jealous. Everyone knows how important it is to be healthy but unfortunately it's easier to not care and indulge than to get it together and take care of yourself. And there is so much emphasis put on junk food everywhere you turn that people don't want to turn it away. And people are afraid of change.…
  • Welcome and congrats on committing to getting healthier!! New friends are always great and I would love for us to be :)
  • I hate you've gone through all that you have but I'm proud of you for wanting to change your life and get healthier. The fact that you've been through so much and fallen off the wagon so many times and STILL keep trying to lose the weight says a lot about you. It tells me you're strong, dedicated and a mom who loves her…
  • Are you eating enough? People usually think that eating less is the key to weight loss and while that seems to be the right thing to do it's not. Actually eating more does this in the long run. And that's what you really want in the end is weight that gets lost and never finds its way back. There are plenty of things you…