coachfeliciad Member


  • Yep, agree. Patience is key. It takes time and trial and error before you find what works for you but when you do, oh my God is that an awesome feeling!! Just remember: one day at a time, one pound at a time <3
  • ME is the only person you should do it for :smiley: I can't tell ya how many times I gave up and ruined a TON of hard work and then I'd get motivated again and crush my goals even better than before. Keep pushing girlie!!
  • Congrats on making the choice to do this!! One pound at a time, one day at a time <3
  • That's awesome girl!! Keep on rockin'! I'll send you a request <3
  • I love this! A friend of mine did something similar for his pounds lost/left to lose. He used Mason jars filled with marbles :) keep crushing those goals chick!!
  • You're welcome! That's really what it boils down to. You need to remind yourself of your why everyday and remember that if you stick with it then a year from now you'll have reached and exceeded your goals and you won't ever have to start over again.
  • Sounds like you've got some sort of negative mindset when it comes to your weight loss. Kudos for reaching your goal but if your trigger is people commenting on that loss, there's something there from your journey you're not or haven't been addressing. I'll send you a friend request :)
  • Usually, a refeed should consist of 20-50% more calories than required for maintenance for 12 hours to two days. The higher you decide to bring your calories, the shorter period of time you will want to refeed for. If your leptin levels have almost dropped of the earth, you will want to refeed for a full week, but keep…
  • I'd love to add you girl. Love making new friends :)
  • I'll add you. Always looking to meet new people :)
  • Accountability is key to sticking with a major lifestyle change. Some people can do it from day 1 by themselves and I envy them but then there are people like you and me who need someone in our corner to guide us. 1200 seems too low and you could run the risk of losing too much too fast, being hungry which can lead to…
  • I'd love to say that feeling goes away but you will always be pushing yourself to get that workout in. The only difference between this first month and say a year down the road is that if you gut this out and you're still going strong a year from now you'll be stronger and better and you'll have achieved your goals. Always…
  • Happy birthday! I started out at 200 lbs and through sweat and tears crushed my goals. Anything and everything is possible as long as you love yourself enough to believe in yourself :)
  • My story is similar to yours. I never ran track but softball was my life in HS. But after graduation, it just went downhill. I'm sorry your surgery didn't go well but I'm proud of you for getting back out there and making the changes that's gonna change your life! Remember to just take it one day and one pound at a time…
  • Change your calorie intake and your exercise routine. Your body has probably adjusted to what you're doing and hit a "plateau." Since you've only got like 10 lbs you're wanting to lose you've gotta do things a little differently than someone with more weight to lose. Because if you're still eating at the deficit that you…
  • If you know that they are that big of a weak point then I say yes. Changes are never easy, especially when it's a lifestyle change to get healthier. There are some things we have to dial back on or cut out completely if the changes we want to make are important to us. You could always wait until your changes are more solid…
  • Hey girl. I'll send you one. Love meeting new people :)
  • Hey. I'm not from Miami but I'd love to help you in any way that I can. What's your biggest struggle?
  • You can do that or at least come close. There's a cpl weeks left in the month and depending on your nutrition and workout consistency you could lose anywhere from 1 to 2 lbs each week. Are these your last few pounds to lose?
  • I'm a rock fan & 90s alternative fan when I'm working out :)
  • There's a lot out there about eating at certain hours & every so often, etc. However I'm a raw vegan who eats only 3 meals a day; usually spread out about 4-5 hrs apart. If you've hit a plateau I would look at your nutrition and training routine for weak spots. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to talk more :)
  • When I was 18 I had a lot of health problems and went to see a Dr and he gave me this speech about laying off sodas, sweets, you name it. I told him I drank nothing but water, didn't like sweets, etc. He flat out said "well something's making you fat." Now I know this is the opposite of what you were asking and this was…
  • I'm gonna send you one :) love meeting new people
  • Hey girl. Don't crumble. It's not worth it and you know what'll happen? After you've broke down and hit bottom, you'll get that burst of energy where you perk up and realize that you CAN do this but you would have lost precious time that you can never get back. Trust me, I've been there and I wish that instead of…
  • Hey girl! Friend request coming your way! :)
  • First off, QUIT starving yourself. That's gonna kill your metabolism and do the opposite of what you're wanting to do. When you starve yourself your body hoards everything that enters your body cause it doesn't know when it's gonna get to eat again. To stay on track, I focus on my WHY. Sounds stupid and too simple to some…
  • Would love to have the same! I'll send you a friend request :)
  • And stay away from fast food! Even the healthier looking options are loaded with hidden sodium and other crap that will kill your progress :)
  • Hey girl! Congrats on deciding to take control of your life and health! And wanting to lose 40-50 pounds is absolutely a goal. Just focus on it as 1 pound at a time, 1 day at a time though. If you stress yourself out over how much weight you still have left to lose it's easy to just throw in the towel and give up. For…
  • Hey girl! Here are some tips on how to gain lean mass. Eat 5 to 8 times a day; every 2 to 4 hours. Make sure you're including a lean protein and a healthy fat every meal. Weight train at least 3 days a week. No you won't get bulky but muscle burns calories so the more muscle you have the more calories you'll burn. Add in…