How do you stay motivated (starting over - AGAIN)

megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
Lost 30lbs 2 years ago, gained half of it back. I'm really frustrated now because I just kind of stopped losing after 30lbs and couldn't seem to lose more despite tremendous effort and (practical) starvation.

I really want to buckle down again and start losing again, I have probably a good 40-50lbs total to lose.

What do you do to stay on track?


  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Stop thinking of the reasons why you shouldn't...but the reasons why you should. You need to stay positive and keep your goal in mind to stay motivated.

    There are so many reasons why we shouldn''s just easier! But you need to stay determine.

    When I do cardio, every muscle and fat in my wants to give up by my HEART tells me I need to do this because I want it I listen.

    You would want to give up along the way and heck some of us took two or four days off but that doesn't mean you need to completely give up. Jump right back on the train and keep going again.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Sustainability, moderation and logging everyday, no matter what.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Make this a lifestyle change and not just a diet. A calorie deficit will make you lose weight, so if you weren't losing after 30 lbs you weren't in a calorie deficit and not practically starving, you may have found your maintenance though. Buy a food scale and weight and measure everything that touches your lips. Good luck.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Math is what keeps me motivated. My spreadsheet tells me that if I work the plan, the plan will work.

    Even when the scale disagrees. Did you know that having a week-long stomach bug can produce enough dehydration / empty belly weight loss to mask more than 2.5 months of scale readings *and* throw those nice trend calculators far enough out of whack that they don't show any loss for 2.5 months, either? So discouraging. But the math says I'm eating at a deficit, so eventually I will catch up.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    I log every day. Every day is not perfect but at least I have the knowledge of how much I am eating and how much I am moving. A good friends list helps too, friend positive fun people and they will applaud your milestones. Recognize that the process can be slow and difficult but time will pass anyway and at least you are changing yourself instead of remaining static. Know yourself and your habits and adjust with those in mind. Sometimes you just aren't ready and that's OK, don't beat yourself up over it. Start again when you really are ready and the experience will be much more rewarding.
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    Walk every day - add me!
  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    megbee617 wrote: »
    Lost 30lbs 2 years ago, gained half of it back. I'm really frustrated now because I just kind of stopped losing after 30lbs and couldn't seem to lose more despite tremendous effort and (practical) starvation.

    I really want to buckle down again and start losing again, I have probably a good 40-50lbs total to lose.

    What do you do to stay on track?

    First off, QUIT starving yourself. That's gonna kill your metabolism and do the opposite of what you're wanting to do. When you starve yourself your body hoards everything that enters your body cause it doesn't know when it's gonna get to eat again.

    To stay on track, I focus on my WHY. Sounds stupid and too simple to some people but it works. When you can focus on why you're making the change, your reason behind transforming, everything else falls into place. I'll send you a friend request and I can talk to you more about things I've done that have helped me :)
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    I tag the success photos only thread on here and look at it everyday. Very inspiring and motivating.
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    I tag the success photos only thread on here and look at it everyday. Very inspiring and motivating.

    I did the same thing! Many people have started in a way harder position yet their results are so amazing. I'd be very happy to have the kind of result that'll make me proud of myself as well.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member

    First off, QUIT starving yourself. That's gonna kill your metabolism and do the opposite of what you're wanting to do. When you starve yourself your body hoards everything that enters your body cause it doesn't know when it's gonna get to eat again.

    If she's gaining, she's not starving herself. The only thing that will kill her metabolism is death itself. Starvation mode as you describe is not real, your body is very efficient and does not hoard everything that enters it....that just makes no sense.

  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,155 Member
    You need to treat this as a lifestyle change. You eat at a calorie deficit and you incorporate some treats now and then in your daily limit. If I want something that makes me go over my calories, I exercise so that I stay at a calorie deficit. I read success stories and I keep a daily log and I engage with my friends here daily. I pay close attention to every positive change of losing weight, no matter how small. I even write it down so that I do not forget. Things like, I sleep better, move better, have more energy, walk faster, stairs are easier, and so on. If you fall off the wagon one day, forgive yourself and get right back on. Don't let one slip ruin it all. Believe in yourself :)
  • mickilynn25
    mickilynn25 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm with you. Starting again. For the last time. ....
  • chienblanc6
    chienblanc6 Posts: 9 Member
    I try to think about this journey like skiing. I try to plan a good path down the mountain, but sometimes my plan has to be radically changed because I cannot see everything before I get started. This journey may be similar. Requiring lots of course corrections and picking myself up to start again.