Running out of steam

I've been trying lose weight the past year and have fallen off a couple of times. I'll do good but then I have bad days and can't seem to stay with it. I would love to reach my goal weight by June. I try to exercise everyday and eat fairly healthy. I need some buddies to hold me accountable so I'll hopefully stay motivated.


  • jsodestrom
    jsodestrom Posts: 2 Member
    Yes yes yes! Resonate with everything you just said!
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    Add me!
  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    roseml6792 wrote: »
    I've been trying lose weight the past year and have fallen off a couple of times. I'll do good but then I have bad days and can't seem to stay with it. I would love to reach my goal weight by June. I try to exercise everyday and eat fairly healthy. I need some buddies to hold me accountable so I'll hopefully stay motivated.

    Hey girl! Friend request coming your way! :)
  • roseml6792
    roseml6792 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks y'all!
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    Im losing steam being on mfp sometimes its a hassle just logging food
  • roseml6792
    roseml6792 Posts: 30 Member
    It is. It's hard to remember