

  • Just what ever I'm wearing. I have never planned out a game and I love getting naked so if I lose, I win! Besides the point of strip poker is to have fun and get naked, not win at poker. It is liberating to get naked and have a good time!
  • I want to look good naked!
  • http://www.military.com/military-fitness/weight-loss/lift-to-lose This article helped me out a lot! Building muscle keeps your metabolism working longer and will help to cut fat
  • What!? 30 is old? I just turned 30 and am in better shape that I was in high school and weigh less than when I got my drivers license at 16! Age is just a number, how you feel and act is what matters and I have the energy of a 21 year old. “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”…
  • beef jerky and lots of water!
  • I do the P90X yoga but I the program is a bit expensive but well worth it for me! I have lost over 30 pounds (195-165 at 5'8") and still have three weeks to go in the last phase, phase three. Every week that I have lost weight it was when I was drinking lots of water, like 10 bottles (16.9 oz) per day and at my meals…
    in HELP! Comment by lenny776 January 2012
  • remember that it also matters when you eat as well as how much. It is good to eat some carbs and protein within 30-60 min after a workout to help your body recover.
  • This has always been an issue with me especially when it came to losing weight. I am currently on deployment in Afghanistan and with the lack of booze for the last 4 months I have been able to lose 35 pounds. I am very nervous about going home and falling back into old habits and have even considered not drinking at all…
  • I just started over about four months ago and with the help of being in Afghanistan and being away from alcohol and fast food (my two biggest setbacks) I have lost 35 pounds! Stay active and watch the sugar and I know you will see the results that you want!
  • I am currently on deployment and in four months have gone down a uniform size. I cannot wait to get home and see how big all of my clothes are and then donate them to the thrift store on base. Now I just need to find a sweet and sexy woman to take me shopping to help me pick out some new clothes. Congratulations on the…
  • I wear boxers for lounging around, boxer briefs for work and just started wearing the compression shorts under my workout shorts when I'm at the gym, they are great but turn your junk into a 'Q'
  • My biggest goal is to not gain back the 33 pounds that I have lost. I would also like to work my way up to a half marathon. I have signed up for the Tough Mudder challenge in SoCal next summer and HAVE to complete it!
  • Most people say that because they are jealous of how great you look!
  • I just didn't track anything on Christmas, Phase three of p90x starts today so I will let the scale tell me how I did! No use getting all worked up about it, but today it's back to salads and tuna and cucumbers!
  • I just can't wait to get home to use all of my gadgets! I guess I would want a deli slicer thing so I could cut up meat nice and thin so I could make homemade beef jerky in my smoker! I love making it in my dehydrator but I think it would be even better in the smoker. I am getting tired of the food here in Afghanistan even…
  • I eat a lot of beef jerky and tuna packets but the tuna might not go over too well in class.
  • Drinking water throughout the day can help to hold over those cravings and eating plenty of veggies with a good amount of fiber will help. When it comes to snacks something that helps me is to separate big bags of snacks into a single serving and putting them into zip lock bags. This helps me to know what I'm eating and to…
  • I know what you mean! Using this program I have lost almost over 30 pounds but my love handles are the last thing to go. They are shrinking but I still have more room to improve. Keep up the good work
  • I have read a lot of articles that say that when you only do carido you lose muscle and fat, when you do cardio and weight training then you lose mostly fat. Plus when you do weight training it keeps your metabolism up throughout the day. http://www.military.com/military-fitness/weight-loss/lift-to-lose…
  • The weeks that I saw the most results were when I was drinking the most water. It helps to carry all the bad stuff out of your body, the only down side is having to pee all the time!