robersonj Member


  • Cw:188.8 GW:168.8 July 31: Aug 7: Aug 14: Aug 21: Aug 28: Sep 5: Sept:12 Sep: 19 Sep: 25 Feel free to add me. I certainly need motivation! I will see if my hubby wants to join in as well.
  • I would perhaps try the new video? I have attempted 30 Day Shred twice, but I got bored with the repetition. I have also tried Power 90, but apparently I get bored too fast. I then skipped it all and went to P90X. It's difficult, and I can't do all the reps on most videos, but I do most, some at the modified, and some at…
  • I have a Pyle one that I found on Amazon for $20. The trick to getting it to pick up your heart rate is to wet the sensors on the chest strap before use. I actually have two because I accidentally lost the chest strap to the other one. It doesn't do everything, but if y9u're just looking for heart rate and calories burned,…
  • It's still the best way to track calorie burn (with chest strap I mean). Perhaps try another brand? I have a Pyle, and it came with a chest strap as well. It was like $20? Maybe $27? Without the chest strap it's just an estimate...
  • Yeah, you can see a difference in the back and abs! I thought about trying this program one time. Maybe I'll buy it...
  • Get a HRM with a chest strap. It is the only way to get accurate calorie burns. The sites are always wrong because they don't know how much effort you put into it. For instance, one day I did my regular routine and only burned 165 calories because I was super tired, when most of the time I burn closer to 300. But had I not…
  • Agree with Doom. Breathe through both and your berating should improve. Are you doing Couch to 5k? Sounds similar to what you are doing...
  • I am on Day 2 of Week 3. I like it so far. My knees have been hurting so I am hoping that will stop soon!
  • I Watched a YouTube video of the workouts... Definitely buying! Especially for $10
  • @cmg Thanks! I think we are going to go back today to get it. We have $36 on a Target gift card. I dont know why I didn't pick it up yesterday! I think I need an exercise ball, too, so I can pick one up there or see what the Amazon price is. I didn't think to check there for reviews...
  • @kat... No, I googled it and found out it was called Supreme 90 Day instead of Ripped In 90 Days. I am just not sure if I want it because I already have P90X but this series could possibly workout other parts of the body. I figured for $10 it is worth a shot, but wasn't sure if anyone else tried it.
  • @kat... No, I googled it and found out it was called Supreme 90 Day instead of Ripped In 90 Days. I am just not sure if I want it because I already have P90X but this series could possibly workout other parts of the body. I figured for $10 it is worth a shot, but wasn't sure if anyone else tried it.
  • Oops, it is called Supreme 90 Day... The "Get Ripped in 90 Days" was in huge print!
  • I'm always up for new friends!
  • I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and a strength training video 3 times a week, then part of the C25K program and a cardio video 3 times a week, and on that last day of the week I do a light cardio day. I'm not doing a full out work out. I might go for a walk outside, do a slower walk on the treadmill, or any other type of…
  • I am a SAHM, and I would like to be able to just run more than 60 seconds without dying. I can do a full workout program on the elliptical burning 400 calories, but running more than 60 seconds is quite the challenge for some reason. I know if I just practice I will get there...
  • We are a society that lives to eat, unfortunately. How about an egg white omelet with veggies? That is one of my FAVORITE things to eat in the morning...
  • I love omelets. My favorite is one with spinach, mozzarella cheese, fresh mushrooms, peppers, onions, and tomato. I also found some light multi-grain bread that is 40 calories a slice, so I'll have two slices of that with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light (about 1 tbsp of it). Depending on how many eggs you use, it's…
  • I am from Michigan, so I understand the need to run inside. I'm also a mom, so it's hard to take my two year old out when I run! We just purchased the ProForm 605. It was $799, but they also had a 505 at Dunham's (not sure if you have that store there) for $599. It has the iFit Live technology, and can also do a workout…
  • Thanks for all the replies! I really want to stick with it, and I think I will try to look for some alternative Yoga videos. I didn't realize there were some on Netflix! I'll have to look those up (thanks Belisey). I have seen more of the advanced moves, and they look so cool! I just feel at this point that I will never be…
  • The best thing to do is get a heart rate monitor. It just depends on how hard you push yourself... Some people can burn a TON of calories with that program, and others can burn quite a bit less if they are starting out... I'm not sure which brand of heart rate monitor is the best... but I'm sure you could search Amazon.…