Yoga is going to be the death of me

Ok, first of all, I get that I am not in shape. But, wow... Yoga is like, hard! I am doing the Power 90 Series, and then will go into P90X afterwards (I tried P90X two years ago, but I think Power 90 first is a better idea!). Anyway, in the Cardio video, there's like 4.5 minutes of Yoga, and on P90X there's a really long Yoga video. My question to those who do Yoga is, will it get better? It just doesn't seem like something I will ever do. Maybe I'm just looking for some encouragement.

By the time I'm done with Yoga, it's hard to go right into the cardio because I'm shaky from Yoga. And it's only 4.5 minutes! I can't believe I actually did most of the Yoga video from P90X a couple years ago.. I want to like it, but i just don't.


  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    It gets better! Yoga is one of those things that practice really does make perfect. It seems to use muscles in a different way, and so the first times you do it, you're like "holy crap what IS this?" Over time though, it does get a LOT easier. You just have to stick with it.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I find both (mat) Pilates and yoga to be one of those things where they look so easy until you actually do them.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Yoga and pilates do use the muscles and the overall body in a way that we're not used to using them. But it builds your flexibility and definitely your strength! I love it! :)
  • belisey
    belisey Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, yoga is definitely a LOT harder than it looks!!! I've been doing "The Trainer's Edge: Long and Lean Yoga with Baron Baptiste" on netflix for my exercising. It is 51 minutes long and I am always sore for days after (especially if I don't keep up with it!). But, the more I do it, the easier it is. And knowing that I can get through the whole video, gives me such a feeling of accomplishment! I will say though, that sometimes I get frustrated when doing yoga because I feel like my big post-baby pouch is getting in my way. But I am using that as an even bigger reason to keep pushing! You can do it! You've already made so much progress and I know that if you keep putting your mind to it, you WILL reach your goal! (And feel great about yourself too!)
  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    I find both (mat) Pilates and yoga to be one of those things where they look so easy until you actually do them.

    So true!! I've been doing Bikram yoga and holy jeeeez I love how I'm drenched in sweat but some poses are sooo hard to hold, and since I'm pretty new at it I'm like the only one in the really advanced poses that does the modified version.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I always wondered "how hard" could yoga be...until I actually did a class or 2. I do love it though and know that I need to add some sort of stretching/flexibility to my regular routine!! Hoping to make that happen this fall when I am done training for my first sprint triathlon.
  • OhSuzzz
    OhSuzzz Posts: 44 Member
    I attend yoga classes about 3x a week and love them. That said I hate the power 90 yoga he does. I never enjoyed it, and struggled for 2 months when I did those dvds. So it gets better but don't base all yoga off that small section he does :) its not all that bad!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    I have tried the P90X yoga and I can't get past 20 minutes - it is HARD!
    But I have done other yoga and really loved it - it is going to depend on the program you use.
    Unfortunately I have not found any programs that I really like.
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95 gets so much better, don't give up! I had the exact same concerns when i started P90X, it was my least favorite workout on the schedule, and the first few times I did it I only made it through about 30 minutes. I thought it was boring and too hard... but let me tell you, as time went on I began to look forward to it. I saw the biggest improvements in yoga vs. all of the other workouts and that made me love it! Plus, the first few times i did it, like I said, i didn't make it past 30 minutes, so I had no idea how great the 2nd half was. Once you get past all the warrior stuff and get to balance postures and streching, it is fantastic!!

  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Yoga is absolutely HARD. But gosh stick with it and you're going to love how fit you will be and how healthy and strong your body will feel.

    The flexibility you gain will take time. Give it at least a month to see just what a difference. And holding those poses, whew. You will find you will get really strong from doing these.

    Try to practice at least twice a week so you don't lose the progress you see. In no time you will love it!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    So true!! I've been doing Bikram yoga and holy jeeeez I love how I'm drenched in sweat but some poses are sooo hard to hold, and since I'm pretty new at it I'm like the only one in the really advanced poses that does the modified version.

    I am going to try Bikram one day - I am waiting until I get in a little better shape. I've heard it's a great workout, especially with the heated room.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I have done yoga for 2 years and with a whole host of cardio and dieting I have lost 73 lb - I think it is yoga that has spared me loose skin - my cousin has lost about 90 lb and done it through meal replacement and no exercise and she is waiting for skin remova surgery! Stick with it is does get easier - I had a 2 week break to put in some extra cario and after a 90 min session my arms, shoulders and even collar bones ached! it is much harder than people think
  • Speedy89
    Speedy89 Posts: 64
    I did yoga once, and I was very happy with the results (1 hour, all stretches, nothing too strenuous, 10 minute meditation at the end)

    On the drive home I felt very calm and collected, but I felt as though I had lost some of my "fire" and aggression, which is good and bad. My mood returned to normal later that evening.

    The day after, when I went for my usual 10 mile run, I set a personal speed record, and I found that running was much, much easier (at the end of it, I felt like I could have gone much further). My motion was much more fluid, and I felt like I was using a lot of smaller muscles that I do not normally utilize, muscles that must have been "activated" by doing a bunch of new yoga stretches the day before.

    I don't particularly consider it a workout in itself (in 1 hour it burns less than 150 calories in most cases), but I think it is an excellent supplement to an existing workout program...I definitely felt the beneficial results in other aspects of my overall fitness.
  • robersonj
    robersonj Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I really want to stick with it, and I think I will try to look for some alternative Yoga videos. I didn't realize there were some on Netflix! I'll have to look those up (thanks Belisey).

    I have seen more of the advanced moves, and they look so cool! I just feel at this point that I will never be able to do them! I know if I just try I can. Before I was overweight, I was fairly athletic... just gotta get there again!
  • carloP90X
    carloP90X Posts: 109
    Congrats on starting P90 before P90X. Whatever you do in P90X do not skip Yoga X...even Tony Horton hammers the same message. Yoga truly is the fountain of youth. Don't give up, be extra patient with yourself, listen to your body and quiet your mind, keep deep breathing in a rhythmic pattern and do not make any strenuous faces...either keep your face focused or keep a smile on your face. When you get to Yoga X and you have trouble with it, friend me and I will walk you through it if you wish. Best of luck.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I wanted to say about never getting there on the big moves - it will happen- I was a gymnast in school, but at 21 stone I couldn't do anything, after 2 years I am 5 stone lighter and can touch the floor with my head in a forward fold and let my hands go, I can do plank and side plank now!!! You will get there, over tome your body will remember - there is such a thing as muscle memory!!!