SAHMs who love to run?

Hi!! I thought I'd see how many like minded SAHMs there are on MFP who enjoy running regularly and maybe we can challenge ea other! I find being a SAHM of two little ones can make getting even a short 20-30 min workout in tough ;) When the kiddos don't go down for naptime too well, it can be especially tough, and I can only imagine how it would be if I had started trying to do all this while they were infants! So, maybe we can encourage each other with our own personal running goals, and when we run into stumbling blocks we can ask each other for advice!! Leave a comment if your interested in being part of this support group! Thnx!!
p.s. I was also thinking we could all try to make our own personal running tickers w/personal goals - as we all are at different levels and have differnt age/number of children, (that is if you don't have one already).


  • Count me in!
  • robersonj
    robersonj Posts: 28 Member
    I am a SAHM, and I would like to be able to just run more than 60 seconds without dying. I can do a full workout program on the elliptical burning 400 calories, but running more than 60 seconds is quite the challenge for some reason. I know if I just practice I will get there...
  • I am a SAHM who loves to run, but I'm currently recovering from shin splints (only about 2 weeks!), but I would love to be a part of this group! I can at least encourage you all until I'm up and running again. I try to run outside in the mornings before my little guy gets husband works 2nd shift, so that's one time when it actually works in my favor.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Me! Me! I just started back on MFP this week, though I've been exercising on my own for years. I am on week 8 of C25K, but today instead of 28 minutes, I did a full 30! I was so proud of myself! Granted, it was only about 2 1/4 miles, because I run very slow, but I was pretty proud of myself for sticking it out. I registered for a 10K next April, so my goal is to run that. I run at 4am three days a week, which is working for now, but it will be nice to have someone to be accountable to on those days when 4am seems WAY too early. Where could I make a running ticker?
  • Count me in too!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @LokiFae - I just made mine on
    I'm not too familiar w/C25K, what is it? And kuddos to you for getting up that early! That is great! What time do u manage to get to sleep w/ur kid/kids? (if u don't mind my asking) Haha, I thought I was doing great for getting up at 6am. My son just wakes up so early I started trying to squeeze workouts into their naptime.
    @corbansmom - fond memories of shin splints, lol, I ran track in HS actually and got them a lot. But you'll be back to running soon! And I wish I could run outdoors! sounds nice to start ur day that way! My husband's sched changes so much (he's in school and works PT) so I found naptime more reliable.
    @robersonj - running is not natural for me either, but I love it! I'm 5'2 and just not athletically inclined w/anything, lol, but I love getting a runner's high ;) work up how much you run slowly and just give it an extra push at the end ;)
    @moma2tobabes - do you run a lot then? You are pretty fit it looks!
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    It's a 9 week "learn to run" program, using interval training. I had started it a few times before, and never stuck it out, but this time I really embraced it and now I love to run. Well, I love the feeling I get after I run. Actually running is kind of a mind game I play with myself. Every five minutes I want to give up, but I convince myself to do another 5, and before you know it I've done a half hour and feel great. My kids go to bed at 7 every night, so I'm usually in bed by 8 or 8:30. My husband goes to work at 6, so I have to go to the gym at 4, or I just don't get to go!
  • lemanda
    lemanda Posts: 116 Member
    Me! I JUST started running last week!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 228 Member
    Count me in
  • jessikas5
    jessikas5 Posts: 28 Member
    I am a single mom with 4 kids and sometimes it hard to find a good time to run. I am new to running, been struggling with C25k for awhile now. Hopefully with school starting I can get into a nice workout schedule, I plan on running either before the kids get up or after they leave for school. =)
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    I would love to join! I finished c25k at the end of June. I am a SAHM of 2 kids, 8 and 4. Fortunately, I get 2 days a week to run outside by myself while my son is in preschool. The rest of the time I run on the treadmill. I average anywhere between 1 and 4 miles a day. My husband started c25k this week, and I have been doing that with him in the evenings. i would love to have some other Moms to chat with and help me to stay motivated!
  • I don't run a ton... In fact, I'm not even sure about the distance. I try to run 3-4 days a week at about 30-35 minutes each time. I'm guessing I get close to 3 miles each day, but I'm not sure. The other 2 or 3 days I do something else like circuit training or zumba, pilates, or yoga. Sundays are rest days! :-)

    I'm an early morning runner. If I don't do it at 6:30 a.m. before my husband leaves for work, then it won't happen that day. Not to mention it's been hot as hell here this summer, and mornings are barely tolerable with the weather.

    I started running a few years ago with the C25K program. Love it!

    I've run in a few 5K races, and dream of someday running a half marathon. Can't figure out how to fit in all those training runs though.
  • simoneq
    simoneq Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry, what is a SAHM?
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Lol! Stay at home Mom.
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I am a SAHM, and I fell in love with running this spring. I am running 16-20 miles a week and would love to have some friends that feel the same way. I am an early morning runner also, otherwise I cannot find the time during the day. I have 3 little ones ages 5, 4 and 15 months.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I am a SAHM to two littles- a 5 year old who is about to start kindergarten and a 2 year old. I started C25K last February, finished in April, and am addicted to 5Ks. I've run 6 since March. I love them!

    I tend to run first thing in the am, at dawn, otherwise it's waayyy to hot to run here. I run between 3 and 4 miles a day, 4 or 5 days a week. I LOVE it. Well, not the during, but definitely the after. I also try to do a day or two of circuit training each week.

    This week sucks though. I was running a few mornings ago and felt something pop in my foot. Turns out I have plantar fasciitis, which is an inflamation of the soft tissue under your heel. I have to rest up for a week, and then I can slowly start running again, using my pain level as a guide. UGH! At least it's not a stress fracture, where I'd be out for a couple of months. I'm trying to be positive.
  • Hey Maddymama - I've dealt with Plantar Fasciitis several times! I've found that rest (like you said), good supportive inserts in shoes, motrin, and ice works best. Freeze a water bottle and roll it under your foot. Helps a ton! Oh, and lots of stretching. It usually flares up for me when my calves are really tight. Good luck. I know it is hard to sit this week out.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm am going to run 3 miles today! Wanting to be accountable ;) And I keep running 2 miles, but I can cut out a little more time for a workout tday I think.
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey ladies! I had the best run this AM! It is finally starting to cool off here so there was a nice breeze. I am also doing JM 30 DS. So both of those are out of the way for me today. :)
  • Count me in!! I'm a SAHM of 3. I get up @ 530am before everyone in the house and go running for about an hour. That way by the time I get back its time to get everyone up and going for the day. I take 2 days off Thurs/Sunday. :D Average 5-6 miles a day.