laracroftminx Member


  • I was 125lb when I started Insanity and now weigh 119-120lb. I too just needed to tone - which I have but have not developed the six-pack I wanted! I couldn't function on 1200 calories especially as I was doing other exercise as well even if it was just 2 x 40 minute walking the dog every day. Don't think I ever burned…
  • What equipment do you need for P90x
  • I finish this week and am certainly not going to go straight back into another round. You are right the body gets used to what you do and can adapt. It is good to mix things up. I havent lost a lot of weight on insanity but to be honest I didnt really have a lot to lose. My arms and legs look good though. Unfortunately I…
  • I have a Polar FT7 too and I burn around 300 calories too - except now I'm on Month 2 it has shot up to 400+. My heart rate is right up at 150-180 for the intense parts of the workout. I have a resting heart rate of 50-65bpm. I think the fitter you are and the nearer you are to your goal weight the less calories you burn
  • Went backwards on Switch Kicks but improved on rest although not massively Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Switch Kicks 116 112 116 Power Jacks 49 52 55 Power Knees 91 93 98 Power Jumps 34 38 41 Globe Jumps 8.5 11 12 Suicide Jumps 19 19 21 Push Up Jacks 20 27 29 Low Plank Obique 48 57 64
  • I tried only drinking alcohol once a week but that soon went out the window - I have cut down a great deal though. My diet is normally good anyway - I tried to follow the 5 x 300 calorie meals a day but again this just didn't fit in with my life. I just make sure I don't have any "treats" and avoid the chocolate, cakes etc…
  • Thanks everyone - I certainly feel like its working just disappointed on the Body Fat front. Today though I ache all over so something is definitely working!
  • How did you get on? I did Fit Test 3 - which I improved on everything but the switch kicks which stuck at 116. Then I did the workout straight after and was absolutely exhausted by the end - but really chuffed at achieving it
  • Thank you - I'll give it a watch. I just need to lose the last 10lbs. Been stuck around the 9 stone mark for few years now and just want to get rid of my belly. I feel much fitter and I am currently at 8st 9 but was 8st 11 when I started Insanity. Still body fat of 23% ish. I'm sure I look more "toned" but the numbers just…
  • Hiya - I start my Max workouts tomorrow - will let you know! A friend of mine is a week ahead of me and he said that it is so hard it isn't even comparable to the 1st month. He is already pretty fit and an ex-marine so God help us!
  • There is a difference between people starving themselves and starvation mode. For instance if the body has no or little calories then of course you will lose weight. HOWEVER if a person decides to skip a meal the body may not have enough energy and will therefore start to store energy (e.g. store fat). Apparently when the…
  • I too train a lot - weights, spinning, circuits, etc. I started Insanity a month ago and am on the recovery week at the moment (which is still hard by the way). On my first week on Insanity I missed a day so thought to myself I would do 2 the next day - ummmm there was NO WAY I could do it - I would have been exhausted.…
  • Thanks Adam - I only tend to eat the bigger meal at night because then I eat with hubby. However its definitely worth a shot. Yes we are on the exact same spot on Insanity. Guess maybe I'm finding it hard to shift the weight as its only about 10lb I want to lose. Had a terrible "cheat night" yesterday as it was a friends…
  • Thanks for your replies. I can guarantee you it is not what I eat. I have studied nutrition myself and we are always very careful about what we eat. During Insanity I have been extra good and have cut out anything that I did eat that was "naughty". I have tried eating 5 x 300 calorie meals as in the nutrition plan but…
  • I am also 5ft 2 with a loving of red wine which appears to be what pushes me over my calorie limit all the time!!! I fluctuate from 55-58kg but for the last 4 weeks have stuck at 55kg (due to starting the "INSANITY" DVD'S. I'l send request too