mrnice1058 Member


  • Don't worry I will never take that advocare crap its a rip off and junk
  • I didn't eat the banana while I was playing I took one for breakfast and one for lunch today that is my norm I'm guessing the g2 Gatorade just isn't cutting it for me
  • No i have been at this dieting for 120 days last time i lost a pound was about 30 days a go.
  • I know i am slimmer i do have my numbers written down. I am down a total of 19 inches in these 120 days. and down a pant size but the scale is not moving. its kind of depressing. I have not stepped on the scale in a few weeks until this morning and it said i was 304.9 so i lost .1 pound not worth putting in. It also doesnt…
  • if this site is correct lYour BMR is: 2395 CALORIES/DAY Your TDEE is: 3293
  • My breakfast really is coffee with coffee mate, about a cup of egg whites and a protein shake monday-friday every week since I started to take the diet serious again. I have not dropped a pound in well over a month now. which is why i am starting to feel defeated. With my breakfast i am usually really full with that.
  • yeah because i am starting to give up I am eating so much better and not seeing anything move on my scale. I have been at it for 120 days in a row now i guess you can say those are the days i am doing it seriously. Now i am getting to that point where i am saying is it worth it anymore? yeah again i stopped because i am…
  • always looking for support friends! I am stuck on my LBS lose now i lost 15 pounds now i can't seem to get it to move now! any new friends with new ideas is always good. Sent you a friend request anyone else can add me as well :)
  • how are you guys doing with it?I have lost 12 pounds so far
  • yeah i am having fun with it so far. Only problem i had was 2 days ago i don't think i had enough food because i came home with a headache tired and so far down 5 pounds and today is day 5 for me! Good Luck with it stick to it. its tough in the beginning but you get use to it really fast
  • well i am on day 2 i will report back on day 11 when i have to weigh in again
  • so far so good i had a banana lastnight and a bowl of raw spinach and no cramps lastnight! and i swam for 130 mins no craps! problem solved so far :)
  • no sir i have big legs already my calves are very big muscle wise i use to dunk playing basketball and i use to play football one thing that has never gone away is my muscular calves
  • i am working out nothing heavy yet. basketball, baseball, and bike riding so far. i am going to start up p90x on monday. I really do think it comes down to potassium. because i am drinking water. and it only cramps at night not during sports or right after only while i am sleeping and i make a move and then boom it locks…
  • OK guys i was in a bit of a depression. the day i put this post up i literally cried pretty much all day. that night i went to my wife and we had a very big heart to heart discussion about a lot of things. one of them was how important i am taking my health! She understood and is now being very aware of my health with me.…
  • thank you that means a lot. i can tell you i go with her now to do the food shopping and doing that the junk has cut out 100%. I do the same thing with getting food ready and packing my lunch for the next day before the show so i can relax for the day. just being that i am working a lot of hours and coming home to do house…
  • i know what you guys are saying trust me i can tell you when i had more time in my day i was more controlling of what i would eat. These pass few weeks with the back yard sports and cars has been very tough for me. and i get home and i am just beat and i mean to the point that i would shower eat and try to stay away to…
  • Sex: Male Age: 34 SW- 321 GW- 220 CW- 283 me at 321 and me currently at 283
  • yeah i am trying that! i went from 321 to now 283 and you would think it would push her but its not. I went on a tear from 4 months eating right working out and it just all came to a stand still because of priorities. it sucks but it has to get done. i am sure i will bounce back i am just getting weaker and weaker by the…
  • thank you for the kind words but i can tell you i have tried that. and the only time i ever spoke out of anger with her about her weight was in this past fight. it was mostly because it was one of the things i felt she wasn't helping me with. and even up to today she will listen to what i say and 2 to 3 weeks later she is…
  • thanks! i was always scared to do heavy squats because i have massive thighs ( like pure muscle) and i was always scared that my quads would out power my hamstrings. I played basketball and football from 11-23 and i always trained my legs to get stronger and jump higher so i worked on my thighs and my calves and left out…
  • for cardio i usually anything from Prodigy, and i also put it on Sirius radio area and the songs that station plays does nothing but make you move! for strength training i usually listen to anything that has a good rhythm. and thats usually classic R&b for me like temptations mostly motown style music and then if i am…
  • i understand what you mean about pound for pound i just got a little scared thinking about it. i have massive legs already and i didnt want to get them bigger but your right it will be the same but take up less space. I will start up P90x Classic on monday since i dont want to start in the middle of the week. thanks for…
  • ok i know i am not a girl but i figured i could help since my wife is 5'2" like a lot of you girls said it all depends on your frame and BMI before my wife had my daughter she was 145 but she was is very busty at 34D and depending on the bra she is a 34DD and that suited her fine because of her frame. today she is a bit…
  • this is what i am taking with this not sure which one i have but that is what i am taking. no hunger pains but my water had increased…
  • I take them usually on an empty stomach. my stomach never hurts but i just dont feel hungry anymore! Like this morning i had those three eggs and i was full until 11 and then i had my protein shake which i forgot to add to my foods list today but i pretty much had to force myself to eat lunch at 1 because i almost wasn't…
  • I also started P90X on monday and i run about 1 mile so far. I find myself a little more hungry the days i do P90X and run. like yesterday i only did P90x and i didnt run i wasnt as hungry. Just listen to your body eat enough food and you will be good! Lets hope we both get the body's we want after the 90 days :)
  • well i am 303 and i want to get to 220 because that is where i was in the best shape of my life! 212 would be perfect because i was fast and still strong but 220 i was at my best! so what ever it takes to get to 220 i am good!
  • wow i didnt think it was going to turn into some really good info here and thank you for the tips! yesterday i worked out and took my protein shake and i was only over 7 grams of protein. i seem to always keep my carbs very low and i seem to take in about half of what my allowed fats for the day. so from what i…
  • if you want to call a rest of putting your weights down and getting different weights to do the next work out then that is all the rest i get. or putting it down to get the chair to do so i guess its correct then. i cant wait to get home and do legs and back!