IoTheo Member


  • this site helped me a lot! u can find the diet and lots of recepies to keep u going
  • You can use alcohol, wine or beer for calf, coniac and lemon for chicken. Just let the lid open for a few minutes so that it will evaporate leaving only the taste. my personal favorite is lemon zest along with a bit of lemon juice and louisa herb > perfect for fish orange zest with a bit of orange juice and wite balsamic…
  • U were right pkw58 !!! One more to go :bigsmile:
  • Failed week I only lost half a pound :frown:
  • I'm feeling loads of fatigue, headaches ect. I think It's due to lack of sleep :yawn: , baby is teething again. The thing is I haven't had a pp day since weekend, I start well but at the afternoon I feel I'm gonna faint so at the evening I dig in a huge bowl of crunchy greens. I'm such a disappointment to myself and above…
  • I'm the faty!!! I gained 50p during my first pregnency and 40p during my second :P Now, after a year, I'm slimer than before I got pregnant. Give yourself time SLEEP well EAT well and everything will fall into place. Don't forget to hugg and kiss yourbaby.
  • Today was my first day at work after three years when I had and raised my 2 baby boys. I missed my family, I even missed the dog and all of them went crazy when I came back home. I guess we'll have to get used to it but it's hard. I'm only 2 kilos away from my goal and the thing that worries me the most is that I have to…
  • Yes orange zest in your Yogurt rules !!!!!!!!!
  • what??? i dont even get a quiet pie time :laugh:
  • Just do it!!! It doesnt mater if the baby is climbing on your back while your doing your push ups or if the dog is lying on its back next to you while you're doing your abs. You just keep on going. It doesnt mater if its not perfet as long as it is. Anything is better than nothing. Eventualy I'm hoping they will all…
  • Christmas affected my diet a lot!!! Almost everyday I ate a bit of something, so not crazy quantities but I literary stoped dieting. Dispite all that I lost 1 kilo :noway: and today I'm back on that horse, I even exercized :tongue:
  • I gained 40lb but most of it was water since I had a condition. After 5days when I went home and weighted myself I had already lost 30lb, the baby was big as well almost 1/3 of that 9lb :tongue: . Needless to say that the last 10 pounds stayed with me untill I seriously started dieting, 6months after giving birth. My baby…
  • at least u found out what keeps u back and now ur on top of it once more
  • OMG chocolate I think I'm gonna faint............ I do like the progress but I DO DO DO miss a lot of staff, anything else would be a lie.
  • after 2.5 months on the diet I've started to have cravings as well :/ but I want to have EVERYTHING I'm not supposed to
  • You don't have much weight to loose so your progress is gonna be slow. 4lt of water is way too much, you could harm yourself I dont think you should drik morethan 2lt.
  • Hi there, I'm a bit over a month on the dukan and I've already reached my halfpoint. I know that my progress isn't going to be that impressive from now on but I'm still delighted that all the pain I was experiencing due to the baby weight is gone. My feet are not swollen, I can stand up from the floor without discomfort…
  • Forget about the calories. You must eat everytime you are hungry, just avoid fats, cook without oils ect and snack on plenty of fruits and vegies.
  • I thought that half of a chicken along with 1kg dairy and a few egg whites would be enough on a PP day but now that I counted it, it's nothing and I should be having at least 1500 kcal with the breastfeeding and all. Clearly I need a chicken coop. BTW have u seen this?
  • Yea, I know but we don't have non fat cheese here, only low fat. So that leaves me with meat, egs and dairy, sucks........ Anyhow I've noticed that these crises only happen once per week so I'll have to endure but woriking out is out of the question yesterday I went for a walk and I thought I would fall down.
  • My 2nd son is 9 months now so he's on solids and only breastfeeds morning and night. My doctor said that I must snak each and every time I'm hungry on fruits and vegies. Since I started the dukan, it' been two and a half weeks and it's the 2nd time I feel overwhelmed. I have a cup of milk with the oat bran in the morning…
  • Something like that luzmidd looks more friendly to me, cause I've already grown tired. I have 2 babies to care for, the one still breastfeeds and I feel such a zombie. I don't know how you guys do it and work out as well, take walks ect... I only want to sleep...
  • Hallo ladies! I joined MFP when my first baby was 8 months old and I was stuck with 10 pounds. After some time that I was stuggling with my diet and couldn't loose weight, I found out that I was pregnant again. So now I'm the delighted mother of two, the youngest is 6 months old, and I'm stucked with 18 pounds. Though I…