

  • I would be happy to get your school involved if you think they might be willing.
  • I'm with you! I'm going all the way with this.
  • Good for you! I am working on my bronze. Are you going for the gold?
  • Thank you for joining!
  • You're fine. Don't worry. You had some interesting info to offer.
  • I went to my first class on Friday. It was extremely intense but I enjoyed it very much. On that day, we did nothing that I could not do at home. It was all calisthenics but a lot of them and you had to do them fast. For example , the workout (after intense warm up ) was: 10 Burpees with push up 20 squats 30 sit-ups (with…
  • I'm in it for three reasons: 1. Get fit 2. Relieve stress and aggression 3. Learn how to kick someone's *kitten* - put them on the ground and immobilize them so I can walk away safely. In my opinion, if I am attacked, there are no rules. I'll kick, punch, gouge eyes, pull hair, whatever it takes to put them down.
  • I developed a herniated disc in my lower back a couple of weeks before the run and was unable to compete. I was really bummed. BUT I now have an entire year to get ready for next year. I also plan to do the October run next year as well, so I will have some time to find the right team.
  • I took my first class last night and LOVED it. It's the best thing since sliced bread. It felt so good to kick and punch and feel the power my body has. I have been really stressed out lately and went I finished the class, I was a happy, stress free camper. I have boot camps scheduled until September but starting in Oct, I…
  • I can happily report that fat burning has taken over! I have lost 6 pound so far for the month of June. Since I hurt my back, I had to reduce/alter my exercise routine. I walk (fast) instead of run and therefore I am more in my target range for fat burning. Nothing else has changed.
  • Give yourself a break. [/quote] Thanks! I needed that.
  • I can't figure out how to quote.
  • Unfortunately, I am doing a fitness challenge at work that requires me to weigh in daily. I guess the pain med may be causing me to retain fluid. Does anyone know how the body reacts when you suddenly quit doing intense activity on a daily basis?
  • I always weigh first thing in the morning after peeing. I have no problems with my bowels. I'm wondering if my scales are wacky.
  • I finally lost a pound! I had to get on the scales twice to be sure. Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep myself motivated by wearing my size 8 pants and concentrating on the physical and health gain I have achieved. When I started exercising, I couldn't walk/run 1/2 mile without exhaustive effort. Now I can walk 2 miles at 4mph.…
  • It might be called Seal Fitness. It doesn't so up in the app store on my mac but I found it thru apps on my phone.
  • I run in the morning. I get up at 5 and eat a small bowl of cereal, oatmeal or an omelet with a cup of coffee. I warm up with back, ab exercises and stretches for 30 min starting around 6. Then I run for 30. I am new to running an am increasing my time each week by 5 min. I love running in the morning. It is so nice to…
  • Thanks everyone! I have lost inches: 3.25 inches in my hips, 2.75 in my waist and by bra is on the third hook. I was a size tight 12 and can now get into some size 8s. I had a body mass of over 30 and it is now 27.8 (I think). That is my overall loss since April 1. Thank you for helping me focus on that. I am on…
  • So I just checked out the photos of the obstacles on the run at Columbia. Boy howdy, do I have my work cut out for me! My husband has committed to train me this summer if I can find a team this week. I am running in the individual race at Pinnacle and there are not as many obstacles in that one.
  • Thanks for telling me about that one! I think I'll do it! Here's my exercise routine for this month: AM - Intense back exercises including sit ups. It mostly works my core and stretches my legs. I also do squats and lunges. - 30 minutes. AM - 4 mph walking with 2 lb weights to work out my arms and lats. - 15 minutes. I am…