Cross fit results?

hey, i was wondering if anyone has or is doing CrossFit Classes and if they have had any results... Pictures would be more helpful and modivating for me to make a desision on whether to do it or not... the only hesitation i have about it (other wise i'd do it in a second) is that its SOOOO Gosh darn expensive, like this particular one is $187/month for a year. So is it worth it?




  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    god thats in australia, most i ve looked at are upwards of 3000 a year.

    if you join, You WILL get results. Like anything else though, you need to commit yourself 100%.
    Biggest results come from those who have a fool proof nutrition plan, and more than stick to it.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    That is a bit pricey. My brother-in-law owns a cross-fit gym. It's about 40- miles from me so I don't go there, but he is $120 a month for unlimited visits. The one near me charges $200 for 20 visits, taken over how ever much time you want. That being said, I follow my BIL's gym's facebook page and talk to him and my sister all the time. If you commit to it, it will indeed work. It's like any exercise program it's not so much anything magical about it it's just that you need to commit to doing it, and doing a significant amount of it. What seems to be great about it, is the team mentality that goes along with it. It's not like a regular gym where you put your ipod on and go about your workout secluded from everyone. It's mostly small class like formats and you make friends and everyone cheers you on, and pushes you harder than you would push yourself. Kinda like here really in terms of motivation. If you can afford it and have trouble motivating yourself to get serious about exercise, it will probably be the best money you've ever spent.
  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    If you are not sure, why not check out the Cross Fit Website and follow their workout of the day for a while and see if you like it? Many of the exercises can be modified to be used at a regular gym or at home with the right equipment. I did it for a year from home, but I was not dedicated in the way that you need to be successful (my diet was total crap). I did not lose weight because of that but had I been more disciplined with my diet, I would have totally loved the results.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    My gym offers cross fit classes a couple of times a week (it's not a cross fit gym) but we have an instructor trained in cross fit. I've wanted to try the class and then I heard another member say in response to "what's cross fit", she said "it's the class where you die" LOL!

    In all seriousness, it looks like a great class and I can tell you that the people that do the class are there everyweek, it's the most popular class at the gym, it's always packed and it seems like they really like it.

    Maybe once I lose more weight I won't be so scared to try it!
  • carolynhaywood
    I went to my first class on Friday. It was extremely intense but I enjoyed it very much. On that day, we did nothing that I could not do at home. It was all calisthenics but a lot of them and you had to do them fast. For example , the workout (after intense warm up ) was:

    10 Burpees with push up
    20 squats
    30 sit-ups (with extended pad under back so you go back further and have further to come up.

    We had to do this 5 times as fast as we could. I managed to do it in something over 13 minutes which is pretty good, considering I am 57 and 20 lbs overweight. I got a little sloppy with the burpees on the last two rounds (I have a herniated disc in my back which has been inflamed for a few weeks.).

    I can say that if I were doing this at home, with no one around me, I probably would have quit or had a much longer time. For me, the competition to keep up with the young fit woman (she finished a min, before me.) next to me kept me going. Also the instructor gave me encouragement on the last round which helped with my determination to finish.

    I know that there are other things available that I will not be able to do at home, things that require equipment that I don't have.

    I have 4 more classes left on my Living Social voucher and am excited about what torture I will be put thru next. These classes really do push you to perform beyond your limit.

    So, if you can afford it and you really want to get fit (think military fit) then I'd highly recommend it. Unfortunately, for me, I can't afford it so I know I'll quit after my last class. But, I will continue to look on the websites at the work out of the day and do what I can. I have decided to take Krav Maga classes which are in my budget and are also intense, but focus on self defense.

    Hope this helps.

    Achieving Physical Fitness - check it out.