Krav Maga



  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I think I was at the same one. You in Birmingham?

    I've been training since February, so I did yesterday as a free training session, for the extra time, and to get a chance to work with women. I'm the only girl in my class, and while it's helpful training with people bigger than me, women face different threats.

    Wow, what are the chances!

    It was at Perry Barr. I don't recognise you from your photos... were you the girl who set me flying across the room? Lol.

    I think I was the only one in shorts!

    It was brilliant and I am really considering joing, but the location of the classes is an issue for me as I don't want to have to travel too far.

    Which class do you go to? Who's your instructor?

    What's it like training with all men? I think I'd do better training in a mixed group, but I think men can be alot rougher than women.


    I go to the two Thursday classes with Alan, the poor guy who had to wear the helmet while Steve punched him. I do two in a row, because it's a bit of a distance for me, too, so I'd rather only make the journey once.

    I've never not trained with a bunch of guys (apart from yesterday) so I can't compare. Alan's very protective; every class he's like, are you okay to work with him? Can you work with him? If it helps, the two girls with the groin guards are in the Tuesday general classes (and I'm in the beginners one, for the next five weeks).

    Steve was talking about setting up classes in other areas, especially since they're getting full now. You could email him and ask about your area. I know he's thinking of Edgbaston, but I forget the rest.

    I might have been, I'm not sure.:o I was working with the very tall and thin dark-skinned girl, with bright red hair, on the mat to the left as you walk through the door. I was the one with a ginormous bruise on her arm.

    Ha ha, I think you were the girl showing your bruise to the instructors before the session started. He offered to give you a bruise on the other arm.

    It was the short haired girl with the groin guard who sent me flying. I was a little confused as to why she was wearing that... she had wrist guards too so she's probably had a few bad bruises and decided not to take any chances.

    I'd probably go to Edgbaston, and do one session a week to start. My friend is one of the instructors so I'll speak to him tomorrow... and also tell him that I did see him laughing when he saw me looking very exhausted! Lol

    I'm hoping they make a decision about Harborne/& quinton as that would be ideal for me.

    Yeah, that was me.:D

    Harbourne would work for me, too.:(

    It's recommended that girls get groin guards too. It's not essential, since the men tend to rely more on upper body attacks, in my experience. But, we're generally taught to go for the groin, so it's a handy 'just-in-case' kind of thing. Once, someone tapped me there (the real attack would be grab the balls and pull down hard), and it felt *weird*. A barrier would be nice.

    Which instructor?
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Ha ha... There was alot that I didn't feel comfortable with... most of the positions, sitting on people... having people sit on me

    I guess you get over that, lol.

    My friend is Tom. I got to whack your instructor in the head when he was wearing that helmet, poor guy!

    I may see you at Harborne then if they start a class there :)

    Email me if you want, I'm happy to chat some more and hear about how you get on with Krav.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Oh, I know Tom. He's always there on a Thursday doing some one-on-one training with someone.

    Sure.:) I sent you a friend's request, not sure if it went through...?

    Oh, I remember my induction. Just standing in the corner, watching guy over guy file in, and realising "I'm the only girl here". Then we started by trying to kick each other in the bum. And we finished by sitting on each other and trying to choke each other. Trick is, turn your mind off and get on with it.

    I try to dress plainly, and I've asked Alan to stop nodding at me when he mentions women. I figure it'll be easiest if people don't think of me as a girl. Like they know it, but it's not the obvious thing.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I have so been wanting to try this, but the closest place I've found to do it is about 40 minutes away. Since I was a little on the fence anyway, I let the distance keep me away, but now you've sparked my interest again. I just went to their website and it looks like they offer a free class to try it out, so now I have no excuse but to try it out. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration!

    I felt the same, the class I went to was a distance to drive and in heavy traffic would probably take over an hour to get to. I'm still thinking that it's too far to travel, but I could go after work which would shorten the journey...

    I guess you just have to make the decision. I know how easily it is to make excuses not to do things. Go for it and let me know how you get on :)
    Let me know if you ache as much as I do right now! Lol

    So, I did my first Krav Maga class tonight and it was FANTASTIC! I know I'm going to hurt tomorrow, but right now I'm on such a high! It was a killer workout and super-fun. It was a 1-hour class and it seriously felt like 10 minutes.

    I'm bummed because the place is too far from me to make this something I could do regularly. It only took me 30 minutes to get home, but on the way there I was driving through traffic and it took well over an hour. You have to pay by the month for unlimited sessions and I just don't think I'll be able to get there often enough to make it worthwhile. I'll keep looking to see if I can't find a place closer though.

    Hope you guys are doing well with it!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I started Krav about 4 weeks ago when I started my weight loss/life style change. I formerly took TKD and Shotokan many years ago. When I decided to look for a martial art to go back too I specifically tried to find one that is more "tactical". My shooting is the same way- I train to engage and destroy a threat be it with pistol or carbine so I wanted a similar system for hand-to-hand.

    I did not want pretty kata's and having to wait until one is a black belt to start hitting. Krav from day one teaches you how to defend yourself and does a MUCH better job also of teaching one how to fight when your body "gives up" (anyone done exhaustion drills yet in there KM classes?). Basically this is what I was looking for in a self defense style- my son who is a black belt is amazed at how agressive this style is as we did some light sparringt he other day and he really had trouble responding to KMs burst/attack/attack/attack methodology of fighting versus his style of hit/hit back off and assess.

    I also like the fact that KM, at least my school, puts different people together for the experience. Last night my KM partner - 5' 3" female- was paired with the two 6' 4" guys (one an amatuer MMA fighter and the other a state cop on a fugitive task force) for the head lock defense and she was able to bring them to their knees by the end of the night (because you dont get to pick who attacks you!)

    I do KM 4 nights a week and leave soaked every night, bruised, battered and feeling pretty damn good overall. All I have to say about KM is "oh baby where have you been all my life"

    Current goal is to get to Level 2. Future goal is to become a KM instructor.
  • carolynhaywood
    I took my first class last night and LOVED it. It's the best thing since sliced bread. It felt so good to kick and punch and feel the power my body has. I have been really stressed out lately and went I finished the class, I was a happy, stress free camper. I have boot camps scheduled until September but starting in Oct, I will be going 2-3 times a week. I can't wait!

    I know I will be better fit by then after 3 months of boot camps.

    I am 57, 5' tall and 26 pounds over my desired weight. By Oct, I should be in good fighting shape.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Google Moti Horenstein! Heh. It's decent and I'm sure it's great exercise. Just don't buy the hype. If it were the bee's knees, everyone in MMA would be training in it. They aren't. But go for it! Have fun and burn some calories!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I so want to take classes but none are offered in my area.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Google Moti Horenstein! Heh. It's decent and I'm sure it's great exercise. Just don't buy the hype. If it were the bee's knees, everyone in MMA would be training in it. They aren't. But go for it! Have fun and burn some calories!

    My chief instructor is an MMA fighter. MMA do not train for it because of what it is- krav is street fighting for self defense- a lot of groin strkes, gouges, and other attacks that are not MMA approved and can get you quickly DQed. Even MMA has rules which dont apply to a street fight. Our instructor does use some krav techniques but even he said not many when in the octagon as KM is not meant to be used for that style of fighting.
  • carolynhaywood
    I'm in it for three reasons:

    1. Get fit
    2. Relieve stress and aggression
    3. Learn how to kick someone's *kitten* - put them on the ground and immobilize them so I can walk away safely. In my opinion, if I am attacked, there are no rules. I'll kick, punch, gouge eyes, pull hair, whatever it takes to put them down.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Google Moti Horenstein! Heh. It's decent and I'm sure it's great exercise. Just don't buy the hype. If it were the bee's knees, everyone in MMA would be training in it. They aren't. But go for it! Have fun and burn some calories!

    My chief instructor is an MMA fighter. MMA do not train for it because of what it is- krav is street fighting for self defense- a lot of groin strkes, gouges, and other attacks that are not MMA approved and can get you quickly DQed. Even MMA has rules which dont apply to a street fight. Our instructor does use some krav techniques but even he said not many when in the octagon as KM is not meant to be used for that style of fighting.

    Those rules were not in place when Mr. Horenstein got thrashed in the UFC. That's just a dodge. It was true of all the stand up only fighters in the early UFC's. Hair pulling, groin shots, etc were all legal. They all got taken down and thrashed or submitted. The rules argument is what people who believe the mythology of the Shaolin monks say as well. "The vibrating palm would kill the person, so they can't fight in the ring". "They can rip the heart out of a charging bull, but since that would kill the opponent, they can't compete in MMA." Sorry, no sale. A wrestler just dog tackles you and beats the crap out of you if you don't know ground fighting. Everyone cross trains these days. Grapplers who don't know standup will likewise get taken apart. When I first trained in BJJ over 13 years ago, hardly anyone knew ground stuff. It was like magic. Not any more. You have to be well rounded. Times, they are a changin'. :o)

    Once last point: if you are a small person and your goal is to survive an attack against a far larger and stronger opponent, your best bet would be to spend some time getting properly trained and certified in armed self defense. My wife has packed heat for about the last 14 years (Glock 27!). I don't want her to have to worry about her ability to go mano a mano against a larger mugger. Double tap to center mass instead!

    Some people are philosophically opposed to the use of lethal force, and that's cool. Different strokes. Maybe pepper spray can be something to consider. I use it on my runs when I'm in the country. Too many crazy dogs! There aren't any martial arts that can adequately prepare you in a short time. A girl I used to train with was a black belt kick boxer and since has earned her black belt in BJJ. I KNOW she can defend herself. But it took many years. That is not practical at all for most people.

    I think if it's to relieve stress, burn calories, etc, then rock on. But go into it with both eyes open.

    Good luck!
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Once last point: if you are a small person and your goal is to survive an attack against a far larger and stronger opponent, your best bet would be to spend some time getting properly trained and certified in armed self defense. My wife has packed heat for about the last 14 years (Glock 27!). I don't want her to have to worry about her ability to go mano a mano against a larger mugger. Double tap to center mass instead!

    Bear in mind that this thread was started by a brit. We really don't do guns over here.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Once last point: if you are a small person and your goal is to survive an attack against a far larger and stronger opponent, your best bet would be to spend some time getting properly trained and certified in armed self defense. My wife has packed heat for about the last 14 years (Glock 27!). I don't want her to have to worry about her ability to go mano a mano against a larger mugger. Double tap to center mass instead!

    Bear in mind that this thread was started by a brit. We really don't do guns over here.

    Great point!

    I've been thinking about my post and now I regret even saying anything. A martial art as exercise seems appropriate for this forum, but for me to try to get deep in the weeds about other topics like self-defense, MMA, etc was inappropriate. I apologize if I've offended anyone with anything I've said. I will not hit the "eject" button out of this thread! God bless.
  • carolynhaywood
    You're fine. Don't worry. You had some interesting info to offer.
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    So has anyone else taken up Krav Maga?

    I've been doing it for approx three months now. It's brilliant, a lot of fun and really gets your in the mind frame that you could actually use it if needed.

    It does depend on who you practise with in the class as to how well each lesson goes. Some of the guys don't think to pull punches and not throw punches so aggressively when they are partnered with a smaller framed woman.

    Last week during my class I was partnered with a man who for some reason thought it was ok to kick me very hard in the groin. It's supposed to be non-contact but the realism of training in Krav Maga is... You are going to get a few bruises now and then.

    I'm female. It hurt and I shouted out with both shock and paid. Bent over holding myself just like a man would, lol. I was wearing a groin guard under my trousers (pants to you Americans) but the guy wouldn't have known this.I was shocked that this guy thought everything was fine, and he'd done nothing wrong. I was a little bit... Annoyed! Most guys ask you if you are ok, take it a little easier on women and take extra care not to hurt you.

    Once I'd composed myself, it was my turn to attack him. He told me to go for it, told me to get my revenge. I actually told him that wasn't a good idea. He laughed and told me to go for it, really try my hardest.

    I looked over at my instructor, who shrugged and told me the guy had given me permission so to go for it.
    I warned the guy once more, but the smirk on his face meant he saw a weak woman in front of him.

    So I went for it.... He asked for it!

    Really hard kick to the groin (he was wearing a groin guard on the outside of his trousers, but it must gave hurt), and before I could stop myself.... I punched him in the face. His head went back with the power of it. Oh my gosh.... I was so horrified at what I'd done. He was shocked! The rest of the class were laughing... And I could see my instructor struggling to hide his grin.

    Lol.... Who needs guns! Don't mess with us girls :)
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I've done Krav Maga sporadically over the past few months. I love, love, love it, but it's too pricey for me to do consistently. I've found 2 places nearby that do it and I've tried them both. One place was fabulous, but it's $150 a month for two sessions a week and they want a 1 year contract. That's out of my price range, so I just go when they have special drop-in classes. The other place was $100 a month with no contract, but it was just an awful waste of time--lots of talk, not much action.

    It's funny, most of the time I'm the only girl in a class full of guys. At the beginning, they're always very careful with me and they apologize constantly if they inadvertently get a solid hit in. I have to tell them over and over again that I'm a big girl (even if I'm only 5 feet tall) and that I can handle it. By the end of the class, they usually loosen up a little bit, but in general I think I make them a little uncomfortable.
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    I've done Krav Maga sporadically over the past few months. I love, love, love it, but it's too pricey for me to do consistently. I've found 2 places nearby that do it and I've tried them both. One place was fabulous, but it's $150 a month for two sessions a week and they want a 1 year contract. That's out of my price range, so I just go when they have special drop-in classes. The other place was $100 a month with no contract, but it was just an awful waste of time--lots of talk, not much action.

    It's funny, most of the time I'm the only girl in a class full of guys. At the beginning, they're always very careful with me and they apologize constantly if they inadvertently get a solid hit in. I have to tell them over and over again that I'm a big girl (even if I'm only 5 feet tall) and that I can handle it. By the end of the class, they usually loosen up a little bit, but in general I think I make them a little uncomfortable.

    That seems very expensive. About £80 a month! Wow! I pay £35 a month for one session a week. It's £42 for two sessions. I wouldn't want to pay the amount they were charging you, especially if all they were doing was talking.

    There are definitely more men that women who do Krav maga. They are the same here.. The men apologising for even the slightest touch. You tell them it's ok, but they think you are delicate.

    I'm 5' 2". I found that it was very difficult sparring with men who were over 6'. Just impossible to punch to the face or practise strangle moves. Lol
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    My krav partner is female and we pound the hell out of each other. She has given me a bloody lip, fractured nose, bruises everywhere and more then enough groin shots that have made me stumble even through cup. I in turn have got her on the side of the head, bruised her up, etc. In class my partner is now known as The Tigress as all 5' 3" of her gets really combative especially during exhaustion drills and she-wont-stop-ever on the attack.

    New guys learn real quick not to baby her or actually any of the women in my classes- ALL of them want to be hit/kicked/choked/etc as hard as possible so the shock of an actual hit out in the street is lessened. The women are some of the best at this as they have no macho impediment like a lot of guys do.

    And yes that price seems excessive. My school is $85/month with no contract and you can go to every class (4 classes per week). I consider my instructors some of the best.
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    My krav partner is female and we pound the hell out of each other. She has given me a bloody lip, fractured nose, bruises everywhere and more then enough groin shots that have made me stumble even through cup. I in turn have got her on the side of the head, bruised her up, etc. In class my partner is now known as The Tigress as all 5' 3" of her gets really combative especially during exhaustion drills and she-wont-stop-ever on the attack.

    New guys learn real quick not to baby her or actually any of the women in my classes- ALL of them want to be hit/kicked/choked/etc as hard as possible so the shock of an actual hit out in the street is lessened. The women are some of the best at this as they have no macho impediment like a lot of guys do.

    And yes that price seems excessive. My school is $85/month with no contract and you can go to every class (4 classes per week). I consider my instructors some of the best.

    Wow! I feel like such a wimp. I'm quite tough for my 5'2" and can show a lot of aggression but recently I've been worrying about being hurt.

    The new guy in the class bruised my shoulders and wrists, and at one point I thought he wAs close to dislocating my shoulder. I'm not going to the class so that guys can kick the crap out of me, but I know that guys shouldn't go easy on me as it won't or are me for real situations.

    Your classes sound great, guys actually wanting to spar with women. In one of the classes I went to most of the guys wouldn't voluntarily spar with women.

    Going to train harder, not complain so much about how tender my arms feel and kick butt!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Well if you are hurt tell them and then modify the drills accordingly. Tonight I got a full force elbow to the face that fractured my nose- blood everywhere- but it was my fault really. SO the rest of the night I made sure to modify any drill that came near my face after I got back on the floor.

    For bruises I use Dit Da Jow (the bruise variety) which can be picked up via the internet. I get mine from Plum Dragon Herbs- rub it in once in the morning and once at night. It really does make even deep bruises heal faster.

    I would say that in my class the guys definitely do not kick the crap out of the women. They tend to treat new female students rather "light" and will ask how hard they should hit, choke, etc. As the women get more comfy with the system they invariably ask for more power to the exercises. As our instructor has said you want to make it as real as possible without injuring yourself because on the street the bad guy will not ask if he hit you too hard!

    Plus being hit even through the pads, choked hard, etc provides another benefit in that you will be better prepared to take the shock of an actual on the street encounter. In any fight you will be hit/cut/shot and if you train for it you wont be staggered by the real thing as much. And as a female an attacker for you will most likely be male and possibly more then one.

    So I dont consider you a wimp- you are out there learning the system which unlike most other martial arts has you hitting and being hit from Day One. :)