itsbasschick Member


  • there could be more than one reason. did you ask your doctor? mayo clinic has a list of possible causes including dehydration:
  • years ago, i discovered bodybuilding and fell in love. i started out in the gym for hours 4 days a week, then bumped it up to 5 and finally 6 days per week. three years later, i was severely over-training, had trouble sleeping, a normal part of OTS, ended up weak and finally got pneumonia that my body could no longer fight…
  • that might work, but after chewing up potato, pasta or any food and swallowing it, it will warm to body temp in your stomach before it ever makes it to your intestines. like above, anything in your stomach will warm up. so funny!
  • i had pink hair for years, then bright red. it's going to bleed, it's going to fade, and by 12 washes it was always much lighter than when i started. i used manic panic, btw.
  • i eat celery or dried cabbage with meals that don't include beans, veggies or lentils. it helps a lot, and the celery is very low in calories.
  • thanks. i'm not a big fan of coffee, but my husband is, and he's always looking for a good coffee protein powder, so we'll check it out.
  • or maybe what he was saying was "why do you want ice cream when i know you've been so concerned about your weight" and not know that a single trip for ice cream won't be a problem. if my husband said that, it would be what he'd mean. but what your BF meant depended on him personally.
  • lift weights and go fairly heavy to build more muscle. if you keep eating the same calories, over time you'll develop more muscle weight, and the fat will gradually lessen as your muscle grows. be sure to eat enough protein, btw.
  • i lost a lot of weight and improved my overall fitness walking, and it's a lot less hard on your knees and ankles than jogging. the key to walking for fitness would be not to take breaks during your walk and to walk so your heartrate is up and your breathing quickens but not to the point of panting or gasping or any…
  • bike riding can be a very effective way to lose weight. and i agree with starting slow rather than burning yourself out, which can cause a loss of motivation.
  • i use a tasty sugar-free, fat-free protein drink, but i mostly use it for muscle building on and after workout days. i do eat quest bars because some flavors are insanely tasty, and they satisfy me enough with my chocolate cravings that i don't binge on chocolate. but everyone doesn't love every flavor, so it takes some…
  • my husband tried to keep working out after he was diagnosed with a hernia, but things started to strangle and it got quite painful, so he got mesh about a year and a half ago, maybe two years ago. after some healing time he went back to working out including leg presses over 360 pounds. at over that, he feels some…
  • i'm 59. eat less calories or burn more and you will lose weight. it doesn't matter what you eat - just how many calories. a half a blaze pizza with no toppings is 300 calories and it makes a tasty lunch. start logging so you can figure out how many calories you actually eat per day and then cut a little and see how it…
  • go to the exercise section, then use the dropdown on the right - gardening is on it.
  • i have tendonitis, and i use ace deluxe wrist braces for upper body workouts except for my warmup sets. they're highly adjustable so i can have them tight around my wrist and firm but not tight around the other parts of my hand, and they have a removable split that i leave in when lifting. i also sleep in them when i'm…
  • no, all mothers in law are not insane, but yours sucks. mothers in law - or any family member or friend who bullies and takes advantage - are horrible, and can upset your marriage, your kids and your life. if you can't back her down by telling her you will not allow her to criticize or insult you in your own home, it's…
  • my mom made us each two softboiled eggs and a piece of toast on weekdays. school lunch in elementary school was a balogna sandwich - 2 slices with mustard - and i can't remember what else, but we had to buy a school milk. dinner was things like pot roast or meatloaf with a canned vegetable (mushy spinach, green beans or…
  • i found that ankle weights and weighted vests made my steps heavier, which lead to more shin splints and sore ankles. i like the idea of walking uphill better myself.
  • wow, your doctor sounds like she's making this up as she goes. find a new one who can hopefully push you ahead for a specialist, and if you want to run further and are okayed, run with a partner so your dad doesn't have to worry. sure, it's all a compromise, but so is life.
  • are you counting calories? eating healthy doesn't equate to weight loss, eating less calories does. to lose 10 calories by the end of june, you'd need to eat about 7,000 less calories per week than you are now. how frequently are you doing those 1 hour cardio workouts?
  • when i developed hip pain, i was doing bodyweight squats and lots and lots of fast walking. turned out i developed bursitis that needed rest, steroids and ice to avoid becoming worse. it could also be your chair's cushioning or the amount you're sitting.
  • i see you're listing things like half an avocado and a cup of orange juice. did you weigh the avocado meat? avocado sizes vary so that a small one could have less than half the calories of a large one. did you weigh your bread and butter and measure or weigh your OJ? a slice of bread, for example, is often more than a…
  • not sure if it would be right for you, but i use a lighter brace i really like. i have ankle problems, and i use the ACE Knitted Ankle Support with no stabilizers. note - when i first bought one, i measured and ordered a medium as per their chart, and it was really tight. when i ordered a large, it worked out great. just…
  • you could get an exercise bike. some are quite inexpensive and surprisingly small, and you can watch tv, talk on the phone, check out the web on your phone or tablet or so on.
  • female: 5'3" 1/2 highest: 242 lowest: 97 current: 187 goal: 150 (working toward more muscle, goal could change depending)
  • i add cleaning as an activity if it's cleaning where i'm continually on the move - an hour sweeping, mopping, moving boxes and so on without breaks i log as an activity. that's worked for me well. btw, i listed myself as sedentary. for spring cleaning, i spent an hour carrying recycling and rubbish out continually. i broke…
  • i have a larger goal but also smaller goals, and i tend to reward myself with fitness equipment :) since i love working out and it helps me with the next goal, it works out pretty well.