Jamesterz Member


  • I have a Motorola Droid 4.....the one with the slide out keyboard! LOL. I HATE touch screen typing, but my phone is so slow and old.....My upgrade is available in Nov so I am going to get a Samsung Galaxy 4S, so I better get used to touch screen typing. I am not an Apple girl either, not sure why. Don't hate them, just…
  • Dodgeball (my guilty pleasure movie) American Beauty American History X The Shawshank Redemption The Princess Bride Serendipity Under the Tuscan Sun Catch and Release ("What's your favorite color?" "Grey") ***Melt*** The Usual Suspects Dogma Multiplicity (I like pizza.....I like it.)
  • I am 5'9" and I like myself right around 135, so I only have a few more pounds to go....but then I have to maintain. Bleh. So far I have really liked watching what I eat and counting calories and at first it was hard to give up all the snacks and crap I used to eat, but I have gotten out of that habit over the last 9 weeks…
  • Ate breakfast about 10 feet from Quentin Tarantino about 15 years ago. Yes, someone famous actually came to Ohio....ON PURPOSE! Met Sterling Marlin (NASCAR) about 11 years ago. I was pregnant with my son and he signed my shirt and put his hand on my belly and smiled. That'll do.
  • WOO HOO!!! Way to go, Joe! Keep it up, buddy!
  • OK, well.......ignore that part where I said "sleep when the baby sleeps" but the crib sheet thing....that is awesome. So glad someone told me about it. It came in very handy. :-)
  • Congratulations. It's going to be hard, but hopefully you have an amazing support system around you. Sleep when the baby sleeps! :-) One of the best pieces of advice I got was this...if the baby is going to sleep in a crib, put a waterproof crib pad on the mattress, then a sheet, then another waterproof crib pad, then…
  • I am 5'9"+ some and I agree with the ladies that are saying their metabolism shut down at 40. UGH. That sucks. In 2 years I gained 20 lbs and that's just so not like me. I like myself around 133-135, so I have about 10 lbs left to go. All my IRL friends are giving me **** bc I am watching calories "Oh, you're so skinny"…
  • Two years ago I got ordained online and performed my best friend's wedding. Since then I have done 13 more. I don't charge anyone for my services, I just think it's kind of cool to be able to do that. I've only performed one in a church and I didn't even burst into flames, but it was touch and go for a few minutes. :-) Oh,…
  • I might have to get myself one of those. I don't have a time goal, I just have a finish without walking goal. :-) The first year I walked it I finished in 3:39, second year 3:19, last year I ran a little bit and got 3:05. So wanted to break 3 hours, but I hadn't trained at all to run it and my hips just couldn't make it.…
  • Good Morning! I am a relatively new runner. Training to run the Air Force Half Marathon in September. I have walked it 3 times, time to run it. :-) I've been logging my food and exercise for 25 days now and have done a decent job. Trying to eat healthy. LOVE your shirt in your profile pic!!!
  • In my 30's I had the super-short soccer mom hair cut. Was in Florida for business and went to a strip club with the guys in the office. I had a stripper lean over to me and tell me she thought my hair cut was really cute and looked great on me. Just made me feel good bc strippers always have such long hair. You really…
  • I'm new here too! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Love me some Game of Thrones. In mourning that the season is over. We even went to a Game of Thrones Convention they had in Ohio a few weeks ago...in costume and everything. Yeah, we are total nerds. :-)
  • Thanks Joe! Nice to meet you. I don't really need to lose that much weight, I just need to tone up, but I feel like MFP has gotten me off to a good start. I never thought I would enjoy running, but I really do. Last night we had a huge rain storm and the temp went from 93° to 72° after it stopped. I grabbed my shoes and…
  • No failing here! You can do it!!! WOO HOO.
    in Hey Comment by Jamesterz June 2014
  • Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. YUM.
  • Nice to "meet" you two! Sinnui......I have a terrible sweet tooth....I could eat sweets all day long, would nibble on taffy or Smarties. I laid off all of that stuff. Haven't had candy in weeks. My son and I have date night every Tuesday which always ends at a local soft-serve ice cream place. I do allow myself to get a…
  • Hi there! This is day 24 for me, but my first time posting. I have lost 6 lbs. I am training to run the Air Force Half-Marathon in September and decided it was time to stop eating so much crap and get my butt back in shape. (Like literally my butt!!) I'm getting there, slowly....trying to run three days a week. Just…