New to MFP

Jamesterz Posts: 20 Member
Good morning MFP Peeps!

This is day 24 for me, 6 lbs lost so far. I am training to run the Air Force Half-Marathon in September, so I found the MFP app and started June 1st.

I have stopped eating all the crap I used to eat and am really sticking to this. I normally try something then bail on it after a few weeks, but with only 3 months to the run, I can't bail on this. I don't have a time goal, just a finish without walking goal.

Happy to be here!!!


  • Sinnui
    Sinnui Posts: 15
    Congratulations on cutting out all of the bad food, that's really amazing that you've been able to do that! I wish you the best of luck on your training for your maration!

    I just recently started up with this, and I don't think I could cut out all of the bad foods that I love like you have. I am impressed by your dedication to health, and I hope I am able to do that one day soon. =)
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    Hey! I'm relatively new as well! I'm getting married in Costa Rica in November and would like to feel and look great. Also gearing up to quit smoking. I really enjoy eating clean and how I feel, but I could never give up all treats. I like logging for accountability and I feel proud the more I log veggies or when I log workouts. I'm finding it difficult to plan meals with my fiance as he's small-framed, lean and has a crazy metabolism. He can eat whatever he wants. He's also a butcher and opts to bring home beef/pork etc., over my preferred turkey, chicken. I'm not complaining though. I just focus on portions and lots of veg. Go, go, go us!

    P.S. Totally procrastinating right now instead of starting my workout ; )
  • Jamesterz
    Jamesterz Posts: 20 Member
    Nice to "meet" you two!

    Sinnui......I have a terrible sweet tooth....I could eat sweets all day long, would nibble on taffy or Smarties. I laid off all of that stuff. Haven't had candy in weeks. My son and I have date night every Tuesday which always ends at a local soft-serve ice cream place. I do allow myself to get a chocolate kiddie cone, but that's about it.

    Only drinking one Diet Pepsi per day has been hard, but I figure that I don't drink coffee and I don't smoke, so Diet Pepsi is my only vice, so I have one can in the morning, then I drink water the rest of the day.

    Nadamandar...Congrats on the upcoming wedding! Good luck with the quitting smoking. I can't imagine how hard that would be, but you can do it, girl. I feel proud when I post something too. I like when I run a few miles and it subtracts the calories. For some reason I am digging that.

    My BF and I try to cook a big meal on Sundays and we make 3 times as much food as we need, then we pack up all the leftovers in little containers and throw them in the fridge, so we just have to grab what we want for lunch each day. Plus, I found I am saving money by not having to buy lunch and not snacking all day long. I take everything I am going to eat for breakfast and lunch with me to work and don't eat anything but what's in my lunch box.
  • joebooth28
    joebooth28 Posts: 55 Member

    Its great to have an ultimate goal in mind. My goal is a 100 lb loss but aiming for an event is just as good. I would love to get to the point where running is enjoyable again. Best of luck on your journey. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • Jamesterz
    Jamesterz Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Joe! Nice to meet you. I don't really need to lose that much weight, I just need to tone up, but I feel like MFP has gotten me off to a good start.

    I never thought I would enjoy running, but I really do. Last night we had a huge rain storm and the temp went from 93° to 72° after it stopped. I grabbed my shoes and headed out. It was so nice bc no one was out mowing their lawn bc it had just rained, and the only sounds I heard were birds and my feet hitting the sidewalk. I actually found it relaxing. Of course then the rain came back and I had to run the last 3/4 mile home in the rain, but it felt so good. I looked like a drowned rat, but I finished my goal of 4.5 miles. :-)