

  • Haha. Might as well have been!
  • Try the Abs Diet for Women. I like it. I think the reason they don't focus on counting calories is because they are geared toward lifestyle dietary changed rather than going on a temporary diet. I haven't strictly followed it, but for a while I was conscious of eating more fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. Even loosely following…
  • I used to hate water, now I feel better about it. I gave up soda and switched to juices for a while to wean off the sugar, added more Gatorade and water with lemon. Now I almost exclusively drink plain water, tea, almond milk, or coffee. My advice is to buy a water bottle. I find that I always tend to hydrate more…
  • This reminds me of a few years back when I worked at the Gap and they had something like skinny fit jeans or something, don't remember what they were called but it was still in the time of flare, but it was for people with narrow hips and let me tell you those were the best jeans I've ever worn. I'm sure it's difficult to…
  • berries and grapes! lots of berries and grapes. in addition to fresh ones i buy frozen berries and make smoothies with them. i also keep a bowl of apples for any late night food cravings and i agree with the eggs suggestion above. although i eat my eggs sunny side up dipped on toast, which makes it not so low in calories.…
  • welcome! no need to be nervous. you can add me if you like :)
  • Since you're looking for legit methods (and downloading cds from the library is not legal) I recommend searching the itunes store for podcasts Different music stations that cover the types of music you like. I love KEXP seattle's podcast, but it's mostly indie rock. Also some music magazines will offer free downloads on…
  • Welcome and good luck!
  • Eat it with stuffed grape leaves! :)
  • Men holding doors for me. It may just be a self confidence vibe thing, but anytime I've been 10-20 pounds overweight it rarely happens then I lose weight and suddenly everyone is a gentleman.
  • I ate so much from stress at the end of last year I put on 15 pounds! I started buying giant packs of gum and the first two months of my new workout plan I was constantly furiously chomping on multiple pieces to avoid the mindless eating. After some time the working out seemed to replace the stress eating, wine, and even…
  • I agree with the above post, anything by Girl Talk! Surprisingly, I also liked the Black Eyed Pea's THE END cd for the gym a lot too. I almost always start my warm up with "John's Walk" from the Ink soundtrack to get me ready to face some inner demons on my run. :)
  • Do you think you are maybe having inner conflict about taking charge of your fitness? Your profile says that you have struggled with eating disorders, so although I am not a psychologist, empathically I feel that if I were in your position I might have some emotional struggle with wanting to lose weight. So if that guess…
  • I didn't realize my messages would all go to the end or I would have responded to both of you in one. Skinnyhealthyme I completely agree with you about being grateful to find this site. It's nice to find a community of people dedicated to improvement and a place to keep myself accountable. I am sure if you keep up the hard…
    in Hello! Comment by bexfield April 2011
  • Thanks Krahn. :) The tae bo dvd's are really great. I lost weight with them and a little jogging in college. I just recently found my dvd that had wandered off somewhere for several years. Keep up the good work!
    in Hello! Comment by bexfield April 2011
  • I can so relate to this. I went through a period late last year of eating pad see eiu almost once a week. Anything made of noodles is hard to turn down. Best of luck!
  • Hey, I found this and hope it will help. "Foods with a low glycemic index, like whole oats, are digested more slowly, causing a lower and gentler change in blood sugar. Foods with a score of 70 or higher are defined as having a high glycemic index; those with a score of 55 or below have a low glycemic index." "Diets rich…
  • Hi there, I think like others have said moderation and averages are the answer to this. I'm new to this site, but I've lost 8 pounds this year so far and I've still had beer, wine, and liquor in that time. However, I've worked out on average 4 days a week and only had about a couple of drinks per week (less some weeks,…
    in Wine Comment by bexfield April 2011