I need help, I am a stress eater, and love to eat out, that'

AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
5 years ago I lost 27.5 lbs in 14 weeks doing a competion against friends and felt amazing, the best ever! I worked my a&& off,
hired a trainer, was at the gym 3-5 times per week, and ate 1200 calories per day. No cheating, no eating out at all during that
14 week period.

I was a "cheerleader/supporter" on ballys website, helped others, blah blah...and now I have gained it all back.

I am a stress eater. A lot has happened in the past 7-8 months and I prob have gained the 15 of it back just in that
time period.

My hubby is very loving, and we love to eat out, and he doesn't have a prob going to get something so I don't have to cook since
I run a daycare at home, and already have to prepare that many meals in a day.

I suck at portion control. If something is good, well let's eat.

I KNOW what I need to do, but why am I not doing it? We go to Myrtle Beach in 8 weeks and I can't stand the thought
of how I will look on the beach.

I love clothes, to look good, but I look like crap now and It's my own fault.

So we spent $310 at the grocery on Lean Cuisines blah blah to have portion control items, and we ate that, but then
after my daughters practice, we went to Mcdonalds cuz we were hungry at 8:00 at night.


I am 169 now and I got down to 142. I would like to lose just 10 lbs before we go on vacation which is so doable...I just need support from all you amazing people. Need tough love, to be accountable.

Thank you for listening/reading...I'm honest and straight to the point, and know I'm weak right now, and need help to get my butt going again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


  • The most important thing you can do is write down your reasons for losing weight again. Maybe even carry it with you as a constant reminder so you won't be tempted for a late night food binge or that stop at fast food. Make some basic reasons like being healthy along with some more specific ones like looking good at your daughter's wedding or at the beach trip. Don't expect miracles to develop over night though, remember it takes time for you to gain and lose the weight. Best of luck and stay positive.
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks Ashley, good luck to you too, we can cheer one another on girl....WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mak112388
    mak112388 Posts: 50
    im a stress eater too! it sucks!
    this site is helping me get better at it for sure!

    if you need any extra support you can add me :smile:
  • teggs87
    teggs87 Posts: 2
    Wow you sound like you're in exactly the same situation as me! Especially with the knowing what you need to do but not being able to get going with it, hoping this site will help with getting my backside into gear! Fingers crossed
  • Robster3
    Robster3 Posts: 11 Member

    Stress eating...all too familiar with me. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    I eat from stress too! I totally understand!
    Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other!
    My husband and I iike to eat out too so we work on finding the best choices!
  • bexfield
    bexfield Posts: 21
    I ate so much from stress at the end of last year I put on 15 pounds! I started buying giant packs of gum and the first two months of my new workout plan I was constantly furiously chomping on multiple pieces to avoid the mindless eating. After some time the working out seemed to replace the stress eating, wine, and even the gum for the most part.

    I'm not sure my dentist would be happy with the advice, but I say gum helps!! :)
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    that's right, thank you so much for that reminder!!!!!!!!!! gum does help, and it burns calories, ok maybe only like 5 but still!!!!!! lol!!!!!!! thank you again and good luck to you, we can be friends if ya like, so we can help when we stress!!!! :)
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