invisiblelo Member


  • Thank you i'll be straight back on it, I feel awful, so awful, I feel so bloated, horrible crappy food and drink, very annoyed i've done it to myself. I actually want to go to the gym and work it all off right about now and its 22.30. I feel like such a failure.
  • I think that's what I am going to do, have something nice and a couple of pints, salad or soup for dinner this evening and get back on it tomorrow!
  • A small pub which isn't a chain. They do their own food, no calorie counts on anything or online. I suppose we can all have a day off once in a while? I haven't had a day off for 3 months! That's what is making me nervous!
  • I'm 5ft 1inch and my starting weight was 192, I am currently 167 and my goal weight is 120 - 130. I have been sticking to a calorie limit of 1320. Some days I go over, some days I go under but in general it is around there. When I am in work I walk 10,000 steps a day and only eat back a small amount of my exercise calories…
  • By the sounds of it you need a tighter circumference and a bigger cup. You probably have lost weight on your back. A well fitting bra should never let your boobs slip out underneath!!
  • I think those days where there are only 200-300 were right at the beginning when I started logging and didn't add things properly. The last 2 months have been logged properly and accurately. Nope, no medical issues, borderline on thyroid, but not enough to treat. I know MFP over estimates calories burned, I have a very…
  • Yup logging absolutely everything accurately. Not sure what I am doing wrong, so frustrating, but I guess it's still going in the right direction.
  • I use "light" mayo or quark, quark is like thick yoghurt/cream which is completely fat free and low calorie, I sometimes put some onion in it and some salt and pepper :)
  • I lose on average 2lb a month but the scale is going in the right direction and I am not always hungry etc etc. I am also on 1400 a day and it seems to be working at the moment. I do get frustrated sometimes when the scale doesnt budge in 3 weeks but hey-ho!
  • Thank you, It will be logged accurately and It will be within my calorie limit. I have done some research and prawns and veg seem like a winner.
  • Yes, I think you are right! Good spot, think I will up my protein tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.
  • Haha would love to but it's 23.15 here in the UK!
  • Thanks for the reply! Glad I am not alone in feeling this tonight! I have upped my calories from 1200 to 1320 but I can't seem to satisfy my hunger tonight. It's not a craving for something sweet/salty/fatty, it's for ANYTHING that is capable of filling me up. I think a piece of toast would fill me up but it's a whole 100…
  • This is exactly my patterns too, I tend to put 2lb on and then 3 or 4lb off the week after. I just stick with it as eventually it will go down.
  • Hi marissapalm I just added you! how did you lose the weight? I would LOVE to get down to 135 (I am so determined!)
  • wow that is amazing, such inspiration for me! Brittany - did you exercise at all or just stick to 1200 cals?
  • wow fantastic achievements! I know we are all different but how many calories did you stick to and how long did it take you??
  • Thanks everyone, I think I need to eat more but I am not sure how much more. I was averaging 1200 but I think I should increase this to 1,400. i am 5 ft 2 inches and currently weigh 173lbs, start weight 192lbs. It has taken me 2 months so far. My BMR is around 2000. I just can't seem to get my head around the more I eat…
  • Not TOM, just opened my diary for some feedback. Just upped my calories to 1,300. I feel pretty lost at the moment with no working plan.
  • Yes i've heard of the famous woosh! Just wish it happened more often lol. I've just looked at HRM and the cheaper ones don't show the pulse unless you put your finger against it. They then go up to £60 and I can't afford that. Anyone have any good HRM that they want to suggest using?
  • Definitely going to get a HRM, good idea! I learn so much from this site and other people's experiences it really is a great support network. I'm keeping at it, my weight loss seems to happen in weird patterns like lose 5lb in 2 weeks, then nothing, then put on 2lb until I lose again long as it comes off in the…
  • Yeah much better, I don't feel like I am cheating myself. My weight has stalled over the last 6 days, beginning to get frustrated now.
  • Haha yup, definitely logging correctly, I measured it spot on. Hopefully drop a couple of pounds at the end of the week then :)
  • Haha thanks girls, I have gone with the new weight from this moment on. These scales measure body fat too and are bright pink ;) fab! I measure in stones and pounds (and it can tell u within 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a pound) Great for motivation! I made a note on my calender when I changed to the new scales and I record my weight…
  • I drink lots and lots of water, I am not taking measurements no, but surely putting weight on after only eating 1200 - 1300 a day doesn't make sense?! I don't know what to do.
  • what great informative replies! I think I am going to reduce my calories 2 days before and save up some in the bank. Beer would normally be my drink of choice at a BBQ but I will stick to the vodka and watch what I eat! I'm thinking fish and salad. I can do this!
  • Thank you everyone for replying, you all have really given me the boost I need! I am definitely sticking to this and I know what you mean about increasing my exercise (I need to find the time and energy to do this :s) but I am hoping I will still loose without any extra exercise at the moment. I record my weight daily so I…
  • Thank you so much for your lovely reply. I am so determined this time to change my life forever. I am most definitely going to continue to diet. It just really frustrated me seeing the scales on the same number days after days after such a good loss in the beginning. I have read elsewhere that I might not be eating enough…