Weight on, Weight off.

Hey Everyone,

I was just wondering if anybody else finds they put 1 - 2 lbs on and then the following week drop 3 - 4 lbs every now and then?

I am a bit frustrated as I stuck to MFP religiously and over the past week I put 2lbs on!?! Could this be water weight? (I know it's not a huge amount, but the small increases add up!)

I weighed myself at the same time of day as I always do...I have had the above happen previously and wondered whether it could be this happening again and for what reason my body does it? My diary is open and "reasonably" up to date for most days.

Regards, thank you for any advice!


  • invisiblelo
    invisiblelo Posts: 98 Member
    This is exactly my patterns too, I tend to put 2lb on and then 3 or 4lb off the week after. I just stick with it as eventually it will go down.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    my weight goes up and down from week to week. I have put on as much as 7lbs!! and then dropped it plus more. Our bodies are strange like that. But nothing like GOING UP on the scale to make you go crazy! Keep it up!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    body weight naturally fluctuates due to water retention/release, more or less waste in the system, etc (just to name a couple). body weight isn't static. most people have natural fluctuations of 3-5 Lbs day to day.

    to boot, if you're not weighing yourself on the same scale and roughly the same time and under roughly the same conditions, that's going to throw things off as well.

    where weight control is concerned, observation of the overall trend is paramount.
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    Ah that's very reassuring! thank you for all of your replies!

    I am away on holiday for the next 5 days and but I am going to try and be good! will stick at it when im back and keep going.

    Thanks again.