

  • 132 lbs?
  • Have you tried adding lemon to your water? I have a big water jug I use at work and I quarter a lemon, squeeze the juice out of two of the quarters and put the lemon quarters in the cup too. This has helped me tremendously with drinking more water.
  • Definitely eat only until you are not hungry anymore. This can be tricky because it takes sometimes 10 minutes for a hormone to be released by your hypothalamus gland to signal that you are done. That is why it is important to eat slowly, which is difficult for me sometimes because of working as a paramedic, my eating gets…
  • Yes, eat if you are hungry, but make sure it isn't sugar or something really salty. Some protein or fruit would be good, or some low sodium nuts.
  • It absolutely IS a program you can get off the couch and do. You may not be able to get very far in the workout, but you just keep working until you finally finish. Tony Horton even preaches taking breaks if you need them. Remember, doing something is better than nothing.
    in P90X? Comment by mict197 June 2011
  • Yeah, search for butt-lifting exercises online, and squats will help too. With or without weight.
  • Your calorie total is correct. MFP calculates it from your basal metabolic rate and subtracts the number of calories needed for your daily total, in order to lose one pound a week. My calorie total is 2830, but I am heavier than you. The heavier a person, the more calories the body needs to perform its essential functions.…
  • Yes, time for a HRM. There is more "science" that goes into calorie burning than what a treadmill or machine or MFP calculates. I have a Polar FT40. Works great.
    in Turbo Fire Comment by mict197 May 2011
  • Squash goes great in stir-fry's. Also, I take chopped onion, squash, fresh mushrooms, potatoes and a Tbsp of I can't believe it's not butter. I put it in a foil pouch and put it on the grill while I grill my steak, chicken, etc. When the meat is done so is the pouch, and it tastes fabulous on top of your grilled meat,…
    in squash Comment by mict197 May 2011
  • I'm sorry, Midol isn't the one that has a diuretic in it, Pamprin is. I don't know if Pamprin is available in Canada.
  • If you have not shifted your calorie count down yet, you need to do so. As you lose weight you daily caloric needs decrease, so you will "hit a wall" as some point during your weight loss if you don't decrease your calorie intake.
    in Hit a wall! Comment by mict197 May 2011
  • Don't fret. I'm sure it will come off soon after PMS. You gain water and gas during the process. That's why Midol and the other OTC meds have a diuretic in them.
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