Hit a wall!

oneflexis Posts: 4 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Just had my 26th birthday. I have hit a wall with regards to my weight loss. I have lost 60 pds since Dec 2009 and it has stopped there, I only have a few more pounds to go! Hoping that I can find some help with new recipes or some tips, My husband tells me to shift my calorie count. Has anyone tried this?


  • mict197
    mict197 Posts: 12
    If you have not shifted your calorie count down yet, you need to do so. As you lose weight you daily caloric needs decrease, so you will "hit a wall" as some point during your weight loss if you don't decrease your calorie intake.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I say drop some carbs and increase exercise to give yourself a little boost..
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