Erythritol - sugar substitute

Hello All,

Do any of you have any knowledge of erythritol? I just bought Sobe Pure water beverage and saw this as an ingredient. I have a concern about it and its digestive symptoms. I have IBS and am afraid of the side effects I have read, any input will be greatly appreciated.

I absolutely cannot drink plain water it is just too blah and most flavored waters have NutraSweet or splenda. Neither of which I can use because they cause my great stomach pain and major headaches.

I am on my third week of quitting my soda addiction and I am trying so hard, I have replaced it with iced tea and koolaid. I know, I know same calorie counts and sugar content but I have eliminated the carbonation which was not very good to my stomach or my bones.

Thanks so much and have a great day!


  • beckybrouse
    beckybrouse Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Jennerationx! If you are still struggling in October look out for a brand new company launching called Beyond Organic. (Jordan Rubin is the founder) Of the nine products Beyond Organic will launch - two will be a probiotic water and another will be a probiotic, organic infused selection of drinks. All of which will be nutritious while vitalizing the body without suffering taste. Hope this helps and until then freeze organic applesauce or watermelon in an ice-cube tray with sticks in between your liquid intake to hydrate your body! Good luck! ~ Becky Brouse
  • mict197
    mict197 Posts: 12
    Have you tried adding lemon to your water? I have a big water jug I use at work and I quarter a lemon, squeeze the juice out of two of the quarters and put the lemon quarters in the cup too. This has helped me tremendously with drinking more water.
  • Thank you!!! I will look out for it.
  • I have tried lemon and I stay with it for a little while and then get frustrated with the taste....weaning off of sugar is so so hard.