

  • Great Job! Way to be.
  • I have a road map of Texas on my belly in stretch marks. After I had my first baby at the age of 23, my belly was stretched and out of shape. I gained 30 pounds and thought my body was forever gone (I was young, ha, ha.) after losing that weight and getting back into shape, that loose skin does tighten back up when your…
    in Afraid Comment by gretahausen May 2011
  • thank you all, this will help. Luckily, Texas Land and Cattle used a very lean (and very pretty) cut of a steak medallion on this one, with no seasonings (salt, pepper, msgs, etc) or sauces. So that should help a lot as well. The only bone head move that I made was that I failed to order the dressing for the wedge on the…
  • ok, I know this is not as tasty, but I have learned to love them. you take fruit (non-tropical fruit tends to work better here, like berries) then you freeze them in cups with water or if you can't do water, crystal light or similar drink. Throw them in your lunch bag, and eat them last. They will thaw in your lunch bag to…
  • welcome! let me know if you need a cheerleader. Glad you are here.
  • I have a horrible sweet tooth. sooooooo, on the days that I don't work out (which are few) I will go to the gym to work out more than enough calories on the ol' treadmill or elliptical to enjoy 1 or 2 dove chocolates (I am a sinner and I am going to hell) I know it is bad, but at least I have that 1, it…
  • Welcome! You are in a better place now. You are going to love this site!
    in Hello! Comment by gretahausen April 2011
  • you came to the right place. I will be a cheerleader for you! I am also a sahm with two kids (4 and 1) I am trying to lose about 50 lbs. I know we can do this! ''friend'' me if you like.
  • I do for sure. I get panic attacks when I walk into the front door to the gym. Being there is not so hard, it's the people and not knowing what the hell you are doing yet. (I was never this way in high school or college) My heart rate shot up to 145 just walking into the gym yesterday. It happens to many of us, but I think…
  • I have a polar as well. I love mine. I saved a little money by not getting the waterproof model. (eh, I can't swim anyway...)
  • I'm here trying to lose my ''baby fat'' as well. I never lost a single pound of fat from breast feeding any of my children (I have 3), but luckily, I didn't gain any other than what I gained during pregnancy. I am hoping to dump 40 lbs this year. (that is the same weight as my son....jeez....)
  • Just a walk in the park. You can do it. Just keep remembering how yucky that yummy food really tastes. I had a chocolate filled doughnut about a week ago that I thought was going to be a delightful taste sensation...gross. :sick: I could taste the grease that it was cooked in, and the sugar was over the top. (and I have a…
  • me too, me too! I am in Austin, TX. Looking for good buddies to cheer lead to and from. You can friend me, as I just started today on this site.
  • I like mine plain, or with fat-free honey mustard (I know, this has a sweet taste as well)