Looking for a subsitute

Msaip Posts: 482 Member
Does anyone know of any good fruit cups/ something that isnt hugely high in sugar/calories? Fresh fruit is getting too expensive and it does not stay fresh long enough.! I don't eat a whole lot of it but i do need something!


  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    Dole now makes all of their fruit cups with juice instead of syrup. You can also look at Motts Healthy Harvet No Sugar Added Applesauces that come in lots of flavors. Some even have added fiber
  • gretahausen
    ok, I know this is not as tasty, but I have learned to love them. you take fruit (non-tropical fruit tends to work better here, like berries) then you freeze them in cups with water or if you can't do water, crystal light or similar drink. Throw them in your lunch bag, and eat them last. They will thaw in your lunch bag to an edible consistency by lunch time , but also act as a lunch bag cooler.
  • cmisty2001
    I like to buy bags of frozen no sugar added fruit and pull out as desired. During the summer I like to eat it semi-thawed for a cold treat
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    What about stewing your own fruit. I know lots of fruit goes up in price, but that's often because it's out of season and being flown in from far away countries... If you can get some cheap seasonal fruit, stew it up and freeze it an then you'll have your own fruit cup, and at probably a 1/4 of the price.
    I'm in Australia and at the moment I can get pears and apples for $2 a kilo and sometimes less, and with a kilo of pears you could make prob 4 or 5 little portions, all you have to do is slice it up (take out the core first, but leave the skin on) put a dash of water or juice and cook on the stove for 10 mins of so. You could even add some spices or sultanas of nuts or something. Yum!